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Everything posted by Georgia

  1. I have a few sites bookmarked...haven't gotten around to them yet. http://www.keystonecandlesupplies.com/ https://www.oakcourtcreations.com/ProductCart/pc/viewCat_h.asp?ProdSort=19&idCategory=47&page=4 http://www.bellandcompanytrader.homestead.com/products.html It's on my after-the-holidays list, too. I've never even bought a cardboard freshener for my car. How long do they usually last?
  2. Looking better. Personally, I would like to see the ingredients and nt wt in a straight font like Century Gothic. All that script is just running together for me.
  3. I started small with my son's drama class. Good way to get a feel for it without getting in over your head! I went with the percentages on the form - they get 40%. So on your $10.00 candle (and that sounds like a low price to me) they would get $4, you get $6. I did not bag each order, but did supply white Thank You t-shirt bags (huge box from Sam's, cheap). Since they turn in the summary, not the actual orders, I estimated how many bags would be needed and threw them in one of the boxes. I printed the order from on heavy bright white paper. On the back I printed my name and theirs and a picture of the candles and a scent description. When it was done, I folded in half with names and pix on the front, scent description on the back and the order form on the inside. HTH and good luck!
  4. I'm testing 10 oz apothacary jars...APOP, Home for the Holidays, double wicked with 2 HTP52. It's about 1/2 way down. It's been doing great till today. Nice throw, good flames, no soot. But the jar is pretty warm. I know it is going to get hotter as it burns down, but how hot is too hot? The melt pool is at 155* . I tried to get a reading on the glass, but that didn't work. My research on double wicking gave me anywhere from (2) HTP73 to (2) 104. My first test was with (2) 93's and that was so hot after 2 hours I quit burning it. Am I too cautious?
  5. nice colors, smooth and creamy, wicks centered....looks good to me! If you want to make life easier, get wick pins.
  6. I have found it easier to start testing with a non vanilla or cinnamon FO. They are so picky, it makes it tougher. Taht said, I haven't played much with LX, but RRD40 does well for me in most FO's in an 8 oz jelly jar.
  7. Well, I'm a pro at this now (having set up my first consignment deal last night)! Check out Candlebusinesscorner.com for contracts. I believe I saw both wholesale and consignment there. For my deal, I supply the display rack and candles. He sells and collects 20%. Wholesale is probably the better deal since they would have a vested interest in selling the product. Perhaps you could give consignment a 30 or 60 day trial, then evaluate towards going wholesale instead. Whichever way you go, get your ducks in a row...know what you want and be prepared to deal with your end of the agreement.
  8. No, no "space" rental, just 20% of sales. This is a win/win for me. Win if they sell, and win even if they don't cuz I know I can do this now. That first step is the hardest.
  9. Yes, I have a contract. I have to take it over when I take the display and candles. Thanks for thinking of me, though! I fell like you guys were all behind me tonight and I appreciate it!
  10. Got my candles in a shop on consignment! All my fretting about the pronouns and tweaking the letter didn't mean a thing. I put a basket together with 2 candles, a letter of intro, my brochure, biz card and pics of the display. Took it across the street to the store and he said yes on the spot! Didn't even smell the candles. And told me to bring 'em over tomorrow and set up. First, I'm drinking a glass of wine to celebrate. Then, I have to go pour a bunch more candles! Even if I never sell a one, I'm excited. I took the chance and got my foot in the FIRST door! :highfive:
  11. That's awesome. Great day for you. And how cool that you are the only B&B there. Good luck tomorrow!
  12. what they said about the wick pins... As for the containers, I use a shishkabob skewer to poke a hole in the candle to the bottom., insert a wick and go. If it doesn't work, I pull it out, let the candle cool, poke a new hole and try again. Welcome back to the addiction! And wicks are no problem these days...
  13. Not a lot of help here...but I sympathize. The day I finally decided to register my domain, someone else took it. They still don't have a website up, so I don't know what that was all about. Anyway, where are they? Anywhere near you? And is there another name you could go with for your website? Like adding "online" or hyphenating? I know in KY I have the rights to my name but not federally. If you don't want to change your name, don't, but it might get confusing for your customers...just make sure they know YOUR website name. And whatever you decide, register the name now!
  14. I'm typing a letter of introduction to attempt to land a consignment deal...would it not sound a little strange to read the company name 9 times in one letter? Maybe a couple...I'll retype and see.
  15. No, not Sybil, but the evil twin does come out on occasion. I was thinking about me and the cats, but they don't like my candles. Defiantely silent partners, though. Guess I'l go revise the letter.
  16. Way to go, you guys! I know you're hurtin' but don't it feel great! I did a 2-day show this year and Monday was hell. Next year, I'm taking a vacation day on Monday!
  17. This may sound silly, but it is bothering me. I'm ready to try and land a consignment and I'm drafting a letter of introduction. Amanda was helping me with wording, but we disagree on the pronoun. She said "we" sounds more professional....we make quality candles using...yada, yada, yada. Since there is no "we", just me, I think I sound schizophrenic. *Sybil, parting of 12, your table is ready.* I guess since most of my customer's don't know me personally, "we" could be appropriate. Is this something I just need to get over? How do you talk about your business, "we" or "I" ? :undecided
  18. Pinecones! I started dipping my ex's order of 144 fire starters. I have some pillars to level and label and pour some holiday tins. Got a show in 2 weeks. Plus I have to get my new computer organized...transfer some files, get my favorites loaded, label program, camera program...all kinds of stuff.
  19. When Franks went out of business I bought every pack of 6" silver ties from the bridal section. I think I got them for a quarter a pack. I cut them in half, twist and done. If you don't care about color, you can get green on a roll in the garden section of Walmart...used to tie up plants...it has a cutter built in so you can make them any length you need.
  20. Container candles are bread and butter. Mine are better than Walmart, but a lot of people don't take the time to notice that. What sets me apart is my pillars. I love to create pillars. And I don't make round pillars. I only make octagon and square. (Ball and pyramid are on my wish list.) Unique shapes, sizes and colors draw the eye, one sniff and they're sold!
  21. Amanda (my DD) got into B&B shortly after I started making candles. One day she asked me how much I had spent so far. I didn't really know, so I started adding up receipts. I wasn't quite as bad as she was, but I like her answer much better..."more than the Acura, not as much as the Taurus" - referring to her first 2 cars! Even with all we had spent and tested and tried, we were both so nervous to make it real and get the business license. Looking back, I probably wouldn't have jumped at everything I saw. I didn't focus - I tried to perfect everything at once. :rolleyes2
  22. I noticed it with creme brulee also. I don't think it is rust though...why would it only rust with vanilla scents? Some kind of reaction, but I sure don't want to modgepodge all my tins...
  23. Did that answer Chris' question? Chris, I've heard a lot of different formulas for figuring what you will need. I think it is a given that someone will ask for something you don't have, so don't sweat it. I have heard $1 of product for every person expected to attend, or several of each scent and more of popular scents or a scent you are featuring. Another consideration is your space. You don't want it to be crammed with everything or so light on product that it looks bare. As you work on your product line, figure out different ways to display it. Go to craft shows and critique the booths you see. Talk to people. Take notes. You will have a better idea of what you like and what you will need. I won't make assumptions on how much time you devote to you chandling, but I will say that you only get one chance to make a good impression. You want customers but, more importantly, you want repeat customers.
  24. I think that is unusual. I have one on my desk at work. It goes 9 hours a day, 5 days a week. I've had it there for months. It doesn't get that warm. But I don't think I have specifically felt the desk after turning it off. Did you happen to check the temp of the wax? That might give you an idea of how warm it actually got. I've checked a few and the melted wax ranges from 155 to 160.
  25. I use 1/0 square braid in 3" pillars with great results. I buy raw and prime it myself.
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