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    soap b&b
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    New York

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  1. I just came across this website..... http://www.cosmeticdatabase.com/wordsearch.php?query=slsa
  2. that should be halloween soap cuz I see scary faces on the soap all the way to the left (first picture with 2 bars).
  3. Those are adorable, but dumb question, what are the "tags" for?:embarasse
  4. I came across a small sample size of lotion, I don't remember what swap it was but it was a few years ago. I was in a hurry this morning and dry shaved my legs, lol TMI I know, anyways like I said I came across that lotion and threw it on real quick. Here I am sitting at my desk almost 8hrs later and alls I can smell is that lotion, some kind of floral scent- rose maybe. Ahh it smells soooo good.
  5. Good luck, I have been looking for a nice simple "less is best" type recipe for ever.....
  6. Call me crazy but if I saw a warning like that I wouldn't buy it.:lipsrseal
  7. Ok I think I know where I goofed- I must not have gotten the mixture hot enough before I added the cold water....I just checked it and it has all separated, water on top and all the white stuff is sitting on the bottom of the pot. Well I guess I'll try again.:undecided
  8. Yup, that's how I do it, but it doesn't turn to gel until I add cold water- like making jello, maybe I'm not adding enough soap?
  9. I can make it with fels naptha, but everytime I make it with my own soap it never thickens up-always stays watery. I use 100% coconut with 0 superfat. I've tried with 3oz, 4oz, and 6oz of soap shavings but still failed, what am I doing wrong?
  10. I agree there should be a cut off, but twenty cents-pfft gimme a break. I work with large sums of money and we round off so 25.20 would be 25.00, 25.50 would be 26.00. Easy peasey....
  11. Well I'm not much help but I made a coffee scrub and used it and didn't really notice any difference then my normal scrub-cept the smell and it was a bit harsher, I would not have dared use it on my face. HTH.
  12. Thanks, that's what I thought too, and I also have no problem using it on my hair and my skin. But I don't have any BTMS-I'm just going to my lotion recipe out and see how my hair likes it.
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