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Everything posted by Georgia

  1. That's exactly what I use. Interesting. I do use a 1/0 square braid as opposed the the flat braid. Of course, humidity, ambient temperature and phase of the moon could affect it too.
  2. Did you add any steric? I find that helps with reducing the bulge.
  3. In my experience with, without, or with too much UV inhibitor doesn't affect the burn. You should be fine.
  4. getting better...I like the purple the best. I love the fluted mold, but is it causing your drapes not to work?
  5. Satin's posts are real...Dustpuupy is the result of a twisted sense of humor. Both have been around forever. Yes, you can read your notes on particulars, but the techniques sometimes are elusive. You'll get it back! The cinnamon has potential!
  6. If you want to search multiple terms on this board, use Google.. Type in "melt pool" site:craftserver.com and you will have 148 results for melt pool on Craftserver. You've been given a lot of good advice and yes, it is kind of like cold water in the face of your enthusiasm. We don't want to squash that...we just want you to have repeat customers! It is a fun hobby/business. Enjoy it and be safe!
  7. oooh, I like them a lot! Good job! :highfive:
  8. oh, yeah...just like riding a bike. You can put that wax away, but you can't forget it for long. Lovely!
  9. Seriously creative! My favorite is the red one. Good job! :highfive:
  10. Now, I have bought the floating wick assemblies but never attempted to make them myself! Very creative. I like the flower in the glass...nice touch! You can use food coloring in the water, too, but it does accent the oil line.
  11. I think it is very pretty and very unique. I like that you thought about how the colors would blend (I have made some pretty layers that turned to mud...oops!) I very much like the chocolate idea (do you have a strawberry to go on top?) I also think the colors are wrong - red is love, pink is like, yellow is friendship. Well, I guess not wrong if you are giving it to a friend...I would prefer red, though.
  12. What's wrong with 'gifts handmade from the heart'? I like it. Gifts that hook your senses. I was trying to think crochet terms, but that was the best I had. OK, brain storm... yarn hook pattern slip stitch scents wax aroma Anything jump out here?
  13. Beautiful! Now, I would rather pour a rustic than a mottle any day...I never seem to get a good mottle. The easiest way is to use a mottling wax, but you can also try adding mineral oil since you don't use FO. At 175* it should mottle...are you cooling slowly? Like turn a box over on the mold to hold the heat in as long as possible.
  14. I was an inspiration? Cool...I usually use Scented as my inspiration. I like it! Now you need a shoe box or plastic container with rice in it so you can practice tilting your mold! Keep it up!
  15. Glad things worked out for you, Charolette! Do you have a hobby store around you? Check in the candy section for clear cello bags. You can put your tarts in them without worry.
  16. It does look nice. Along with the soy vs. paraffin, I take exception to your candles being 100% natural....with fragrance oil? Seems to me they would only be 91 to 94% natural (depending on your fragrance load). And soy candles don't have special wicks that don't contain lead. Lead wicks have been banned in the US since 2003. I've never used a lead wick in any candle I have ever made - soy, paraffin or blend.
  17. I've never done it, but I would think a shade under a votive wick...what have you got? Like maybe an LX8 or HTP31...
  18. I'd excuse anything with that! Wild, amazing, love the coloring, totally cool!
  19. I had a wire crimper and found it too heavy and awkward. I got the jewelery crimper and love it!
  20. Shopping time! And, Alan, update your avatar!
  21. I recycle...I use reusable shopping bags...but I don't get the fuss about organic. Mostly because, as you say, the rules are loose and people take liberties with it. As long as you aren't misrepresenting yourself, I see no issue with your name. (Please don't use Lovespell essential oil, though!) There is a line of clothing called Little Bee Organics. That said, I do like The Little Green Bee...pampering you the organic way.
  22. My pillars are all paraffin because I can do more with them. My jars are a para/soy blend. I explain why I chose a blend over one or the other.
  23. I couldn't get on last night...seems like there are still issues.
  24. It's really cute, but how does it burn at 6-1/2" diameter and one wick? Or am I not seeing the other wicks?
  25. Very nice, Sabrina. I really like the clean look of the bands. And, of course, your candles are beautiful!
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