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Everything posted by Georgia

  1. search the archives (link at the bottom of the main menu) for "cold candle" as a phrase. There are a ton of different recipies. I use Vicks, eucalyptus and a touch of lavender.
  2. I love the bold colors on the risers! It looks great! Glad you did well.
  3. If he'd worn the bow tie and....nevermind, it might have been even better! Glad to hear he survived and the show went well. I love success stories! I about croaked when I read how early he had to get up. He has definately earned some sleepy time!
  4. Well, Amanda did want to crack her in the face with an elbow, but we decided that would get us thrown out of the show.... I like the idea of countering with an information sheet, though. I may work on that between now and the next show. Fight fire with fire. (I's a candlemaker's pun!)
  5. The good news is I don't have to do a thing to get ready for the show in 2 weeks. The bad news is because the show yesterday SUCKED! I had 3 sales totalling $26.00 (Booth fee was $26.70) Amand a was the big seller with around $33.00. We were back to back with the only other soap maker. There were 4 other candle vendors, including the Bella Mia lady telling people I make cancer causing candles! grrr. Our friend Amanda had to compete with 4 other jewelry people in our room and 5 in the other room! People walking around - nobody buying. Long, boring, frustrating day!
  6. Top, I just knew you were going to bring up the aliens again! I have this urge to go make a replica of Devil's Tower from wax....think it's related? I made some more votives and mix REALLY well. Going to see if this batch sings, too.
  7. What are you looking for, Crystal? I have these two marked in my favorites... www.nu-era.com http://www.gershelbros.com/index.html
  8. I'm not gonna live down that Sybil thing, am I? They are HTP wicks...it just struck me as very strange as I have never experienced this before....glad to know it's not just me or me or me....
  9. Thinking green! We have a show tomorrow - last minute labeling and putting some baskets together. I have bunches of pillars to level and one awesomely cool one that has to go back in the pot as it broke coming out of the mold. Rats! Good luck to all who have shows this weekend!
  10. I love J223 - I switched because my local supplier doesn't carry it and shipping is a bite. But 8 oz JJ do well with RRD40 or HTP93 for me. Can't help with the 16 oz as I'm still trying to figure them out myself!
  11. I swear! It actually is growling...sounds like two kittens fighting. I use 75/25 1343/APOP, 9% Warm pumpkin crunch. The flame is normal, MP is normal, throw is excellent. This is the 3rd burn and it didn't talk to me the first two...I know I'm stressed, but I don't think it is to the point of my candles talking to me. Anyone ever experienced this?
  12. Dear God, sometimes I just can't see the forest for the trees! Where's the little guy hitting himself in the head with the hammer? I calibrated with plain paper like the directions told me. It printed fine on plain paper. It printed off with the labels. I did everything under the sun to get it to print right. Today I calibrated with a label sheet. Well, duh! Adjusted the printer accordingly and they print just fine! Now that I know I can label and sell them, I'm off to pour more melties!
  13. I use container/pillar and they pop out easy enough. Sometimes they just need to shrink a bit more. I don't prop one open, but I do encourage people to open and sniff. I have a table top spinner that has 2 racks - each has 6 pegs and they all hold 6 scents except the center ones. It doesn't spin well with 6 on them. I also found this place that sells extra racks. I can now have 18 scents on my table top. Searh for spinner rack... http://www.gershelbros.com/index.html
  14. http://www.gershelbros.com/index.html Check out this place for fixtures and displays. Other than that, I have no words of wisdom for opening a store. Good luck!
  15. I don't think I tried card stock...I will tomorrow....must sleep now. 45 minutes on line with HP technical support and they sent me to Avery.com. what crap!
  16. I really appreciate your help. Yes, I've checked and tried. Guess I need to check with HP to see if they have a solution. I did think it strange that it said to stack plain paper under the label sheet. But that is exactly what it said. And in the next paragraph said to only stack the same size and paper in the tray. HUH? Gonna go throw the printer now!
  17. I tried RTFM. Said to stack plain paper under the labels, don't feed one sheet of labels at a time. Tried that, it didn't make a difference. Tried turning the labels 180*, it didn't make a difference. I have 2 programs, American Greetings and Avery Design Pro. They both print out the same. I don't have "label" as an option for paper. plain paper, other paper, bunches of photo - glossy, matte, brochure paper, transparency paper. No label paper. I've tried a bunch, they don't make a difference. I claibrated the printer not the print heads. It prints out a big cross that is supposed to be the exact center of the paper both portrait and landscape. It is dead nuts center (that's a technical term). This printer feeds that paper print side down from the front of the printer. This sounds silly, but could it be that the back of the label paper is too slick for the printer to grab and align? Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I'll try anything. Oh, and Bunny, those who don't know anything about Cincinnati Chili now think that you are kinky! (Well, I guess WE are kinky, since you want a 3-way.)
  18. I am about to pull my hair out - or throw my new printer out the window. I had a label program on my old computer. I got it loaded on the new computer, but when I tried to print clamshell labels they wouldn't line up. Calibrated the printer fine. Printed on plain paper fine. Print on labels and they don't line up. I thought it was my old program so I downloaded Avery Design Pro. Just spent an hour redesigning my label. Printed on plain paper fine. Print on labels and it doesn't line up! I have the right label template, the printer is calibrated. What am I doing wrong? I have a show Saturday and really need some labels. This is so frustrating! In case it matters, I have an HP 1410 and my label is Avery 5395. Anyone have any help for me?
  19. I took the pic of the wick centering tool into the guys in our model shop along with a mold and a wick pin. They made me 6 lickety split. It's just a piece of aluminum with a hole in the center and 90* bends 1-1/2" out from center. They work with the wick pin on square and octoganal molds, too. I also saw a pic on here somewhere - someone's son made wick centerers out of wood. Same principal, easier to find material. Might be easier than finding flat wick pins.
  20. Prairie is right...that's why it's free. I have a site on Geocities. I wanted to play with a free site to get the feel for it. I am currently working on a "real" site, but geocities was easy, only mildly annoying and served its purpose.
  21. love the candles, very creative. The pic needs some work...had me leaning try to figure out if I was crooked or the candles. I've decided it's an optical illusion - they look like they are leaning away from each other.
  22. Not bad for your first. I started with Hobby Lobby wax, but I also bought good FO - yes, my first was from Peak. Good FO will make the difference. And, by the way, if the yellow was the repour, your candle is upside down. The bottomof the mold is the top of the candle.
  23. Yes, the jar cracking is my concern. The wax is APOP from Alabaster...similar to J223. The melt pool is 1/2 to 3/4" max.
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