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Everything posted by Belinda

  1. Number 2of7, I'll check and see if I have a sample of pc from CS. I don't recall that one but I just might have one. I love the one from CW though!
  2. Nursenancy, I tried placing another order yesterday and Autumn Leaves was in my cart but apparently you can only use the sale coupon one time! I may have to get a friend to place an order for me and I'll just give her the money for it. I really wish they accepted pay pal!
  3. It's funny how a scent will make one person sick and the next person just drools over it! I used to love a perfume named Hope. I wore it all the time. When I got pregnant with my oldest son and started feeling nauseated while I was wearing it and even now if I smell it I associate it with being sick at my stomach. I tried to wear it about 5 years ago, thinking after 25 years I would be ok. Nope! Couldn't handle it! Mulberry doesn't make me sick at my stomach but I have to close the door to my wax room after I pour it because my head starts hurting. If I have orders I always pour that one last!
  4. What are some scents that sell well for Fall/Winter that you don't like to pour? It would be Mulberry for me. Very popular here but every time I pour it I get a headache. People seem to love it though! I used to hate pouring anything spicy with orange but have learned to love that one!
  5. That's what I was afraid of! LOL! I'm DOOMED! I'm in good company though! LOL!
  6. That does help a lot! Thanks! I just got my order in yesterday and thinking about placing another one while the sale is going on. I got: Oatmeal Milk & Honey- love the way it smells OOB! Spice-not really a spice scent to me. Hard to describe Tangerine-smells nice Fig Henri Bendel-smells nice, not my usual type of scent though Sugar Plum Berry Tangerine-Love! Pumpkin Chai-Love! Rattlesnake Grass-Don't usually like floral type scents but this one is great! Pomegranate Cider-Love! I'm thinking about getting a few more holiday scents though. Maybe Holiday sparkle.
  7. I'm sitting here looking at the order I just got in from Candlewic and thinking about placing another one! I keep trying to hold myself back, knowing there are so many that I haven't even poured yet! Does it ever get any easier to not give in!!!!
  8. Hi and welcome back! Writing sounds interesting! I've written several poems but nothing more than that.
  9. Moonshine, I've tried a sample of her gingerbread house and it is wonderful! You won't be disappointed.
  10. Oooooh, Poinsettia Pine sounds intriguing. I may have to make another order before the sale goes off! They were out of pumpkin chai when I ordered and that was the main one I wanted.
  11. I've just started ordering a few FO's from them and have been pleased with everything so far! I just wish they had a larger selection.
  12. Thanks! I'm really sorry about your husband. I hope things are better for you soon. I know what you mean about this board being a lot of fun. Everyone is very nice and helpful and at times very witty! I enjoy reading through the threads.
  13. These are what I've used from them and like Birthday Cake Sugar Cookie Circus Concession Iced Cranberry Mulberry-the best I've found Blackberry Jam butter cookies Caramelized Pralines Cookies and Cream Fudge Cranberry Woods Fruit Loops Harvest Gathering Pearberry Pink Sands Pumpkin Pecan Waffles Pumpkin Pie perfection-smells good but needs to be stronger imo Salted Caramel Sun and Sand Warm Welcome I have several testers that I have't put in wax yet. HTH
  14. I think Fragrance Buddy will dupe it if you have an ounce. I'm not sure how much or if they dupe for free if the demand is high but it wouldn't hurt to ask. Also, The Flaming Candle Co. is duping some of MW's Fo's.
  15. I feel an order from the Candle Source coming on! LOL!
  16. megandarr, what does Holidazzle smell like? That one sounds interesting! I may have to mosie on over to TCS website and check it out!
  17. Thank you! I think I actually have a sample of that one too! Need to get the wax melting! LOL!
  18. That one does smell good! I haven't smelled the one you're talking about Trappuer but the one Dessa mentioned smells wonderful!
  19. Y'all are really making me want to get to my wax and pour some Fall scents! Puma52, I don't know if Candlewic has sea salt caramel but they have salted caramel and it's really good!
  20. The only chocolate chip cookie I've used is NG's. It's pretty good I guess since I don't have anything to compare it to. sort of reminds me of a tootsie roll. But their Mrs. Claus Cookies is absolutely wonderful IMO. I also like their sugar cookie and sugar cookie brûlée from NG. Fragrance Buddy has just started duping Moonworks Sugar Cookie Royale and although I haven't tried their version of it, I heard it was good. SCR was wonderful from Moonworks. I also like ICS frosted sugar cookie and if you're looking for one with a little spice then BCS sissies sugar cookie is good. JS has a wonderful Snicker Doodle. It's more of a maple scented cookie to me but I love it! Her buttercream sugar cookie is good too! FB, ICS and Daystar have Blackberry Jam butter cookies which is also wonderful. As you can tell, I'm a cookie FO lover too!
  21. Scented, I hope I haven't caused you too much stress! I know how we FO hoarders are about sales LOL! I hope you get to take advantage of it. You may as well go ahead. You know you'll be miserable till you do I'm so sorry to be such an enabler!
  22. Fragrance Buddy has an Iced Cranberry but I don't know if it's the one you're looking for. It's a BBW's dupe. Smells good!
  23. I have that one and you're right, it's good! Haven't poured it in awhile though! I think I'll have to get that one out this week!
  24. Also their Vanilla Spice? My cart is getting heavy! LOL!
  25. Has anyone used mahogany spice, nutmeg and cedar,pomegranate Henri Bendel, Red Hot Cinnamon, smoked apple wood, or any FO that you think is a must have? I have several of theirs but want to take advantage of their sale! Thanks!
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