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Everything posted by Candybee

  1. Here is the sandalwood patchouli in the mold and cut pics. I have been practicing the mantra swirl. The top came out nice but the patterns inside the soaps I was hoping for a little more mantra. LOL I used cocoa powder for the brown. I really like the soft brown color.
  2. For me its sandalwood pathouli (in soap). As soon as I make it it's sold. Been that way the entire year. Every single batch I make is sold as soon as I make it. So I am always out of stock. Kinda weird.
  3. Sandalwood Pathouli waiting to be cut. I'll post cut pics as soon as my camera recharges.
  4. Orange Ginger. My own blend. I used fresh ginger root.
  5. Honey patchouli with goat milk and oatmilk.
  6. Some soaps I have been working on. These are my coconut milk and lavender water soaps in the mold and cut.
  7. I sell last season candles at yard sales and my customers love getting them for half price. I always sell out. Haven't had any that didn't have any scent though. Once I did remelt some old paraffin candles and added a small amount of FO. It worked and they smelled great so I was able to sell them at half price at a yard sale. If you do decide to remelt just remember what Talltayl said. Wax will hold only so much % of FO. In my case I didn't use the full % for the originals so I knew I had some room for a bit more FO to be able to do a remelt. If yours already have the max % load of FO you won't be able to add anymore.
  8. Welcome! Those are just adorable! Kind of like them without the lids.
  9. Sabrina-- those are gorgeous! I love your enterpretation of the elements.
  10. I don't do mottles but I had to comment on the beautiful shade of deep blue you got on your candles. Lovely!
  11. Haven't soaped that one before but have had some FOs that accelerated and one that riced. I tend to soap at room temp and add cold milk to my soap batter after I have already added my lye. It helps reduce any heat while I am blending. I would think CP at room temp should be okay. If it turns to soap on a stick do you have a crockpot handy to save it? Or you could HP it then add the FO after saponification with no problems.
  12. I make a lot of milk soaps and tend to superfat at 5%. I have superfatted at 7-8% though and didn't have any problems.
  13. There is a huge difference between disclosure of ingredients and who your suppliers are. If I have a soy wax candle I am selling I simply tell my customer that its a soy wax candle. I list my ingredients on the label but not where I get them from. If you want to tell them who your supplier(s) is thats up to you.
  14. Looks right side up to me! I just love those colors. Alas, my fav GIT was from Flickers. I then started using Black Irish from BW and love it. Will have to check out SGS' east coast supplier and see if they carry GIT.
  15. I bypass this by telling them its my custom blend or a proprietary blend. If they press further, which at this point no one has, I would answer simply that I don't give out my recipes but you can find some great fragrance oils for candles on the internet.
  16. Forgot to add that if you contact Fillmores they will give you a free sample of C3 to test. I called them and got a 5lb free sample but that was about 3-4 yrs ago. If you call ask for Keith he is the GM. They also have great glassware and some good deals on bulk shipping that aren't listed on their website.
  17. I think they are adorable. Very convenient if you use those jars. Makes me wonder what other jars may fit those boxes.
  18. That sounds great. Looks like you may already have some new customers.
  19. Yes it was very sad to see Tradewinds quit selling FOs again. But before they relaunched they had already been out of oils for a number of years and many just moved on to other suppliers. As you may or may not know the owner was battling cancer for many years and just could not get back into the work of selling FOs. It was much too much of an effort. Tradewinds is still open and sells their fabulous Select Shades colors for soaping. We all were hoping that AH would start carrying all the FOs that Tradewinds did but the only one they have is the Hawaiian Sandalwood. Still an excellent soft, tropical wood scent. Right after they got HS they got the Oud FO. I think they have 2 of them. I have used C3 to test but ultimately chose another wax. Can't remember why it was so long ago. If you are considering C3 wax Fillmore Containers carries this wax exclusively and tests all of their FOs in it. So every FO they sell has been tested in C3. Good to know if you use C3 or another soy wax. They have some really good oils you may want to try.
  20. I always sell out of my Peaks Asian Sandalwood candles. I also use CS Dragons Blood, Frank & Myrrh, Moon Lake Musk, Oakmoss & Amber, Egyptian Amber, Driftwood, and Angel. Also, SGS has an awesome Dragons Blood. Patchouli would be MW and Peaks for me. Haven't used Oud but I believe AH has a good one from the reviews. Our forum patch lover is Scented. You may want to ask her which ones she prefers. Forgot Witches Brew. Good WB are from MW and C&S.
  21. You'd think that with gloves and gear to cover myself I wouldn't get any lye on me. But I managed to anyway. Didn't really hurt myself but gave me a chance to see how well cold water and vinegar work when you do.
  22. I have been looking at those acrylic molds but thought the soap stuck to the mold. Right now my favorite molds are the 20" in. wooden molds from SMR. I do have to line them. I love them because for a long time I have been using slab molds only. Now I can play with different swirling techniques I couldn't use with the slab. I just made myself a new swirling tool so I can't wait to use it.
  23. I don't get it. If its so darn easy for her and she has all these helpful candle making friends why was she asking you how to make them? You were right not to give away your trade secrets. I usually do the same thing. Tell people I started out researching and found out a lot of info through the internet and suggest they do the same.
  24. I should have elaborated about the vinegar. But ProudMarineMom gave a great explanation. If you get lye on your skin its best to flush the area well with cold water for several minutes. But I do keep vinegar on hand when I make soap for more than one reason. If I spill my lye beads I can use the vinegar to neutralize the lye. It doesn't necessarily have to be you or your skin. I have pets and don't want them to walk on it or injest it. So helpful places to use the vinegar to neutralize the lye can be your countertop, floor, clothes, etc. Also, you can still use vinegar directly on your skin but in certain circumstances. Its kind of hard to explain here the times that you can safely use it directly on your skin. I have used it after I washed the area; my skin was still burning slightly, I poured some vinegar on it and the stinging and burning stopped instantly. I once dropped a lye bead or two on the back of my hand and poured vinegar on it and the sting stopped immediately. For the most part, the first thing I do is clean up with cold water if I feel that telltale sting of lye or know that I have touched it.
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