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The Best of the Best of the Best


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I use Cargil C-3 Wax and these I find to be the best of the best of any scent and wouldn't change or try this scent from another company....

Pumpkin Pie: Candle Soylutions

This scent I did a show in and it was on a baseball field where the booths were set up. I had people coming from across the field wanting to know who was selling pumpkin pies as the scent was so awesome! A number #1 seller for me!

Lemon Cheesecake: Enchanted Lites

Unbelievable you just can't believe!!!!!!! #1 Seller

Sugared Spruce: Candle Soylutions

I live in the mountains and pine is a #1 seller so I sell 2 different kinds - this one and Balsam fir

Balsam Fir: The Natural Artisan

Smells just like a balsam forest - unbelievable - and no lestoil smell!!!!!!I've tried so many companies and yep this is the one!

Vanilla Bean Supreme: Bittercreek South

Unbelievable ! Is the closest thing next to the real!!!!!

Chocolate Raspberry Roll: Bittercreen North

What an awesome scent!!!!

Blueberry Cheesecake: Candles & Supplies

A top #1 Seller for me

Chestnuts and Br. Sugar: Alabaster

Just doesn't get any better!

Pink Sugar: Bitter Creek North

I'm not a lover of this scent as it is very very very

powerful hot and cold but for all you pink sugar fans out there and I know there are tons, you have to order from BCreek North!

I have more great sellers and a lot from BCNorth too!


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all of these scents have been talked about countless times. I suggest a search of the board for answers to your questions. If you don't know how to do a search, then just say so and you'll be helped.

Having said that, what is awesome to one person may suck for another. It's good to ask for general directions, but it comes down to testing for yourself. Or finding a few people whom you trust, and asking them what they recommend.


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all of these scents have beenS talked about countless times. I suggest a search of the board for answers to your questions. If you don't know how to do a search, then just say so and you'll be helped.

Having said that, what is awesome to one person may suck for another. It's good to ask for general directions, but it comes down to testing for yourself. Or finding a few people whom you trust, and asking them what they recommend.


Hi Teresa!

So are you telling me that I shouln't have posted this thread? I wasn't looking for a search as I did not have any questions about the scents....I didn't ask a question in this post if you read it.....I just posted what I found was great for me...thats all...

I didn't know it was wrong to put this up here...I'm new here and have to learn how to navigate on this site but was not asking for help. And yes I do know that what I may like someone else may not like but as you say "would suck" to someone else. I had heard great comments on this board and thought I would join and its truly wonderful and am enjoying it and learing so much and especially that it is an open board and you can discuss all and anything..

So where did I do wrong? I don't think I did. I think you misread my post wrong..Teresa, being that I'm new on this site, I'm bound to make mistakes and put something where it shouldn't be so I would appreciate from people who have been here awhile to tell me I should post maybe in the so and so area and I would get better results and for others to tell me where I should go for help, but your tone to me in your post I think was rather strong...and your choice of words like "countless times"....geesh was that really called for? I don't know, I'm just used to treating people with respect and think that would be the appropriate thing back....Maybe your having a bad day...I read your profile by the way and see you are into animals....So am I! 3 horses, 16 cats (talk about fostering) and 1 dog....Animals are my life...Hope you have a better day...


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I also think your post was misread. Thank you very much for posting this info - it is really helpful for people like me on another continent to get feedback from people. It is in absolutely the right spot as this is the fragrance section... And we really appreciate you taking the time to actually write a review.

That said, I believe you are owed an apology:o

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Hey Trappeur,

Did you know that the Natural Artisan is no longer selling FO? They just announced this about 10 days ago. Too bad, I really liked a few from them. They are currently selling off what is left of their inventory.

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Geez theresea SETTLE DOWN! Because you are ALWAYS so quick to JUMP on peopl about doing a SEARCH YOU OBVIOUSLY MISREAD Traps post here! She posted what worked for her, and I for one am glad to hear about them for future referrence when I do a search on a particular scent there will be more options on what has worked for someone else! I also agree YOU DO OWE TRAP an apology! This was totally uncalled for!

Trap, just try to ignore the Welcome Wagon lady, you did post what is supposed to be posted here, REVIEWS on SCENTS!

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Hi Trappeur, thanks for posting those! I will have to try that pumpkin pie as I still can not find one the rocks in pure soywax.

I had a hard time finding a pumpkin pie that threw well in my 415 wax till I tested NG's Pumpkin Pie and SOS's Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin Pie "BBW Type" they both threw great in my wax.


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Thankyou Everyone.......

I just thought, oh geeze, what have I done wrong....

Yes Camay, yep I got that letter too....too bad.....I just ordered a bunch of c-3 from her after I found that out.

Mindy, yes (for me) it is truly a true pumpkin pie....Hope you try and let me know.

Thanks again everyone and thanks So Soy...(geesh, do we all call you So Soy or your name? ) lol, lol....Love it! My true name isn't Trapper either....Its my cats name! lol

Trappeur (Trap) - I'll answer to anything! lol

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Thanks for posting...MOST of us really like to hear what works for others.


Really, why do you find it necessary to post to things that bother you so? Why not just ignore the post? Trapp is new and has been asking questions and getting help from others on the board, so she probably thought that it would be nice to "give back" a little. Looks like someone else said it right, you jumped the gun without reading the post...she wasn't asking anything, just sharing.

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Thanks for your post Trappeur. I have been contemplating using c3 as many folks on here successfully use that wax and it's nice to know that what may work for you may also work for me and it gives me a starting point as well. Just remember that Teresa isn't the lone ranger here... there are others that wake up on the wrong side of the day more often than not.... me included :D Yup I agree with some of the others as well.... an apology should be issued here.

Hi Hooo Silvverr :) ...... oh shoot, where is my horse when I need him.... guess I'll walk :-)


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Hi Deb!

Got a question...You use 50/50? What do you use for 50/50? You have high hopes? God, I "hope" you like the scent! lol And thanks for welcoming me...

Everyone else here, thanks again....I had a a rough day today, went and bought some jelly jars at Food Lion and going to try my c-3 in jelly jars....I guess I better post in the right area what size htp wick I should start with....I'm thinking a 105 would be my starting point with 1 wick...You don't use 2 wicks do you? I'm assuming I would post in the natural veggie place, right? Veggie? That cracks me up!! So cute! And Jenn, you are correct in saying all I wanted was to post what was great for me as far as c-3 goes...I like to hear personally from other people what they like instead of mayble looking at some list of what does or doesn't throw in waxes.....


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Hi Trappeur, 042.gif

Another animal lover here: 2 horses, 6 cats, German Shepherd, Green Wing Macaw, 4 aquariums and a 3500 gallon Koi pond in front of my barn.

I use C3 and also a 70/30 blend. Just wanted to say thanks for your reviews on the fragrances that do well in C3. With the cost of wax being so high, it helps when trying new scents to have an idea of ones that others have had success with in the same wax you are using when testing.

I use square mason jars and use a CDN 14 or an HTP 105 with heavier FO's.

If you are going to test in the regular Jelly Jars, may want to start with something smaller. I don't use these so not sure where you should start, maybe HTP 104 or HTP 93. HTP 105 is the largest I have had to use in the square mason so far and it is larger than a Jelly Jar.

Thanks Again,

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Ok Debbie, now I have a starting point and I have all those wicks....I'll do a 93, 104 and 105 tonight....Thanks....Oh yeah, don't we love out animals? And speaking of them I gotta go feed the horses now.....

And Mike the littlebrownbug, your a riot!; "where is my horse?":laugh2: :laugh2:


Trapp (Oh yeah, thanks again everyone!)

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Hi Trappeur,

Thanks so much for the info! I wish that we had more posts like this. Most of us LOVE hearing about what works for others. And yes, people *do have their own personal preferences for scents but info like this is always welcome.

Sorry that you were greeted in such a rude and un-professional manner. Most of us here do NOT have a corn cob stuck up our butts...but unfortunately...some do. Don't let those few scare you away or intimidate you. They're rarely noticed anyway. :D

~Mt Annie~

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Thanks Trapp for the post! You did nothing wrong. Don't know how it could have been misread. :undecided If we let the "what is good for one person may be bad for another" get in the way, we might as well not have a fragrance section. We all know that what may work for one may not for another, but it can still help in many ways to read reviews.

I love animals too. I have three horses as well! Don't know what I would do without animals. :wink2:

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Hey Trapp!! Great review!! Happy to see you here! I would love to find a Pumpkin Pie to replace the Pumpkin Pie CO that BC has discontinued, it was my favorite! I might try the one you have recommended! Thanks for the nudge!! And by the way glad to see Pink Sugar is going well for you!! I know it wasn't your type, but it sure is a great seller, no matter where you seem to be! I absolutely love it!! Can't wait to hear how your sales are in a few months! Keep me updated!!

Sue Ann

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