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Lol The NEW Perfect Pillars from Yankee Candle.

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They are pretty jars. I just think the marketing angle is hilarious! And if you're going to group them together like the video shows, you could use a very low FO load or the scent would be too overwhelming.

Remember...it's Yankee we're talking about. They DO use a low fo load already. ;)

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Their tarts only last up to 8 hrs. The ones that I have had in the past last up to 4 hrs. the most..

Wow then you got 8 hours more than I just got with one of their Christmas scented tarts. I'm talking scent throw...faint cold throw and NO hot throw. So...I threw it in the garbage.

And those "pillars" in a jar look EXACTLY like my Madison jars. I have both sizes. I didn't watch the end of the video because...such bullshit. Is the public THAT stupid that they think they are pillar candles?

As far as the strength of their scents...I've had 1 that I can say was strong...their wisteria. Other than that most of the candles I used to buy had a very faint throw. And of course since I didn't know any better I assumed that was what a scented jar candle smelled like. My DIL at the time told me about a wonderful apple scented candle she bought at a craft show...this was back in the 90's before I ever poured candles. After that she kept saying...don't buy anymore of those mass produced candles...homemade are the best. And of course in 2000 I started pouring and found out for myself that was the truth.

Just checked Y's website and they are selling those candles for $19.99...lmao. All of their stuff is overpriced but I sell the same exact candle for $15.00 and I fill it a bit fuller than what they show. If I was a member of YouTube I would post there and say...this is NOT a pillar candle...it IS a jar candle. I like how the woman says...it is a filled candle. Sneaky advertising...LOL.

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Two things... one at 55 seconds you can see their pillar candles tunneling, especially the one on the right. Could be intentional but I doubt it ant it looks like it is a little too deep to 'fix' with a powerburn.

Two... I think this is great. Pillars suck. I hate making them and would prefer doing a thinner jar candle if they can make this the new standard in pillars I will be thankful.

And I have to say a little bit here too... Yankee has been trying out a bigger by smaller mentality when it comes to business. Lately they have been embracing giveaways with smaller companies mirroring what small handmade companies are doing. I also see them expanding their product line to keep pace with smaller companies that have the ability to try out products and implement them quickly. I have also heard a rumor they may be looking to revitalize their wickless lineup including a different tart style. They are also branching into different label styles and lines to diversify their stores which they are continuing to open while pushing their wholesale customers aside... on top of that they are oddly venturing into an edibles line. Such an interesting move considering they are still trapped under a heap of debt, though i admit their just over 5 million dollar loss this last quarter it is much better than the previous year's at I believe 8 million dollar loss. Just some things I have noticed....

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About 2 weeks ago we were going to PetSmart and at the end of the strip mall there used to be a Yank## Candle Outlet store...it's gone...dark and empty. They do have one in a mall about 20 miles from that location and it might do a bit better since it's right in the middle so to get to the big anchor stores on each end you have to walk by it.

After I gave up on Yank## I started buying candles from a large shop that poured right there not too far from me. I really loved their Pumpkin Pie candles. They had been in business for many years but...they decided to finish the upstairs and sold mostly imported crafts with some Amish made wrought iron pieces. I think the money they invested in all of that inventory may have helped with their demise. They also did refills of any type of container you supplied...never questioned the thickness of the glass etc. and I am sure guessed at the wick size. Anyway...when they closed that's when I decided to start testing.

The only reason I was melting the tart that I mentioned before was...before I poured tarts...just candles...my hubby bought a bunch of Christmas scented Yank## tarts for me...2 of 3 different fragrances. I won't have the heart to tell him that they suck. lol

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Pillars suck? I guess if you don't know how to make them! Pillars are pillars and container candles (which theirs are 100 percent) are container candles. No one, not even the giant Yankee, can change this.

No I hate making any candle in a mold, it is time consuming and messy. In addition I can't pre-label or pre-wick. I also have to have a paraffin wax exclusively for pillars as my tarts are soy or parasoy blend and since I don't make too many pillars buying a pallet of wax for a cost break really isn't an option like it is with my other stock waxes.

I also was not saying that these are pillars, they clearly are not but Scentsy are not candles but they are approaching a billion dollars in sales selling wickless candles. Being the size and shape of the most popular pillars out there these are designed to fill the space a pillar would while being safer. They also have a smooth color, like the Yankee Candles that are made for Target. If they make these what people think of when they think of pillars I will be happy, very very happy. In no time we'll see glasses this size hit the suppliers and pouring them will be a breeze. And.... we can't forget this is $20 for a 12 ounce candle. Margins will be great.

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Pillars suck? I guess if you don't know how to make them! Pillars are pillars and container candles (which theirs are 100 percent) are container candles. No one, not even the giant Yankee, can change this.

They can try and apparently are doing so. I agree, with your statement, but it sucks in the aspect that people will think everyone's pillars will burn poorly and need a container to either keep its shape or perhaps, if they tunnel badly as another says, catch any potential overflow. Nifty idea, but I hate the name 100%. I can just see customers now ... "What are these? No, they can't be pillars. Pillars come in jars."

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