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My workshop


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long story short i am a noob or novice candle maker depends on the day of the week and weather i decide to burn myself or just spill wax all over my floor.

i'v never had any contact with any other candle makers and looking for suggestions or way to streamline my craft

these pictures are part of my workplace and one of my 8oz jars i'll be selling at a craft show in beecher il

oh ya where would be a good location to post my " hi to the forum"


Jason aka Solclaim





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13 pouring pitchers for a newbie! I think I would have spent more money on wax and paper towels and just a couple pitchers. Even when I was making 1200 jars a week I only used 2 pitchers. lol

I found a pouring pitcher just like those at goodwill a couple weeks back for a buck. Still had wax film in it so i knew what it was right away. :)

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:) yea 7 of the pitchers are dedicated to a rainbow style candle i make. i uses 7 different colors in 3/4" layers. i just kept the different colors in pots since at the time i had no way to store the extra wax and i only made 1lb batches of each color at a time .. each layer is approx 2-3 oz of wax. i'll make one tonight to show off tomorrow. the only problem with making them is the time between layers.
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OMG I would kill for that much room and a day with out my husband or kids interupting me in a room like that. I make my in my kitchen(in a mobile home) so that would be a huge difference for me lol. I like your avatar too. can you share some of the rainbow candles?

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Ditto..I would love to have that much room. My hubby is getting very sick of tripping over boxes of wax in the kitchen..I figure some day he will trip again and say "i've had it you can have my shed for your stuff..just get it out of here" Then I will have my own workshop! LOL

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Ditto..I would love to have that much room. My hubby is getting very sick of tripping over boxes of wax in the kitchen..I figure some day he will trip again and say "i've had it you can have my shed for your stuff..just get it out of here" Then I will have my own workshop! LOL

It works eventually! When mine got tired of it I reminded him all I needed was some counterspace in the basement... week later it was built!! lol

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Ditto..I would love to have that much room. My hubby is getting very sick of tripping over boxes of wax in the kitchen..I figure some day he will trip again and say "i've had it you can have my shed for your stuff..just get it out of here" Then I will have my own workshop! LOL

Work it into the furniture. :smiley2: I got two boxes of 4627 as a coffee table and two boxes as a computer monitor stand.

Edited by rjwhite6
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Wow, that looks amazing. Like others have said I'd love to have that much space (and to be able to organize it so well, haha). I for one like having lots of pouring pots. It's just been really convenient for me when I have multiple colors or multiple projects I'm dealing with.

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Here's the deal... the more space you find, the more stuff you get to pack it with! I am pretty organised & I have just had a huge "spring clean" so everything is washed up & empty & tidy & the wax is picked off almost everything. YAY!!! My most favourite hated thing to do is clean all my test glasses etc, from container candles, That drives me NUTS. I wish I had a hot tap outside... or that I could just pour stuff down the drain. It's a BIG pain having to run in & out with tubs of hot soapy water etc.

Anyway, good onya Jason... looks like your work space has a nice vibe. You're so orderly... wouldn't happen to be a Virgo would you? ;)

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yea i am building 5 of the rainbows tonight they don't have scent in them just look pretty. i will post a picture when they are done. as for the room .. i love it as well i have 54 diffrent colors and 35 scents i have to use and 39 diffrent molds .. each color has it's own stir stick so i have less of a chance to cross colors. LOL if anyone in NWI or close wants to see your welcome to stop by :) and make a few with me .. who knows maybe we can learn from each other!

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thats way to organized for me...where are the empty bottles laying around? where is the spilled wax on the floor? Where is the packing peanuts that keep sticking to everything:laugh2:

lol - yea, love Peaks, but the peanuts are like magnets!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

the drum is where i store my cut up wax to be melted down in the presto pots. i got it from work( home depot) we had a sectional sewer snakes new cables come in it so i snatched it. if anyone in the area needs one let me know i'll keep my eyes open for another one.

as for the rainbow candles .. i kind of lost the pictures on my hard drive.. as soon as i locate them they will be posted :)

Can i ask a favor as well could some one post this bottom half to where it belongs i can not post it into the OT section ... thank you

Thank you so much Alan and Sara for bringing the server back up and running .. i may only have been here a short time but i find that all the info here is priceless and has and will continue to help me make better and better candles to come ! If part of the reason the server went down is lack of funds please show me a paypal link and come friday there will be a donation to help support this wonderful sight..

thank you a million

jason hanses

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Your shop looks so nice, if I lived near I for sure would be over so we could play. I have plenty of room but like most it's a mess. But because I have taken the lower level with all my crap, cuse me, my candle and soap supplies. I haven't had a garage or family room for over10 years. Yours reminds me of the good old days... in the beginning....

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