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Everything posted by MsDammit

  1. interesting, very interesting.......
  2. so thats the trick to swirl all the way through, do it in layers-duh makes sense now.
  3. yes, those do work, i just sent some whipped shea to ca from ny and it didn't melt.
  4. Hmmm so far i have just swirled in the mold, but it seems to swirl just on top, maybe i need to swirl in the bowl.:rolleyes2
  5. i tried using some wilsons colors for cp yesterday and it ended up with speckles-didnt look too good, guess i am going to try my first rebatch, lol.
  6. i have everything but citronella and cedarwood, would the other eo's help in repelling fleas? I was thinking of just mixing some lemongrass, lime, tea tree, & peppermint with some fco for a spray to see if that would help.
  7. Crafty, that makes me feel better.
  8. Soapsillywholesalesupplies carries the Dragon Lily liquid colorants now. OMG a 6 color(1.5 oz each) set is $43.75!!! Holy crap looks like i'm gonna be stuck with cinnamon for a mighty loong time!
  9. Hmmm that got me thinking now-after my disasterous attempt at CP-maybe I should try adding a lil something to it. After weeks of still oozing I finally chucked em all.
  10. That just boggles my mind, I don't see soap- I see yummy CAKE:drool:
  11. My daughter and I have been using the soap and have had no irritation. I only use like a tblsp or two for a 3lb batch.
  12. i'm just starting out with cp (yanno mega goofs) so I mostly use cinnamon for the color cuz i can get a big 'ol jar of it at the dollar store, so I have alot of brown soap, lol.
  13. ooh those swirls, sighhhhhhhh. U need to open up a swirl school for the swirl challenged!
  14. those swirls r great! I'm lucky if i can get the swirls at least halfway through.
  15. besides brown, i only seem to end up with pastel pink, green, & orange so- believe u me-i know just how you feel.
  16. That's just what I was thinking also, lol.
  17. Yup, yup- I really like Meridith's shampoo bars-makes my hair really soft, although I still have to use my regular shampoo and conditioner, otherwise I am a mega-static head:rolleyes2 .
  18. wow-the swirls in the log mold look really, really good!
  19. I'm working on labels for my soap- for a brown color I used cinnamon, so do I just list it as cinnamon or color(cinnamon)? Also, do I list lye? ok last edit, last question, lol. My soaps are all different sizes and weights, am I gonna have to weigh each one and make a separate label for each?
  20. Well I think these bars are going to visit the trash can-grrrrrrr. They are SLIMY!! I keep wiping them off and still they ooz-ack. I mean if u pick a bar up it will slip right outta your hand. I've tried stickin em in front of a fan, under the A/C-I just threw em in the fridge on my way out this morning. Oh and besides being so slimy-it gets coated with like a crystalized white look-hard to explain, I am just so disgusted with this.
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