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You think it Reeks~ They think it Rocks!

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Anyone have any FO's like that? You just can't stand the scent, but you went ahead and put it in wax anyway? And low and behold it turns into a best seller! WTH?

For me it's Vanilla of Pearl from Just Scents. I hated it from the first sniff, but my mom happened to be there, and she really loved it. I put it in wax AND lotion, and soap, and the stuff just flies off my shelves.. GAH!! It REEKS! It smells like something fermenting. So, am i the only one? Do tell....

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I can't say it's a best seller, or anything like that since I don't sell a thing, but everybody seems to love BCN's Country Berry Hotcakes, and I can't stand it. My kid, DH, everybody I've given a candle to loves it. People over at the BCN board raved about it, so I bought 16oz. It makes me sick even to think about it right now.

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Ocean! Not only do I hate the smell in the bottle but this stuff actually gives me a headache and makes me NAUSEOUS! A candle has too pretty strong for me to consider it having a good throw. What most people consider strong I think of a moderate so for me to say this stuff is powerful it must knock your socks off. It's not just strong, I really hate the way it smells! Not like a clean crisp ocean to me at all. I find it reeks but others love it. It is the only FO that I have delt with that I can only handle wearing a mask. I also realized it was making some of my pets ill whenever I made candles with it. I am considering discontinuing it simply because the sales just aren't worth me being ill over it. I agree with Grumpy Girl - it's making me sick just thinking about it:cry2:

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Anyone have any FO's like that? You just can't stand the scent, but you went ahead and put it in wax anyway? And low and behold it turns into a best seller! WTH?

For me it's Vanilla of Pearl from Just Scents. I hated it from the first sniff, but my mom happened to be there, and she really loved it. I put it in wax AND lotion, and soap, and the stuff just flies off my shelves.. GAH!! It REEKS! It smells like something fermenting. So, am i the only one? Do tell....

This is so funny. I LOVE this one and most of my friends (don't yet sell to the general public -- but soon) do not like this one. I mean they don't hate it but they don't bother buying it either. Everytime someone smells it out of the jar, they get a weird look on their face. I will say that it grew on me. I liked it at first but then it grew on me more. :grin2: I really think it is a great scent and VERY unique for a vanilla. :P

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I hear ya Grumpy Girl. Everyone was raving about Black Canyon when it first came out at Peak's. Instead of getting a sample to see if "I" liked it, I got a pound because I didn't want to have to reorder it and pay more shipping. I had no idea that you couldn't use 1 oz per pound of this stuff because it's so strong...a half oz goes a long way. Holy Moly! It was so strong when I added the fo to the hot wax that after a few short minutes I was light headed, felt sick to my stomach and had to get out of house. To this day I won't touch the stuff. I've got a full 15 oz going to waste...I hate when that happens. Now I always buy samples first so that I don't have to go through that again.

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I HATE Cinnamon. Any type of it. I've tried them all: Cinnamon Buns, Suprise, Stick, Red Hot, they all make me want to puke! Cinnamon is very popular though so I suck it up and pour a ton at a time so it is a long time before I have to pour it again!

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I have a lavender FO from Peak that is so strong it literally upsets my stomach. I had to give my mom the pillar I made because even the cold throw was too strong. It tooks days to get the scent out of my basement after I poured it. My mom loves it, but I don't think I will ever make another lavender candle again!

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Mine is Blueberry Muffins. It makes me sick to think about it:lipsrseal

This is my husband's least favorite too. He can't stand anything I pour that has blueberry in it. He thinks it stinks and smells rotten. I love it! So, I have to burn these when he is not around. :tiptoe:

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Amish Harvest and definitely Ocean. I've yet to pour my 1oz. of A.H. only because I'm terrified someone will like it. I know others do on the boards, that's why I bought it, but there's just something to it that rubs me wrong.

I liked the Ocean when I first got it, it wasn't until it was in wax that something changed and I had the mother of all headaches and didn't feel right for days afterwards. I ended up tossing that candle, one of the few that I have actually tossed, even the cold throw was enough to turn my stomach.

I know this sounds horrible, but the way I see it, if I don't like it, I won't sell it because in cases like the Ocean, it's not worth me getting sick over, not to mention, if I'm sick, I don't pour candles. And especially now, when I'm making candles downstairs, because the central air/heat is right next to where I'm at, it makes the entire house smell of whatever F.O I'm working on.

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There aren't many scents that i really dislike but earlier this year I did use vanilla scent and soon after i made it( The same day i think) i came down with a Sickness Bug! All i could smell in my house was Vanilla and it made me sick. Now whenever i smell it I am unfortuantely reminded of being sick.

I don't particularly hate the smell of vanilla in fact I like Vanilla Ice Cream!

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Lovespell! *hack* I used to LOVE LOVE LOVE this stuff but I think I burned myself out on it. Now the scent makes my stomach hurt and I even discontinued it from my line. Then a customer says, "what happened to your lovespell?" Find out she's a Lovespell addict and has to have everything in that scent (including her shampoo!)

I reluctantly brought it back...

Oh, and Passionate Kisses too. ICK

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I hate florals and gingerbread, and cinnamon, and pine, and well i just basically really like the bakery food scents, fruity scents, tropical type scents and the clean scents LOL. But the ones that seems to always sell the best for me when i sold paraffin candles were apple cinnamon, cinnamon, gingerbread YUCK!, florals, those types of things. eww!:tongue2:

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ANYTHING berry...ANY berry. Also Grape, Banana anything . HATE fake fruit smells.

Many of the Bakery scents are WAY fake too. Nothing is worse to me than a cheap bakery scent.

Some of the florals are really bad too. Country Heather, Gold Leaf and Hydrangea, Tulip, Freesia, Plumeria

Eucalyptus ( from NG ) STINKS so bad, I am assuming that it is not too good from anywhere else either! UGH

Did I mention fake rose scents?

The bad list goes ON and ON...certainly more bad out there than good in my personal opinion.

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Numero uno... Patchouli! :P

Then we go here... I am one fussy ^%#!!

Nag Champa

Dragons Blood- (who in their right mind would love this?)




Warm Vanilla Sugar

Cotton Candy

Bubblegum (gross)

Citrus & Sage

Black Canyon


Mediterrean Fig

Wild Rose & Oak

Home Sweet Home

Spiced Clove

Oh the beat goes on and on..... :tiptoe: :tiptoe: :tiptoe:

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