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Everything posted by Georgia

  1. I made one just to practice and it worked fine. The problem was when I set in it my entertainment center to get some pictures it started melting as I was editing! It was on a 36" wide, 10" tall and 18" deep shelf. It wasn't a tiny enclosed space and it melted. I don't recommend it! I use IGI1260 - 160-165 MP and add 2% microcrystaline wax for extra hardness and shine.
  2. Well, I mix my own para/soy, but no curing for me. I'm of the opinion that the only thing that happens with curing is your wax gets older and your nose gets clearer. Starting with wickless will keep you from a lot of headaches, but beware, you will get sucked in sooner or later! I color my melts, but some people prefer the 'clean' look of no color. Just be sure to use candle dye when you start playing. Food color won't work. Have fun!
  3. I have a couple of wooden crates from Michael's (with 40% off coupon) that I painted. They are double duty - haul pillars to the show and display them on the table. I also have some cardboard risers that I got so long ago I don't remember...but they have held up remarkably well. Oh! They came from Gershel which is also where I got my table top spinner for clamshell melts
  4. It was actually 40* when I got in the car this morning. It smelled wonderful and every thing was fine!
  5. I have 2 back-to-back shows this weekend. Weather channel says the overnight low Saturday night will be 45*. Do you think I have to unload the candles Saturday night or will they be OK? Preferred temperature of a refrigerator is 35 to 38*...It will be chilly, but not refrigerator cold.
  6. I used ProPay for a couple of years and it was great for me. Small yearly fee and pay as you use. I bought a knuckle buster off of ebay.
  7. They do look quite interesting...are the leaves going to burn? It doesn't look like you have underwicked them.
  8. They do look very nice...smooth, even. It is an interesting color...
  9. Thank you all! Scented, you know you were my inspiration!
  10. After the fiasco with the spiced cranberry I was worried...but, no more! Oh, wax, I have so missed playing with you. The blue ones are Storm Watch and the other set is Harvest.
  11. pretty colors...I really like that first jar.
  12. I think your skills are just fine. Very creative!
  13. Love them all, Sabrina, but the first set is my favorite...very different.
  14. I didn't like the crackle look so I threw the cranberries back in the pot. I don't think they look as pretty as the first time (well, discounting the chunks falling off), but I like them a lot better than the crackle look. And they still smell delish!
  15. yes, they are the same pillars - as they came out of the mold and after I attempted a crackle to cover their blemishes. They actually have more crackle this morning, but look just as sad. Back in the pot they go.
  16. 28 views and no one has an opinion? You wont' hurt my feelings if you tell me to throw them back in the pot as that is what I am leaning towards...
  17. Well, I haven't played with wax in a while and it showed. After 2 days and many bad words these finally came out of the mold with chunks falling off everywhere. I brushed them with a wire brush and attempted a crackle. I don't think it worked well. Should I just melt them down and start again? They are spiced cranberry, by the way, and smell delish!
  18. I don't use that wax, but I can tell you in my tins the MP didn't reach the sides in the first 2 burns but all hangup was gone by the 3rd burn. Are you getting a good throw? Don't get "hung up" on the hang up. Tins get warm as they burn down.
  19. On it's way, Cheryl I'm happy to share this. I didn't develop it. I did modify it a bit, but the originator's info is still on the sheet. I do find it very helpful, though.
  20. I use a 10 year old candy thermometer from Wally World. It's not like I have to have the wax at exactly 145* (or whatever) to make the perfect candle. I'd rather spend my money on FO!
  21. Sara, you rock! I may need a closer look, though. PM me if you need my address!
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