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Everything posted by Belinda

  1. I'm out of JS's version and need to order but wondered if anyone had used one they preferred over hers. Does anyone else's compare to hers or maybe better? Thanks for any input!
  2. I like their Warm Caramel Vanilla and Iced Lemon Biscotti too! Now I'm going to have to try their Pumpkin Spice chutney and Cedar Garland!
  3. I've ordered from them twice getting a case each time and have had no problems with them at all. No funky smell. I've been ordered from ICS lately just because they take paypal and with e-clamshell I have to put it on a credit card and I try not to do that if I can.
  4. Glad you figured it out! When I download label templates from avery, the lines are there so it's easy to see where I need to type. But sometimes I can't get it to do what I want it to do! Like you, I'm not very computer savvy LOL! I like reading all of the answers too so when I have a label that won't cooperate I can use some of these tips myself. I was just sent information on how to set up my website and it's greek to me! LOL! I keep telling myself that I'm somewhat average intelligence and surely I'll figure it out. Yea, right! ) It might just sit there in cyber space forever! LOL!
  5. I'm just now seeing your post and asking my location. Sorry ( I'm in Cleveland, which is about 50 miles north of Houston. I've been to Dallas several times. Love that area!
  6. You can also download a template for this label at www.brownkraftlabels.com. They have the template in the white label section. I think it's a 2X2 square. It might be easier to work with than the template you have.
  7. I usually go to www.avery.com and download templates for my labels. There may be a better way though. Some templates on avery are really easy to use and others not so much, at least not to me. You can click on templates and usually find the one you need. I'll go there and see if I can find the number to your particular one. HTH
  8. Belinda

    Wax chunks

    I found a mold the same exact size for making chunks on ebay from mold making man. It's only $17. You might want to check him out. I tried to paste the link but can't get it to paste. Just go to ebay and type in cinnamon bun mold or something like that and it will pull his store up. I think he might have a website. I think it's www.moldmakingman.com but he's cheaper on ebay.
  9. Karen, PLEASE send me some of your type A personality! I beg you! LOL! I have TONS of sample bottles that are just sitting there waiting on their fate, whether to be put in wax or given away or even sold if I could ever make myself get on here and post them in the classes LOL! I just gave two Wal-Mart bags full of sample bottles to a young widow friend who does wax for herself and friends and they were so full I thought they were going to bust! You know honestly my disorganization is the only thing that has kept me from doing a website so far! I'm thinking of contacting two web hosts today to see what I need to do so please send me some Type A quick!
  10. Their Iced Lemon Cookies is really good and if you like coffee scents their french vanilla latte is good too!
  11. I just received a small order from Flaming and I'm very impressed so far with how they smell OOB. Also, I had forgot to put a sample of a certain oil in my cart before I checked out and I sent them an email asking if it could be added. He called me the next morning and told me they would put the one I had requested in my order as my free sample! I plan to order from them again for sure!
  12. Caribbean by NG is really good and I like their Ocean Mist too!
  13. I use quite a few of her oils too and like everyone else have found good and bad. I like buttercream suger cookie absolutely fabulous cake All of her coffee scents are great except snickers coffee (but I haven't melted it yet so might now be a fair review) Cranberry pomegranate chestnuts and brown sugar I have most of her pumpkin scents and they're good Birthday cake is good Vanilla Bean Noel-to die for! Apple Butter Apple Butterscotch Cake Caramel Fudge Cake Sugared Apple Bahama Mama Bear Claws-has a chocolate note to it but smells good Berry Buttercream puffs Blonde moment Blue cotton candy-yum! Brassy Blonde-havent poured yet Butter pecan and the list goes on and on! If there's something you would like to try, just pm me and if I have it I'll send you a sample of it. I have quite a few of her oils. Some I love and some I won't buy again!
  14. I live in East Texas and my biggest seller so far has been leather and leather blends. I don't get it when there are so many good ones out there like Mrs. Claus Cookies (that was a big seller too!) and banana nut bread, apple pie etc. I like the smell of leather but I don't want my house to smell like that LOL! Right now if they aren't buying leather they're buying the tropical/fruity scents like butt naked, caribbean, mango papaya. HTH
  15. I haven't seen anything about it but it sounds interesting!
  16. I have a small bottle of the one from wholesale supplies plus but haven't put it in wax. It smells good oob though.
  17. Right now I have mine sorted by supplier but after reading through some of these, I may change to sorting by type. Thanks for all the great ideas! Denise2456, those are some neat drawers from Ikea. How many bottles does each hold? I might have to order a couple. Thanks!
  18. I had samples of almost all of them in a cart and closed the lid on my laptop and now y'all are making me want to go back and get them! As OldGlory said, enablers! LOL! But if any of you give in and buy them please share how you like or dislike them!
  19. Texas Candle Supply has a scent called chaps and it's a blend of leather and berries (I think). It smells pretty good. I blend leather and cherry and leather and vanilla and leather and strawberry, but those appeal to women.
  20. I have several from FB including pumpkin pecan waffles. It's good but I haven't smelled the one from JS. I like FB's bday cake too! Also, they have the best mulberry in my opinion. Their sugar cookie is good too! They have some good FO's and they're also duplicating Moonworks FO's. Try them!
  21. I did a blend the other day of mango papaya, mango sorbet and VBN. It was suggested to me by another vendor. It smells pretty good! I called it Tropical Noel.
  22. I've ordered a couple from The Flaming Candle and liked them. I can't remember which except tobacco caramel. I was just looking at their ebay store today and they had a couple that I would like to try! From what I remember, customer service was good!
  23. Ravens, do you like Cajun's better than NG's strawberry passion? Or have you tried NG's? I bought some because of reviews on here but would always like to find a better one!
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