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Paraffin flakes ?

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I joked the other day that I don't use paraffin because I refuse to be seen out in my driveway beating the heck out of a block of wax. LOL

After doing a ton of googling I did find one supplier that does sell paraffin in flake form. Rustic E. sells KYs paraffin in flake form. I would love to get some but its a bit too expensive. I sure wish some other suppliers would offer it.

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Many years ago, when I ordered my first 50 pound case of paraffin (boy I was going big-time then lol) it was in bead form. I do not remember what kind it was, but it was pretty much a straight wax I had to add stearic acid to for pillars.

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I smash up 5 pounds to go into the Presto Pot and there it stays until needed. As the pot gets low, I just add a few more chucks to keep the level up. I have a pot for 4794 and one for 4625, much easier to ladle out wax to measure then searching for the right sized chuck.

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When I first got in to paraffin, I tried a chisel and hammer. Didn't work. Now I take the hammer from up above my head and whack the wax on the cement floor. Usually one or two swings breaks it up. And I don't have a very strong upper body. I tried on the work bench but that took too much hammering. HTH! :)

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I put a slab in a flex garbage can bag with the pull strings, go outside to the concrete and scare all the barn cats and my dog when it hits the concrete and sounds like a gun going off, lol. Breaks up nicely and a giggle when the cats run to the barn as fast as they can. ;)

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Here is a great way to break up wax blocks:

Collecting the pieces is a little problematic...

Seriously, C4 rocks!!! Sorry, just had to do it.

That's how we dig holes in Arizona to plant cacti. Another advantage of living in AZ is that we don't need to electricity to melt wax in the summer, just put the presto pot in the sun for an hour.

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Here is a great way to break up wax blocks:

Collecting the pieces is a little problematic...

Seriously, C4 rocks!!! Sorry, just had to do it.

Leave it to you!! :laugh2:If he could do it that way, my DH would break up all my wax!! :laugh2::laugh2:

But honestly, I don't have an issue with it - I have a 4X4 peice of wood on the floor and just set the slab with one end up on it and the other end on the floor and one good whack breaks it right up - peice of cake.

Edited by ksranch
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When I used paraffin I would put a slab in a plastic tote and lean the slab up against the side of the tote then hit with a hammer. It didn't take that much force. Then the next piece could just set on top of the other pieces and I'd bang on that. I could bust up 55lbs of wax in no time and all of it stayed in the tote so it was less messy. When I needed wax I'd just open the right tote.

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Haven't checked in a long, long time but paraffin does come in flakes kind of like you get with soy only smaller and thicker. Don't know if all the blends come this way. We used to order directily from IGI and they always asked whether we wanted slab, pellets or liquid. The pellets we wonderful; as I recall, they came in bags like dog food. lol. We stopped ordering direct from IGI when they raised their minimum to order direct to $ 24k a year as I remember, or it may have been 10 pallets. Anyway, that's when we stopped and went to slabs.

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