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How much would you pay for a candle.....


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Not sure where to post this, but couldnt resist.

Have a look at this candle!


I remember reading about these candles months ago and searched my town to find who sold them. Paid about $10 for a little 2 oz tin !!!! Just had to know what made them so expensive.

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So how did it smell when you burned it? Did it seem worth it to you? :)

I can't see myself ever spending that much on a candle. That's 5.5 pounds of wax. I don't have that kind of money to drop on candles though. Good for anyone who can get that, but I wouldn't be one to pay that much. Not in the budget. LOL ;)

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Actually it's not a bad price when you consider the size of the candle.

It comes out less than $1 an ounce. I sell mine just over $1 an ounce. Of course with something that big I guess you'd want peeps to think they are getting a deal. ;)

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$77 for a single candle??? Heck, I can buy a whole case of wax for that!

That's just what I was thinking :smiley2:

My little 2 oz one smells ok, China Musk, but biggish flame, quick pool, and will flicker and smoke when you pass and it catches a draft.

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$77 for a single candle??? Heck, I can buy a whole case of wax for that!

True... but you wouldn't turn around and sell a finished candle for the cost of the wax. They aren't selling to candlemakers, but to the general public who don't have the resources to make it. Cost per pound to the consumer isn't that bad....

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I sell my candles for less than $1.00 an ounce and they seem to fly off the shelves. I can't keep um stocked. I recently bought some containers that I can't wait to pour. They have a silver lid and the glass is really thick. They hold 32 oz of wax. I got them for...only... .33 each. I bought an entire case of em. I hope to sell them for about $20.00 each. They will cost me about 15.00 , 14.00 if I play my cards right and get FO on sale.

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I sell my candles for less than $1.00 an ounce and they seem to fly off the shelves. I can't keep um stocked. I recently bought some containers that I can't wait to pour. They have a silver lid and the glass is really thick. They hold 32 oz of wax. I got them for...only... .33 each. I bought an entire case of em. I hope to sell them for about $20.00 each. They will cost me about 15.00 , 14.00 if I play my cards right and get FO on sale.

$15.00 your cost EACH?

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That was a quick guestimate. That includes all of my shipping cost, the cost to go and get the jars, the FO, the wicks, wax, and the cost for special labeling for them.

that's too much... and u should at least double your cost to sell them...

to have a goog reliable product you can't wait until you find something on sale, or are ypu planning to have a "one shot" product?

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So by the time you test those jars you won't see a penny in profit? You won't be making 5.00 each you are losing money if I am understanding this. :confused: You need to make sure you can triple your cost before buying special jars. Sorry if I am misunderstanding this.

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That was a quick guestimate. That includes all of my shipping cost, the cost to go and get the jars, the FO, the wicks, wax, and the cost for special labeling for them.

You should rethink your costs. I can't imagine 32 oz. of wax, FO wick and your "special" label costing that much when your glassware is $.33.

Are you not buying in bulk? Are you buying FO by the ounce?

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Like I said, a quick guesstimate. I bought a case of like 38 of the jars. I figured test with about 8-16 of them and then sell the rest. A $20.00 candle just isn't gonna fly off the shelves where I am much less a 60.00 candle. I don't mark up my candles near as much as you guys seem to. I figure time and supplies into cost and whatever is left from the retail sales I just figure is a bonus. Same for wholesale. I think I could sell the candle anywhere from 20-35 retail but around here, they would not sell as quickly. I buy FO in bulk but shipping is what kills most of the price. I am going to refigure as I have only been thinking about testing not retailing. I will figure cost and price after I have a product I can sell.

All prices are after shipping

1.50 per pound of wax X 2= 3.00

1. per oz Fo x at most 3 oz = 3.00 this varies depending on what FO so I estimate above what it cost

wicks .20

dye .05

time 12.50 hour x .5 6.25

that put me at $12.50 and thats w/out label so around $13.00

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True... but you wouldn't turn around and sell a finished candle for the cost of the wax. They aren't selling to candlemakers, but to the general public who don't have the resources to make it. Cost per pound to the consumer isn't that bad....

I agree w/ SatinDucky on this one...I get $1 an ounce..but ppl don't tend to buy the huge ones like that..of course they are probably selling to millionaire's...$88 to them isn't that much!


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I remember reading about these candles months ago and searched my town to find who sold them. Paid about $10 for a little 2 oz tin !!!! Just had to know what made them so expensive.

Wow that's a lot for a 2 oz tin, I wouldn't pay that much either for any candle!

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Wow that's a lot for a 2 oz tin, I wouldn't pay that much either for any candle!

Yes it's expensive alright.. they must pay themselves triple what SS pays himself to make them ;)

1.50 per pound of wax X 2= 3.00

1. per oz Fo x at most 3 oz = 3.00 this varies depending on what FO so I estimate above what it cost

wicks .20

dye .05

time 12.50 hour x .5 6.25

that put me at $12.50 and thats w/out label so around $13.00

Sorry, I couldn't resist... I just find this hilarious. Definitely not a business major.

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Yes it's expensive alright.. they must pay themselves triple what SS pays himself to make them ;)

Sorry, I couldn't resist... I just find this hilarious. Definitely not a business major.

Definitley not a business major... Well, excuse me for being 16 and not having gone to college yet. I figure in MY time as my salary and pay taxes on it so I can help build my social security. On top of my time, I still profit all the extra. I and several other people find this to be more logical than the way most people work their business.

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