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Everything posted by Georgia

  1. Thanks! It was a lot of fun. Good news, bad news...I remembered Amanda took pics with my camera on Sunday. I found the camera and downloaded 2 pics and a bunch of black squares. Anyway, I added the two pics to the album...
  2. We had a fabulous two-day show this weekend. I did a little better than 6x booth. Pillars flew off the shelves. I was sooo happy. I went home Saturday night and tried to make more, but 3 stuck in the mold. Crap. I only sold one hurricane, but lots of people took forms to order one with their family photos! It was great weather, great crowds. We always had people in our booth (my feet are killing me!) and more came saying they followed the scent. Amanda had a slow Saturday, but we rearranged on Sunday and she did much better. It was in a county park and there were sinks in the restrooms, but no soap. Amanda stuck a bar of soap in there and taped a biz card to the wall. What an ego boost when the ladies came asking who made that marvelous soap - and then bought a bar! Our friend, also Amanda, joined us for her first show. She was plenty nervous but had nothing to worry about as she makes beautiful jewelry....evident by the fact that she won a 3rd place ribbon for the juried crafts, jewelry! :highfive: I only have my pics...Amanda will have to post hers. You have been invited to visit a photo album http://photobucket.com/albums/a372/gamcb/setp17crittenden/
  3. Well, that would depend on how tall and how wide your table is and will anyone be able to see the back side of your table...do you need to cover 3 sides or 4?
  4. 55 (pounds) X 16 (ounces) = 880 ounces $57 / (divided by) 880 = .07 cents per ounce 20 ounce jar = $1.40 Prairie rounded to different decimal places which is why there are different answers. If you were accounting for plutonium you might go for a few more decimal places. For wax, I go to 2 decimal places.
  5. I've only mastered melties and votives in this scent. Something about it...but you're right, it smells divine!
  6. Years ago, before they started carrying the electric, yankme warning used to say that. I used their warning as a reference for mine. Also, I didn't have an electric burner to test with. If I couldn't test it, I didn't feel it should be OK on the warning. I now can test with electric and tealight and have changed my wording to use tealight or UL approved electric burner.
  7. I only have the 6 oz but it may depend on your marketing...I push them as great for travelers to make those nasty hotel rooms smell better. Let them cool, put the lid on and throw them in the suitcase - no breakage. Lots of people travel...business, band competitions, sports competitions, academic competitions....I also have a few "guy" scents. Great for masking the cigar smoke from poker night!
  8. those 2 and http://artsandcrafts.about.com/od/promotershowlistings/ also check your state website and search for festivals
  9. You already know I love it, baby! I am so happy it all worked out so well for you.
  10. Jean Claude? You know, I'm not really into the bears, but this guy is absolutely adorable!
  11. I have had this on my wish list for a while now. I was sort of waiting for some reviews. I think I'm finally learning not to run out an buy everything I see that I want. I currently use hi-temp glue in a melt pot. I'm guessing that I'll have to switch to wick stickers with this?
  12. The colors fade from very dark outside to very light inside. My eye was drawn to the center, not your name. I actually like the looks of it, but your name would need to be in the center, IMO.
  13. WOW! I was darn near in tears reading your post. I am so happy for you and wish you much continued success. :highfive: Ain't great to have so many people in your corner!
  14. When I made the fluted tarts, they were 1 oz. each and I packed them 2 in a cello bag with a top card stapled. Now, I have the clamshells and am loving them! They are 3 ounces and you just pour, close, label.
  15. Sorry, I misread the question. My cats hate when I forget to feed them and when I don't sit down long enough to pet them. (Well, I don't have a SO...)
  16. hi, and welcome. As far as suppliers on your side of the pond all I can recommend is to send a PM to agentelrond. She is a member of the board and in England. (click the "member list" above to find her. You might also find some helpful info here http://www.candlemaking.org.uk/index.html For starters, I would look for a kit that gives you basic supplies and instructions. As for molds, look around you. Lots of things can be used as long as they tear away or are wider at the top so the wax comes out. Not sure what you have there, but 3 ounce Dixie cups make great votives and I started using plastic soda bottles that I cut away when the candle was cool. I saw a post once where a lady used a large ladle to make mushroom cap candles. Now, for that "simple" part...candle making is not simple. It truly is a science. If you are going to dink around just for your amusement, have fun. If you are actually going to sell them to people, you need a lot of money, time and patience to create really good candles. And if they aren't really good candles, people may buy once but they won't buy twice. And, I like that drooly guy, too!
  17. Check with your city/county. Everybody has different rules just to make it interesting! :rolleyes2
  18. Damn! :highfive: I am supposed to be getting ready for my own show, but I had to check to see how you did. That is great! So did you have enough or end up taking orders? And a wholesale account? Too cool! I'm so glad you had a geat weekend.
  19. ok, so you have a start - you are figuring out what your business is about and where you want to go. I mentioned the towns, streets, etc becuase a name could come out of it. Not neccessarily Texas Candles. I live on Elmwood Ct. I almost went with Elmwood Court Creations. I liked the sound of it, and it would travel with me and still has a history to it. KWIM?
  20. Do you have (or can you get) 2 x 3-1/2? Those should work nicely, too.
  21. candleman111, we need some help here. what is the name of your street, town, county? Is there a landmark nearby? You can play off a lot of things around you and there are a lot of creative minds here that can really roll!
  22. I love everything about candlemaking...OK wick testing can be a pain. What I HATE is the bookkeeping end of it. I'm way more organized than last year, but it is still a boring, tediuos job.
  23. Did you get them in the recent Shutterbugg co-op? I used 2-1/3 x 3-3/8 name badge labels (Avery 5395) Perfect fit.
  24. mmmmm Strawberry pie for breakfast. It certainly does look good enough to eat!
  25. I've noticed that my liquid dye smells - in the bottle and in the pot. But it has never changed the scent in the candle. What does your candle smell like?
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