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Creme Brulee and Pumpkin?


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Not Creme Brulee but Buttercream. I mix CS Pumpkin Souffle + CS Buttercream at 75/25% for a Pumpkin Buttercream. Its awesome!

At first I considered using the Creme Brulee but when I compared the Creme Brulee to the Buttercream I decided to use the Buttercream instead. Glad I did.

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Has anyone mixed Creme Brûlée and Pumpkin Souflee from CS?

Yes, that's actually come up several times. One of those (I think the souffle one) has a burnt note that the other one mitigates. Actually I'm not sure that exactly Candle Science FOs were discussed; it could've been some other company's FO. But it is a good mix.

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icecold....I did a 60/40 mix. 60% Pumpkin Souffle and 40% KY Creme Brulee.

They both have such a strong HT and CT by themselves(imo) so the 2 blended together made for a super strong C and HT

I'm not really a big fan of Pumpkin Souffle all by itself because of the burnt note. Normally I would mix about 25% CS Cinnamon Buns to the pumpkin which I got the idea from Candlebuddy who at the time gave some great mixing ideas for many different scents.

Candybee ....you also are the queen of mixing ideas here :) I like the idea of the buttercream and pumpkin and want to give that one a try.

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  • 2 months later...
I mix 50/50 Pumpkin Souffle' and Gingered Pumpkin with a dash of Creme Brulee'. I get both from what used to be JBN. HTH



Bumping this thread because of Steve's mixing comment. I've been looking for a Ginger Pumpkin (or Pumpkin Ginger) for a while but the new JBN seems to have dropped it from their line and the only other place that seems to have had it was Just Scent, also discontinued.

So I wanted to pose a question to the board's FO mixologists, if I decided to mix my own, say starting with a simple fresh ginger fo, would you suggest adding a simple pumpkin (like ICS's Pumpkin Pie Filling) or a spiced pumpkin fo (of which there are many more choices)? Or does anyone know of a Pumpkin Ginger fo (nothing showed up in FOF or in Google)? Any suggestions? Tia!!

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You guys really gotta try mix Pumpkin Souffle 50-50 with CS Strudel & Spice. That is yummy!! I call it Pumpkin roll

Never thought of that one. Sounds delish!

One of my fall scents is CS Pumpkin Souffle mixed 50/50% with BW Honey Gingerbread. I call it Autumn Splendor. I love how pumpkin souffle mixes with so many scents. I bet it would go great with apple pie too.

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I have pumpkin souffle' from tcs (tennessee) and gingered pumpkin from jbn (hoarding it) and they are totally different IMHO. The gingered pumpkin is peppery and the souffle' is sweeter. I like to mix both with creme brulee' and have no idea what will take their place when its gone. My fall season has really disappeared (I think it stays too warm for people to get the fall thing going) and mostly jump into the christmas season. HTH


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