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Another attempt at swirls and a roll soap


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So, I tried to do swirls again, last one I did the pour from opposite ends method, this time I tried pouring in layers and then swirling. However, didn't work as the soap had set up too fast and I literally had to drag the skewer through the soap to swirl, bit of a marble really. Fragranced with Tea Rose:


I then tried a different swirl/roll one. Not even sure what this is called lol, but really enjoyed making it. I need to roll it better next time. Fragranced in Violet:


I've only been making soaps a couple of weeks now, but already its an addiction!

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Those are awesome! What do you cut your soaps with? I love it!

I just cut them with a normal carving knife. Do you mean the ribbed effect on the square soaps?

Thats a pattern in the slab mold I got.

thanks for the compliments folks.

The hardest part of making soaps, is deciding on which of the fo's to use that I've got and the colour :D

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Those are awesome! What do you cut your soaps with? I love it!

Soapfreak, you can get one of those crinkle cutters at any kitchen shop. ;)

Wick- you're doing great with the M&P, love the colors you're achieving, and the swirls are awesome! Like someone else mentioned, swirling in M&P is not an easy feat!

Makes me want to get creative myself-I haven't done any M&P art since before Christmas!

Keep posting pics, I love to see all the soap porn!

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thanks, I'm really grateful for the compliments. Actually someone asked me last night if she could buy more bars of my soaps, but I can't sell yet, only been doing soap and b&b a few weeks and got ages to go before I can get certified and sell, but at least I have a die-hard tester now ;)

I think timing of when to do that roll is paramount, i left it a little too long and couldn't roll it enough, but gonna try some different patterns ;) just need to go buy a job lot of 13 pence bottles of washing up liquid lol.

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