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Everything posted by Candybee

  1. :laugh2: Now I don't feel so bad whacking my slabs with a hammer and butcher knife!
  2. I just discovered Mountain Lake from Peaks. I am loving this and plan to soap it. It has a similar scent to a FO that was discontinued that used to be my best seller in soap. It has a fresh and clean scent while smelling outdoorsy. I think it will be a great unisex scent.
  3. You make a good point TT. I tend to buy FOs that have IFRA certificates and MSDS sheets available. Additionally, I also look at reviews both from the company that sells them and the customers that try them out. Even then you can't always count on it behaving the way you want but it sure helps with feedback and usage info.
  4. I think that people like the versatility you have with creating a lot of different effects with M&P. Some say they can do more with M&P than CP. I started out making M&P and have to say it sold really well. But then I always felt my soap was better than some of the local soapers soap. Even my customers and wholesale accounts told me that and still do. But now I am into working with CP and still have so much to learn.
  5. That is so very cool! I wonder if adding a little TD next time will even out the white. I know all white M&P bases have TD in them. Or maybe you like the clear part?
  6. You should get more answers to your questions re FOs in the fragrance section.
  7. You've got the idea when it comes to selecting a wick size to test. Those are the sizes I would have picked for your container. The test burn will be to determine which wick burns best in the whole jar. You will often find that a wick behaves different in the second half of the jar than it does in the first. So you always want to test burn down to the end of the jar. Remember that at the jar bottom there is less oxygen so the flame will behave different than it does at the top or even the middle of the jar. Also, not all jars are straight sided. Some like the jelly jar are wider at the top and smaller at the bottom. So I often find I have to wick for the bottom burn of the jar. So a smaller size may be better than using one that is suggested for the top part. Jars can also be round, tall, skinny, wide, etc. So jar size and shape are things to consider when selecting a wick.
  8. I want to rename this. If it helps I am making a kaolin rose clay and ground pumice soap. I love the scent just not the name. I was thinking of something that would sound reminiscent of volcanic, Italian, European, upscale, or spa sounding?
  9. Oh! I am loving those colors! Is this one of your blended scents?
  10. Oh that sounds wonderful! Can't wait for you to try it out. Do you have to cure it? Or can you use it right away? Looks like white M&P.
  11. Good for you! Once all my supplies get in I have to catch up with my soapmaking so I will have spring soaps.
  12. I guess I will be using it blindly. I have a line of exfoliation soaps so always looking for good exfoliants. So far I've used seeds, ground oatmeal, coffee grounds, cornmeal, dried herbs. Most are just way too scratchy so always looking for milder alternatives. Colloidal oatmeal is okay but you get no scrubby and ground oatmeal is just way too scratchy for me. So lately I have been thinking of using almond meal and fine ground pumice. I would like to have a gentle, mild scrub and one thats more scrubby without being so scratchy and abrasive it feels like sandpaper. KWIM?
  13. Haha! Now I see why you said its an atrocious webssite. I didn't see the main listing for FOs. You have to keep scrolling way down to see them. Weird. If it were my website I would have them front and center! Anyway, these are now on my wish list: Orange Ultra Floating Island Agave Lime American Cream Clean 'n Fresh Daisy Forever Red Gold Rush Ice Blue Snow Fairy Suit & Tie Olive Branch Some of these descriptions sound amazing. I love that they have CP results info. Will definitely be trying some of these out!
  14. I may be wrong but I think they may be too new for any feedback yet. They do have a few FOs I may be interested in. Its just that they have a very short list right now and out of that some are according to size so that makes the list of actual scents even smaller.
  15. I just ordered some extra fine ground pumice from Camden Grey. Anybody used it before? Is it really scrubby or mildly scrubby? I think pumice is the same exfoliant used in Lava hand soap?
  16. Hope it turns out the way you want.
  17. I saw a raspberry one and loved it! Ooooh! I want the true red one too. You have to soap that and show pics of the color. I am hoping it really gets that pretty red and not the earthy mud colored red like red oxide. Don't get me wrong, I love red oxide but to me its not a true red. I reminds me of those clay pots you buy for houseplants.
  18. Its not so much is one better than the other, it has a lot to do with the quality and features of each. Water jacketed melters need more maintenance but that may not bother you. Its best to read about both and make an informed decision. If you are worried about safety once you get into buying a professional wax melter you will find they are designed for safety and efficiency in heating wax so its important to decide which features you want. Here are a few places that sell them: waxmelters.com They carry both direct heat and water jacketed. riteheat.com They sell both direct heat and water jacketed. I bought my melter from these people 10 yrs ago and it still operates like it is brand new. candlesandsupplies.net They carry water jacketed melters only. If you are thinking of getting one from them give them a call first as sometimes they carry refurbished melters which can save you a buttload of dollars. Cougarproducts.com They specialize in direct heat melters on the larger scale of 100 lbs+. Even if you don't buy from them read through their product information to get some good perspectives on their melters.
  19. Oh they are the ones that carry the bamboo silk! So I will definitely be ordering from them in the near future! Will let you know what I get but it will probably be soaping micas, silk, and maybe some FO samples.
  20. I am so happy they are in VA! Now I have a supplier in my state! Woohoo! Well, I think Soapalooza is in VA too? They didn't seem to have that many FOs. Most of them were for men? But I am hoping they will get more in. Are they new? I am interested in the men's Suit and Tie and Comforter FOs. They sound like they might be good. I love the hot pink, magenta, and pink flamingo micas. Can you tell I love pink? LOL Which red micas did you get?
  21. Direct heat melters do not burn wax. They are designed to heat wax fast, evenly, and very efficiently. I have had my direct heat melter since 2006 and never had to replace the heating unit for the 10 years I have been using it. That's not likely to happen with a water jacketed melter. Plus I never worry about water level as it doesn't take water. I leave my melter on all day when I am making candles and it keeps my wax temp consistent throughout the entire containment area with the temperature I have set it on. This means I don't have to stir it as the wax will be an even heat throughout. The only time I stir is to mix any additives into my wax. I love how my wax stays at the proper temp for the entire time I am making candles. With a water jacketed melter you have to always make sure you have enough water in it or you can burn out the heating element. Plus the heating elements wear out faster and subsequently have to be replaced more frequently plus the units can get quite expensive. This is why I am asking why you want a water jacketed melter as opposed to a direct heat melter. There are some big differences you should consider before making that purchase. A professional melter is going to set you back some serious bucks so you should learn all you can before you buy. Also asking someone who actually has a melter will give you more informed feedback.
  22. Is there a reason why you want a water jacketed one and not a direct heat melter?
  23. How long does their shipping and processing take to get to you in NY? I assume it would be about the same time for me in VA.
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