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Everything posted by VerticallyEnhanced

  1. Ohhhh...I am glad you told me to look at it! It is super cute!! Okay...back to pouring. Yes, Iam STILL pouring and yes my throat STILL hurts! I feel like dog doo but the show must go on. Have fun tonight but remember you still have another week and a half!
  2. Jeff, I cannot remember if I told you this in my PM, but thought I would post it here for everyone. My hubby set me up with a car battery and a power inverter ($50 at Radio Shack). We just happened to have an extra battery around, but you can get a cheap-o car battery. Really, I think all you need is a 12 volt to do the job. The power inverter hooks up to the car battery and then has outlets that you just plug your appliances into. When the battery runs low (which mine did just once last year during my whole show season) you just put it on a battery charger over night. I love it because not only can I plug in my cash register, but I can also do lights, radio, cell phone charger, etc. It pays for itself in electric fee savings at the shows.
  3. The "estimates" don't bother me, because I know they are just that, estimates. I have never been totally taken to the cleaners over shipping. I just know how hard it is for me sometimes to estimate shipping when sending packages, so I *get* that. What I don't understand is how all the comments about the website have seemingly fallen on deaf ears. We know suppliers read the boards and I can remember the website being discussed numerous times over the past couple of years, if not more. I think an investment in a redo on the site would be a huge customer service move. Of course that is totally my opinion from the outside looking in, which is not always the position with all the answers.
  4. My favorites are the two peas site and then http://www.dmarie.com/layouts/ You can go in and look at different catagories and get some great ideas.
  5. I actually turned the air on today because my thermostat showed that it was 75 and my house was stuffy. We usually just don't get cold enough for it to be an issue.
  6. CDs, Geek. As for the cold, I thought of that....BUT (always a but, huh?) All my wax is stored inside and the candles I made a week ago from the last lot are stored/burned in the same rooms as the candles made with the new wax. The "old" candles are burning great. The last lot of wax I got there was a tiny bit of wicking issues on my super heavy scents, but my normal wicking scents were okay.
  7. Just got a new load of wax, lot of 11/30/06. Anyone have issues with this one? It is burning much slower and looks as though I am going to have to wick up. The thing is that at the same I got the new wax, I got a huge bag of wicks. I always wonder if that may be the issue instead of the wax...if possibly I was given the wrong size wick. I called my supplier and they are some new wicks and I will do a side by side test, but wondering if anyone has had issues. I hate this soy guessing game.
  8. Beckie did mine as well and I could not be more pleased with what she did for me! It is not prim and she will really take your thoughts and ideas in mind when working on your logo. I told her several times it was as if she got inside my head...lol. And she survived me...the gal with a bazillion changes!
  9. Off the top of my head, I am thinking hair dryer?? For what it is worth, We had a horrible time with my youngest not wanting to sleep any where but on us. I have to say now that I type that, I would love for a cuddle session with her, but when you had to arrange eating, peeing, laundry, cooking and taking care of the other kids around the time she was sleeping on us, it was tough. I bought a miracle blanket and it was a GOD SEND! She loved it and slept on her side in her crib for even longer than she slept on us! Here is the site: www.miracleblanket.com
  10. Cute Miss Anita! And guess what...I have on my socks you made for me as I am typing this! It is SO freaking cold here (well, cold for us at least...lol) and they are keeping my footsies warm!
  11. A good pal (hi KFTS! ) was telling me she put on some spray with little black dress and her dental hygienist almost jumped on top of her. I just read the description and it sounds lovely. Was thinking of lotion/soap but wondering if anyone had put it in candles?
  12. You are not alone, happened to me too. I finally had to switch browsers and then I could get it to work. Same thing, too, I called and said it must be something on my end. Believe me, I am a serious internet shopper (lol) and that was the only one giving me issues. It would not work on IE for me but did on Mozilla.
  13. I really was totally ready to switch to them, had tested in the sample jars I received and liked the results. My big issue was out of stock situations. I was assured over and over again on the phone that those issues had been alleviated. So I went to the site to get my order together after testing and sure enough, the jars I needed were out of stock. I watched and they were out of stock for a few weeks. I totally got cold feet because the thought of an big OOS issue could be devastating.
  14. Finger nail polish remover. It is very rare that I have to unstick one, but if I do, I put just enough in the bottom to coat the silicone and then it will turn kind of goopy. Then I use some needle nose pliers and pull them off and scrape out the goop. Of course then wash the remover out.
  15. I think a lot of it has to do with humidity and the type of jar you use. My old jars, the BC stickums were okay. I live in an area of the country where in the summer, you can drink the air it is so blessed humid. So in summer, I would have more pop off than I would in the winter. When I switched jars they have the slightest curve on the bottom (bows in just a hair). With the new jars I just had to forgo the stickums and do silicone because the stickums were coming lose right and left. I tried the washing and warming of the jars, too, and it just did not work. As for washing and warming my jars on a continual basis, I just cannot imagine being able to do it with the amount of candles I make. I barely have time to keep up with my family's dishes let alone washing cases and cases and cases of jars...lol. I guess I could multi-task and throw some jars in the tub with the kids? (Yes, put down the phone...don't call CPS, it was a joke).
  16. Ditto. I recently tried hang tags on something and I ended up scrapping them after one weekend at a show...they looked terrible!
  17. I love them all but am especially fond of the rosary bracelet! How beautiful!
  18. I am an avid scrapbook supply collector. Actually before the candles, I was heavily into scrapping. I try here and there to catch up, but just don't nearly have the time I once did. I love doing it, though. I also do the whole making cards and stamping thing. Music is a big part of my life (vocal and instrumental). I pretty much just sing for weddings/funerals now and at church, and play in a small ensemble once in a while, but I still love it. I love to design stuff for my husband to build for me, does that count?
  19. Same here...I would love to do so much more but finding the time would be like squeezing blood outta a turnip. That's why I like looking at other people's stuff! Love them all, Brat. There was a lady at a craft show I was at selling the light bulb ornies...they were SO cute and she was selling the snot out of them.
  20. Another thing is find a supplier and stick with them. For the most part, all CDs are pretty much the same, BUT...a while back I bought CD14s from Candles and Supplies (which is what I have used for years) and they performed like a CD13. Yes, I know there is no such thing as a CD13, but you know what I mean.
  21. A lot of it depends on where you get them from. Some places coat their wicks with a bit more wax than others, making them feel thicker.
  22. Darn...here I was hoping you were going to help me and instead, you are just laughing at my bladder! That's okay...I laugh too. Now I am off to do my kegels...lol!
  23. I sell a ton of pine around Christmas! I have peppermint pine, straight pine, spiced balsam and pine and citrus. The straight pine is the best seller followed by the pep pine, spiced balsam and then the citrus one. Luckily I don't have an aversion to it. Nag Champa on the other hand....HURL! (we really need a puking icon!)
  24. Has anyone waxed this? Soy by chance? Anyone? Anyone?
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