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Wildflower hurricane ~ Lit pic added


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It's just a 5" saturn ball mold. I used it like a hurricane mold.

Tucker... not sure what you're seeing brown. It's a white hurricane shell with purple wildflowers and green stems on the outside. Maybe the purple looks brown?

Donita - I hadn't done the overdip when I took the pic since I was out of the wax. I just did it. And screwed it up :mad: This new wax is not anywhere near clear and you can't harly see the flowers now... grrr!

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What can i say that hasnt been said! Its simply beautiful. How are you dipping hurricans without getting any wax drippings when taking it out? I have a hard time dipping small things without a drip of wax falling from some where? You people need to stop making such beautiful things as i have enough on my plate and this is making me want to try,lol. Just to get this straight in my head, you make a blank hurrican, then glue the dried flowers on the outside and then dip to seal them right? Donita has done such beautiful things and i cant tell you how much i admire you all. Lin

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I just have to say again, how beautiful that is!! I'd LOVE to have one of those with maybe pinks, or even red flowers (thinking my bedroom or living room) HINT HINT!! ;)

Ok, so let me get this straight, you used a ball mold to make this? What did you use for an insert to make it a hurricane???

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Sorry Satin, it just ain't makin the trip here to Canada, I'm not being disrespectful, I just can't make it out. Maybe I need some new specks.

Don't worry tucker, there are really small flowers on there, so that's likely the problem. My camera doesn't do close up real well or I'd get a tight shot on one section. It'd just be one big blurry blob...lol

Michi, no insert. I fill the saturn mold, let the shell form and pout the rest out. After it's unmolded, I put tacky wax on the backside of the flowers and press them on with a hot butter knife.

Thanks for all the nice comments ya'll. Gives me courage to try another one. I wish I had flower arranging skills, that's the hardest dang part of this. Trying to pick out flowers, leaves and stems (that I didn't save and dry, like a dummy) that go together and look nice.

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