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Everything posted by Candybee

  1. I use a combo of both lavender FO and lavender 40/42 EO. The lavender FO I got from Elements. I am testing it out. I was buying my lavender FO from Pure Fragrance Oils but just don't want to spend $30 for a lb of it anymore. So trying this one to see if it works out in CP. Its $19.99 lb so thats much better. So far the soap smells fantastic!
  2. Anyone use this in your CP soapmaking? Will it really make your bar last longer? Does it have any effect on lather? I have some soft soap recipes I am thinking of using it. Just wanted some feedback from those who use it.
  3. Thanks! I took it out of the mold. Here is a loaf pic. Its way too soft to cut yet. Maybe tomorrow or the next day..
  4. My first soap this year. Its been a few months since I made soap so I was afraid I might be a bit rusty. But the tops turned out okay so far. I am loving my new colors. This is my lavender in the mold. I used my new grape nehi from Mad Oils. The blue is blue rainbow from Nurture Soap Supply. Its been renamed blue vibrance I think.
  5. Welcome to Craft Server! Glad to see someone here is taking up cut 'n curl candlemaking. We used to have a resident cut 'n curl chandler but unfortunately they have moved on. I know that Candles and Supplies carries cut 'n curl candlemaking supplies. They also have classes for that: http://www.candlesandsupplies.net/CLASS-CURL They are in Quakertown, PA so that may not be doable for you. But you can call them and peruse their website for ideas and supplies. BTW-- I have personally taken candle making classes from them in the past when I first started out making candles. It was incredible to have such a great instructor and hands on training. Its a real boost in learning as it can be difficult to understand written instructions but it all makes sense when you can watch it. Good luck and when you do start making some candles post some pics so we can see your progress!
  6. I love the idea of solid conditioner bars. How very cool! I wish I could see the nail polish colors changing color.
  7. Those came out lovely! You do beautiful work!
  8. Those are beautiful! i love your work. I am seeing glycerin rivers on the soap and they look great! Some don't like them but I think they add character to your soap!! Love the effect they add.
  9. I just don't go on Pinterest. The first time I saw it I thought OMG-- its a human fly trap! So I got out fast and don't look back. LOL
  10. I think they look beautiful! You are being too hard on yourself You have Olive blossom from Elements? I thought they discontinued that or is this one you had stashed away?
  11. My pumice just arrived today! It feels and looks great. Can't wait to try it in some soap. I got the smallest size (1 lb) that Camden Grey had. Well, it was the only size they sell. This will last me forever! LOL Well, a really long time anyway!! When I can get around to using it I'll let you all know how I like it.
  12. The 6mm wick tab is the standard size recommended by the ASTM industry standards and the NCA (National Candle Association). There is a reason for this. You want the candle to self extinquish before it reaches the bottom. Ideally you will want to have approximately 1/4 to 1/2" of wax leftover in the bottom. This is a safety feature of the wick tab and should be used for most container candles. A 3mm would be good for a small candle like a tea light or votive. I would not use a 3mm for a tin or jar candle. It would not be safe. To learn more about the ASTM industry standards check out the NCA's website. I believe the "Fire Satety Design Standard (ASTM F-2417) applies: http://candles.org/industry-standards/
  13. Its been pretty bad. The cold and snow has been horrific this winter. Hope we get a break in the weather soon. Sorry you couldn't make it.
  14. Haha! I already melted it and transferred it into one of those large white plastic containers. I melted all my other oils so I just went ahead and did the tallow too. I just checked it this morning and it looks fine so I think it will be okay. I am keeping it stored in my fridge and will see how it works out.
  15. I ordered tallow from soapers choice in the 7 lb jug so I know I have to melt it to get it out. I normally get my tallow in a large mouth container and just scoop it out. I never had to melt it from a jug to get out. So I am just not sure if it can be melted, transferred to another container, then saved for a later date when it will be remelted again for use in my recipes.
  16. That sucks OG! Wish I could help you with that. You could just heat gun the tops to smooth out the cracks but that won't guarantee they won't crack again. Would covering them or packing in a box help? Bubble wrap is also a great insulator.
  17. Thanks Debratant! I make 5 lb batches and think 1 tbs for the whole batch will be what I start with and adjust the next batch as needed. The super fine ground pumice is really cheap at Camden. I got a lb for $2.50. My order should arrive tomorrow. Can't wait to check it out. I also ordered some dead sea salt and almond meal.
  18. Well said! I hear you about the expense. Its not exactly a cheap hobby but it sure is challenging and fun!
  19. I like Farmer's Market. I should name one of my candles or soaps that as I do a lot of markets. I like apple barrel but it got me to thinking of 'cider barrel' for the apple cider. I do use Country Store for one of my spice & fruit candles. The scent is actually a Christmas type but I rename it that for off season. People are always curious about it and always want to take a sniff.
  20. I love Peaks Pure Peppermint. Its really strong. In candles I would use it at 3%, maybe a tad higher for soy. It rocks in soap but again I use just a small % as it can be an irritant if too much is used.
  21. Haha! We think alike. I was planning on using it as a mixer too but want to add some patch and maybe a bit of cedar or sandalwood. I have Peaks Asian Sandalwood and some patch EO and thinking this will make it more earthy. (This would also help tame the acceleration me thinks!) Anyway, can't wait to try it. I keep going over to the bottle and sniffing its goodness! LOL
  22. TT did you try the bamboo silk yet? Also, how much do you use PPO in CP?
  23. Thank you so much for that. I was thinking of starting with 1 tsp up to 1 tbs PPO. Just not sure how much. I want a super mild scrub and one that's got a stronger scrub. One question, do you use the fine ground or the extra fine? I bought the extra fine ground.
  24. Candybee


    No. That shouldn't happen. Are you sure you are using a pillar blend that works for making tarts? I don't use a pillar blend for making tarts.
  25. I don't know if this will help you or make you depressed but when I am working with a new wax it takes me about a year to get a decent candle burn and about 2 yrs of working with the wax to make a really great candle worthy of my company selling it. Candlemaking can take a buttload of patience and experience that takes its own time.
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