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Everything posted by KFTS

  1. by the way, above, I meant mine was ugly, in case that sounded wrong
  2. The hyacinth candle looks like the mottling I was talking about. I don't really see frost on there on the side, but I see the mottling and on mine it started small like that and spread all over. Very ugly. The one I added 30% J223 didn't though.
  3. well, we'll need an update on your final selections!
  4. how bout-- exquisite essence bedazzling bouquet savory smells
  5. They are my main supplier. Most of their oils are great. As with any supplier they have a few duds but not many. I think you'll be pleased.
  6. where did you hear it isn't all soy? The site I buy it from says it is (JBN).
  7. If I remember right MMS has different color sprayers too
  8. I mix container and votive wax, works great.
  9. be sure to keep good notes of how many drops of each color gives you what results. It really helps, so even if it wasn't the shade of blue you wanted for one particular candle, might work well on another.
  10. I think that swirl is fantastic, love it
  11. I order some fragrance oils from them. I particularly like the Chermark oils. They ship fairly quickly. Only UPS though. Someone on here was complaining about their embeds, I think that is the only thing I've seen negative about them. HTH
  12. I believe it is a Libbey container. The Walmart here still carries them. Riekes Glass sells Libbey also but they have a $250 min order
  13. This is about what I do, just have them test for scent. I just ask them to burn it once, fill out the sheet and give the candle back. Then I occasionaly give them a candle in one that they rated highly or one of their regular favorites as a thank you.
  14. My results so far-- Just poured these today around 10 a.m.-- JAR ONE 7 oz wax. 0.4 FO Godiva Chocolate Soltice, 4 drops brown, heat 180, pour 130, room temp jar. Top was pretty smooth (no wick). Sides and bottom have some mottling and it is starting to spread. I really don't like that, reminds me of a petri dish with things growing in it. JAR TWO I currently use a blend, so I also poured 5 oz 464 2 oz J223 0.4 FO Godiva Chocolate Soltice, 4 drops brown, heat 210 (oops), pour 130, room temp jar. No mottling on this one, some wet spots but small and not a lot. Will wait and see if more pop up. I would probably pour this warmer next time, maybe 140-150. --now at a ratio of 70/30 C3 and J223 I get air pockets, with this I didn't. That is a big plus. Neither had air pockets. cold throw is really good. Will burn tomorrow.
  15. Sounds about right, I'd say a little less than 10% of mine require a bigger wick
  16. I'm figuring by your posting name you're in Texas, Cargill soy is pretty widely available here. Also EZ soy is at BCS.
  17. I get that too, haven't found a way around it. Frankly, I think it looks better than dozens of little wet spots. :undecided
  18. There are also pictures on the Greenleaf message board:)
  19. put em in cello bags or tie a ribbon bottom to top or tape em or leave the lids off
  20. I can attest to that. I liked em naked. When I got mine in the mail I got a basket and put them in there and left them on the counter. Looked nice and it was fun to stand and smell and decide which to use that day.
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