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I know MS, I got very angry & said I wasn't helping again. Then I felt bad because poor Ksranch was trying so hard with him. But after the votive thread, where he didn't even try to search, no more. If a person can concentrate long enough to write all that was written, they can take the time to search & read.

Oh, so he wanted votive help too? I missed that thread.

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I've been making candles and soaps about 7 yrs, just a hobbyist though.

I started by purchasing a few books about candle making, reading them and joining this board. There is a lot of good information here, but you must search and do a lot of reading. Sometimes the question that someone else asks may turn out to be your answer. Your books will help get you started and this forum has a lot of helpful people, many who have probably been candle making a long time, not to mention those who have a business making and selling their candles. I am sure that it has taken them a long time to learn by trial and error as it has me and I know that I have a long way to go. If you truly want to learn, this is the place to be. :)

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I read all 6 pages and it's a toss up if this guy is joking.

Insurance will not cover you, no one would issue a policy to ANYONE that didn't follow basic saftey guidlines. Candlemaking is not jar, wick, wax bam candle profit. You'll put yourself out of business before you even get started with that mentality.

My advice is go to the book store and buy a few books on candlemaking and read up. Then google candle supply places and direct your questions at the business you choose to buy from regarding the use of their materials.

You will spend thousands, you may or may not make a profit for several years. It's a craft not a get rich quick thing. If you want money now and don't want to do the work, sell scentsy or partylite.

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How many of these posts I have read on this board? People think that they are going to make a truck load of money making and selling candles. Candles are so easy to make, I saw Martha Stewart make some on tv, what's the big deal?

Reminds me of that Ghetto candle lady on YouTube.

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Guess Adam didn't appreciate any of the advice. All of the posting done trying to help has been for naught. His last visit here was September 13th. Hopefully he's taken the information and is working on the basics ... but I personally doubt it. All that time spent by posters trying to be helpful may have been wasted on him ... hope it can help someone else who knows how to use the search feature & is not so impatient and is willing to use it.

Edited by Judy, USMC
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Guess Adam didn't appreciate any of the advice. All of the posting done trying to help has been for naught. His last visit here was September 13th. Hopefully he's taken the information and is working on the basics ... but I personally doubt it. All that time spent by posters trying to be helpful may have been wasted on him ... hope it can help someone else who knows how to use the search feature & is not so impatient and is willing to use it.

Looks like he opened up his Facebook page again. Announced he's officially forming his business :)

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Candles By Adam Yesterday at 4:01pm

HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT COMING UP once I am declared a business and have my vendor's license. Very scary!!

He doesn't deserve any of our help any longer. He's a moron that doesn't want to know the right and wrong way to make candles and WILL hang him self with the crap he makes and won't test properly. We see these kind of idiots come and go on here every year.

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I've read all of this... and I have to commend you all for trying so hard with this guy.

Gotta admit, after reading all the comments, I've laughed til I had tears in my eyes, and been horrified at the same time.

Ya'll tried. Over and over... that's all you can do. Well, pray too. I am so fearful for his customers.

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I am not a mean person BUT I hope he does come back to read this and I hope he does hang himself In starting a candle business before a serious injury to a innocent buyer gets hurt or worse.....And on his Facebook the picture of a candle.....OMG I hope that is not one of his he tried to make- its a blow torch!

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I had only read part of this thread but because I should be doing other things, I read it. lol. His big announcement has to be that he burned his couch down to the ground or something.

I only make tarts but even then, I researched for 3 months before I even spent any money.

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I can't say I'm not surprised. I could read it in his posts. He was going to do this...end of story. He doesn't want to

take the time to read and research...and from my experience with people like that...they will go ahead and do what they want

no matter how you try to talk to them otherwise. He is going to get rich quick...and nothing we say will change his mind.

He's going to be the next Yankme...just you all wait and see ;)

I saw his candles...I can't imagine anyone buying them if he goes ahead as is...I wouldn't look twice at them personally.

Should like his page to keep tabs lol...but I don't want him to think he actually has people waiting for these unsafe, untested things LOL.

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