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liquid dye bottles a MESS

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Anyone want to share with me how you store and keep your dye bottles. Mine are always such a mess I get to a point were I have to throw them away. I can't pick up a bottle without being soaked with a color. :angry2: I always try so hard when I get a new one but the end result is always the same. I bet you have some secret I just haven't figured out yet :lipsrseal

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DH is a really great organizer. Went to the dollar store and got a flip top deep plastic box that is big enough for all the bottles fit in (18 so far.) Even has a space for a 1oz bottle of FO if I need it to remove the dye from my hands.

Made little cardboard dividers so the bottles won't rattle. Also made a chart of the colors that he glued to the inside of the lid. You know that typical "A place for everything and everything in it's place." I almost have the locations memorized now. And it's easy to put away.

The problem I have is getting dye on my fingers from one bottle - it always seens to get on the Rubber squeeze bulb.

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For my own sanity, I always get a cheap napkin before I pick up a bottle. I keep the napkin around it till I finish it, then put it back in plastic shoebox. You see, I have a DH that is a disaster around liquid dyes. He gets more on his hands than in the wax. Carole

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I can't STAND these messy dye bottles! It always drips out and gets everywhere. I don't waste money on dye remover though, just dip your finger (s) in the melted wax (not recomended for children) and wipe them with a papwer towel. It comes right off. I suppose you could dip a napkin in the wax and THEN rub it off your fingers...but I just stick my fingers in the melted wax, lol.

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I have a plastic box that I keep them in and always get dye on my fingers when removing them to put out on my pouring island, but keep papertowels handy and a good "dissolve it" type citrus anything remover to clean my hands, dish soap and a dish rag. Actually, after pouring all day today, my hands are clean now...soapy dish water helps tons! LOL

Do I have nice fingernails? No...what fingernails! LOL I keep them short this time of year:laugh2:

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  • 2 months later...

I picked up a bottle of Bayberry/Eucalyptus that apparently did not have a lid on tightly...so yeah, now the carpet (in my rented apartment) is dyed green over by my workshop. I scrubbed it as best I could and it is a lot lighter now than it was but....still noticeable. I'm hoping that when we move out if the landlord notices it, I can get away with pointing out the horrible condition of the rest of the building and he'll see that his problems are far worse than a slightly stained carpet :rolleyes2

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I bought my liquid candle dyes from Lonestar. They have those dropper tops so you can just unscrew them and use the dye one drop at a time. I always pick them up by the rubber tops and never get dye on myself that way. I also keep them tightly screwed when done.

I bought some cardborad votive displays from Cierra Candles and keep my dye bottles in them. So when I am making candles I just pick the box up and put it in the area I will be working in.

I did the same thing for my liquid soap dyes. I put them in a votive display box too and it makes things so much easier because I don't really pick up a dye bottle until its time to use it.

So far I have not had any spilt dye accidents but I have had the rubber disentegrate on one of my droppers. And when I use that color its messy. Have to get a new dropper top for it.

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Talk about stuck in between a rock & a hard place... I loathe the glass bottles because, as Scented said, they dye tends to eat up the rubber bulb. One of my suppliers started putting them in plastic bottles with a screw-type dropper. The plastic dropper is fantastic, but the bottles ooze some solvent from the dyes which obliterates the label and makes a mess. I wipe them every use (including the threads) so it's not us being messy - it's the dang plastic bottles. I need to see of the wonderful little plastic screw droppers will fit on the glass bottles, but haven't tried that solution yet.

I currently organize them by color in narrow plastic organizer trays with cardboard spacers & keep a paper towel folded in the bottom to absorb the ooze - otherwise I'm sure it'd eat up the plastic of the organizer trays, too. If I could resolve the oozing problem, I would make a wood organizer (similar to essential oil displays) but not until I can stop the oozy mess.

Despite the mess, I LOVE my liquid dyes and wouldn't switch for love nor money, but they sure are a PITA! :undecided

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I use a cheap expandable spice shelf rack in a cupboard. It's has 3 tiers so I can easily see which dye I'm looking for. That doesn't help with the mess part of the problem but does make it easy to find the dye I want.

Edited by safetysue
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With all the bottles of dye I've used, I've only had a problem with one bottle. What I got in the habit of doing was not squeeze the bejesus out of it so it never gets anywhere near the rubber bulb. After I've used the dye I squeeze all the dye back into the bottle and then screw the top on. :cool2:

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For my own sanity, I always get a cheap napkin before I pick up a bottle. I keep the napkin around it till I finish it, then put it back in plastic shoebox. You see, I have a DH that is a disaster around liquid dyes. He gets more on his hands than in the wax. Carole

I do the same bar the plastic shoebox and DH is the same:rolleyes2

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The rubber bulb droppers are banish entirely.

I keep my liquid dyes in amber glass boston rounds with plain caps. I use disposable plastic pipettes to measure out the dye. Soaping/B&B suppliers sell those, but the cheapest way is to get a carton of 500 from a lab supply place.

If I'm using a particular color a lot, I just put the pipette on a sheet of aluminum foil and keep using it. Now and then I toss it and start a fresh one.

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First, I gotta say that I buy my candle dye from NG and they have the little flip top caps.

I found the following to be true with this kind of bottle:

1. Make sure the cap is really tight before you open it for the first time

2. Make sure the bottle is UPSIDE DOWN before you squeeze a drop out. I've found that not only does this keep the dye off the actual cap because it doesn't tend to "drip" onto the cap, but it also gives me exactly 1 drop and so is easily measured. Just squeeze GENTLY

3. If I do get dye on the cap, I usually rub it off with some of those alcohol swabs that come in the individual packets. I got them at costco for testing my blood sugar. They work great. It does take a few to get it clean, but it takes the dye off and there isn't any pieces of cotton stuck to the cap.

4. I store mine on a shelf next to each other, not in bags or anything.

But again, this is for the bottles of NG dye, not sure if it would work with other bottles.

If the cap is leaking from the base, perhaps using some electrical tape around the base would work?

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