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I won the bid! I'm so excited!


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I just had to share this with you all!

I was contacted by a large insurance company to bid on supplying them 300+ candles for their ins. agent "awards" banquet at a large hotel chain that I have my candles in (it's only one hotel but they are a upscale chain).

Well, what they wanted was:

One candle in a gift box with two colors of tissue paper, gift box wrapped with 2 colors of ribbons. Then that box packaged inside a shipping box with packing material, left un-taped so they can ship them to the invitees to the banquet with their invitation enclosed.

I won! I was up against two other candle companies. I don't know who they were, but I am just so excited! I was really nervous about quoting something like this. Oh, I also have to ship the candles to their headquarters.

Anyway, now I'm having a wonderful day after pouring ALL DAY!

I'm celebrating ~ so me and the boys are eatin' out tonite!

Thanks all and have a great weekend!


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Congrats, that's fabulous! :whoohoo:

That sounds like a pretty big undertaking (all that packaging)-I'd be a wreck trying to figure out pricing on something like that!

What kind of wrapping/ribbons/colors are you doing?

Did you have to order a massive roll of wrapping paper-like nashville wraps sells?

You'll make sure and post pics of them right? I'd LOVE to see them! :D

When are they due?

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Woot! Is right!

Anyway, I want to THANK Carriegsxr6 and Mystical_angel1219 for stearing me to papermart.com! I had totally forgotten about that website.

Anyway, here's the deal:

My 16 oz. square mason jar candle with rust lid and homespun tie with a kraft label.

Then you pkg. that candle into a Glossy white box, with one pc. each blue and red tissue paper, fold the top and the tie with red and blue Wraffie Bow! OK, then you take that gift boxed candle and put it into a shipping box with pkg. material, left open for THEM to ship with the invitation for the recipient.

Mind you there are now 325 shipping boxes that I have to box up into large 24"x24"x24" shipping boxes and ship to them (yes, shipping is separate!).

Oh, this is a major automobile insurance company.

Wala! Won the bid! Geez, I was so nervous about: "Am I too high, Am I too low?" Had about 2 hrs. to rig this one up and submit a bid.

325 of these babies! Invoice going in the mail Monday. 50% down!

No problems!

Now, I have to see if my supplier will give me a great deal on 14 lb. of FO! LOL:laugh2: I have about 5 lbs. of FO in stock already.

We'll see!

I'll submit a pic of the stages of packaging! Order will go out on Feb 11th.

Stay tuned! LOL

Thanks all for your hoots and congrats!

You guys are just the greatest!

I'm a happy camper NOW that I'm on my Synthroid! Life is good and I'm up and running, AGAIN!:yay:


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