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Everything posted by VerticallyEnhanced

  1. My hubby said I could never out him on this one, but you don't know him, so I think it is safe. He loves the raspberry, peaches, magnolia scent.
  2. Well I am just now seeing this. Now I know what is wrong with my site! I do not have any pictures of me in a little black dress in a Sharon Stone/Basic Instinct pose!!!!!!! http://daynadecker.nespra.com/evolution.php Off to shop for a little black dress and lose about 1000 pounds! After that, my sales will SOAR, huh???????????
  3. I use the multi wick setter (the ezwick tool) and then also the wick centering tools (also made by Rob and available at his site and other places) to hold the wicks in place. I drug my feet for so long thinking "Ahhhh, i don't need that." I wish I had done it a long time ago! It makes life SO much simpler! The great thing about it is that the holes on the wick centering tool match up with the ezwick tool and you get a perfect line up each time from wicking to cooling. I use the silicone II too, and I have been known to stick and wick and pour right away (I pour slushy). As long as you don't yank on it, it can be done that way; but I usually spend a whole night wicking cases with different size wicks I use and let em sit over night and they are super solid.
  4. Estimated crowds and advertisement are huge for me. If outside, I really need to have my booth face north or south...if east/west, then the sun really comes in the tents and does a number on my products. I always like to see a layout/map of the event. If it is an event that has been held before, I ask for names of other participants so I can ask they what their experiences have been. If it is a two day show, ask about security.
  5. Just curious....when you eat a LOT of bon bons, is it like eating a lot of asparagus? Does it make your pee smell funny? Instead of asparapee (like my son calls it) do you get bon bon pee? Just one of those things that makes ya go "hmmmmmmm?"
  6. Thanks so much! Ky and BCN...even better...two suppliers I already use! I appreciate it!
  7. I have been itching to try the Chipotle Cracked Pecan. I am glad you liked it. What kind of wax are you using? That one (and a few others) just sounded so intriguing! the other one that just kind of made me sit up and say "ohhh, gotta try that" is the Mesquite Chili." I guess I feel like I have seen every FO known to man, so those two just really grabbed me.
  8. Okay...I found this old thread http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8624&highlight=cranberry+peppermint+yankee I had found the oil at FNWL even before seeing this but it is flipping $37.80 a pound!!!!! I am willing to go a little above and beyond for a great oil, but not that much! I have a very good customer who has requested this and I want to try and get it for her. I smelled her old one and (aside from the smell of charred wax in the jar) I was hit mostly with a really tart cranberry. I barely detected the mint when I smelled it but she said it comes out when it burns. Any ideas on supplier suggestions for mixing this one? I was thinking of KYs peppermint but I need a plain ole cranberry...everything I have seen has a twist of spice or a splash of other fruits. Or if anyone knows of another Y dupe of this one that I would not have to sell one of my kids to obtain (although today that sounds tempting), I would appreciate it. Gracias!
  9. Okay...I will trade my love for the lime green one for that black/white check one with the pink polka dots. Off to send you a PM...I think you know what I am already going to say...lol.
  10. I am kind of inside out too because of the sun. I have to keep them under the tents. I do them about 3/4 way into the tent and do a straight line of tables with room for me to walk behind it for storage. I used to do a 10x10 booth and was just to cramped. I now do 10x20 and it is SO worth the extra money. I was so squished in my old booth and also would lose some sales becuase it was so crowded people just could not get in.
  11. Ha! I love it! I can just see you wrestling the spray and wash stick box outta the stocker's hands! A long time ago before I had the shelves I do now, I totally did a white trash thing. I went back to my old collage days with shelving made from boards and cinder blocks/bricks. I touched it up a bit, though...painted the boards and wrapped the cinder blocks and bricks in material. Another cheap/cute idea is getting a small folding ladder (table top) and painting it and using wide boards/planks for shelving.
  12. I have heard it all...that one does not surprise me. I make soy and I can make my jar turn black as night if I wanted to. As for weights, mine are about 40-50 lbs I think. My husband put cement in a PVC pipe and we bungee cord it to each leg/top.
  13. I have only ordered one scent from them. It totally stunk and did not throw. I was not please with their customer service. When I ordered, I received an email receipt and my credit card was charged three days after placing my order. After two weeks of hearing nothing, I started wondering about the order. I sent two emails asking when it had been shipped. neither was personally answered, but the second one I sent was followed by an email with my shipping information saying my package had just been shipped. I received my package 20 days after I ordered it. I guess all of my other wonderful suppliers have me spoiled, because I find my experience with Scent It totally unacceptable. So there you have it...my two cents.
  14. Ohhhhh, I am just now seeing this and I LOVE the lime grean one!!!!!!! I am a lime green junkie too...that is one I would totally be drawn to! Very good, as usual!
  15. Nope...even if an organization IS EXEMPT, they are exempt from PAYING tax on items used to further the purpose of their organization. That is a slippery slope! If a director of an organization is buying candles from you to give as gifts to employees or burn in the office, I don't consider that "used in the course of their exempt organization's purpose." Exempt orgs are NOT exempt from collecting sales tax on taxable sales of tangible personal property (i.e. fundraiser). It is two totally different things. I know that all states have different rules, but this is one that is pretty much across the board. At my kid's school, they sell tshirts, book bags, koozies with our school logo. We have to collect sales tax on those transactions. Example that might come into play with a fundraiser: A school has received 501© exempt status. They want to sell your candles as a fundraiser. The amount of the total sale of the candle is $10. They keep $5. The total tax due is based on the SALE of the candle which is $10. The school is acting as your sales agent which makes YOU responsible for collecting and remitting the tax. If your tax rate is 9% and the total sales of the fundraiser amounted to $2000, then YOU have to report and remit $180 as part of your total sales for whichever time period the sale took place. Tax is not based on the 50% profit you make, but on the TOTAL sale of the item. You will have to figure this into your cost some how...either by building it into the price and doing a "tax included" sale (make sure you state on the order form that State sales tax is included in the price of the candle), or you will have to have a column on the fundraising form to compute the tax and add it up on the form. I guarantee you that if you do it the right way, you will have organizations saying "No...we are exempt so it does not apply to us." Again, exempt orgs are exempt from PAYING tax on items they CONSUMED or USED in the course of providing their service (trash bags at a school, trays used in the cafeteria, light bulbs, paper, etc.) Arm yourself with information. Get copies of the rules/laws from your state to back yourself up. Bottom line, I am not willing to sacrifice my business by being audited and penalized for something someone is not willing to do that is legally dictated. I have flat out refused some fundraisers because of this. Did I lose business? Yup. But, I can sleep at night. Another way to handle it is to treat it as a resale. Sell the candles to them through a wholesale transaction and THEY are responsible for the taxes. In order to do this, the have to be permitted for sales tax. You will have to have them fill out the paperwork (usually called a resale/tax exempt certificate) and include their taxpayer number. If you accept it in "good faith" (meaning you have a properly completed form with all info and you, in good faith, believe that they will follow through on their end), then you are covered. Keep it on file for at least 4 years. Again, each state has different laws/rules, but in those that have a sales tax, this one is pretty much across the board. If you have any questions, call your regulating office.
  16. In most states (that collect sales tax) you can include sales tax in the total price of an item, but you must STATE that the tax is included. I do so with a sign. 16oz candle - $16.50 (tax included) As someone said, check with the state office that regulates your sales tax as each state has different laws/rules.
  17. Kimberly, I am testing Welcome Home (Salt City dupe) from MMS on request from a customer...I LOVE it! I need to wick up, but I already have a pretty strong throw from it as is.
  18. Super cute! Looks like all your hard work paid off. The colors remind me of my house. I am sure that was your inspiration, right? I have to chime in and say the rooster made me feel like I was drunk and my pointer was doing weird things...lol. And this is totally me so take it for what it is worth, but music on websites bugs the snot out of me. Mainly because I am ususally at work and try to sneak on the internet and get busted when my speakers blair out "you just got caught" sounds.
  19. Oh yeah...but I have seen both of you on a lap top, on a bed, WITH CLEVAGE. And I have the pictures to prove it! :laugh2:
  20. I just got Canyon de Chelly and love it! It is such a sexy masculine scent. I have not gotten it in wax, but I was thinking of offering something manly in my lotions since I have had a couple of customers ask for it...this would work perfectly!
  21. Other things I can think of: Get a mailing or email list together and send out occasional coupons/specials/etc. Invest in some magnetic signs to put on your car or window decals Donate to charities...I get a lot of business from doing that. Freebies. At Christmas I made a big basket of votives and took it to my bank as a "thank you" for all their help during the year. SO many orders stemmed off of that and now about once ever four months, they ask be to bring about six cases of candles up there, leave them for a day and they go "shopping." If I am in a business I frequent, I will say, "Hey, If I bring you a candle, will you let me burn it in the store and let me know what you and the customers think?" They have always agreed completely and when I drop it off, I leave some cards and boom...start getting orders. "Hey, I smelled your candle in the liquor store..."
  22. crap! I meant to PM you and I posted it here!!!! Edited to say I don't think I have ever edited a post so fast in my entired life!!!!
  23. I did fine and got all the words till I got to the second "s". Vanna can I buy a vowel?
  24. Cute! I have something in my line I call Lil' Bits (but not samples). It is our nick name for our middle child (Elizabeth) and I just love it!
  25. Malinda..what wax do you use if you don't mind me asking. Signed, A fellow FOHO
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