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Does all Pink Sugar stink?


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I just finished up a bottle of NG's Pink Sugar and I swear that stuff gives me the worst headache. It seems to get in my eyes and nose and do nasty things to me. I'm guessing if a Pink Sugar DIDN'T do this to me, it wouldn't be the same, huh.

Oh well... it sells REALLY REALLY well and people love it. In the midst of all my Christmas madness, this was my second best seller of the season, just behind Pumpkin Souffle. Does anyone know of one that I won't hate? Grasping at straws here as I need to order more and don't want to! :lipsrseal


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I haven't tried the one you are talking about..

I have used Flickers, and Indiana Candle Supply, and

I like them both..I have never noticed a headache with them.

My preferance is ICS, in Candles.

My Pink S. from Flickers I have used in my Soap..even though

it turns the soap brown..But they both smell lovely..HTH

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There was a thread about Pink Sugar a little while ago. It seemed that most people liked ICS the best, followed by Peaks.

There are some FOs that give me wicked headaches. I try not to hang around in the pouring room too long when I am using those FOs, but it is hard to do when you want to get a lot of candles made. Taking a step outside and getting fresh air helps me. HTH

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It would be awesome if ICS and TCS are about the same... I like ordering from TCS and have a couple other things I'd like to get from them...

And I ALWAYS pour Pink Sugar last and then get the heck outta dodge... ICK. My mom and I have a joke about it... the last 2 shows I did I sold out and I was so happy to be done with it and then this morning at 9 am I get a call.... for Pink Sugar... :::chills::: ick.


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I liked it at first and use Kangaroo Blue's Pink Sugar in my B&B and everyone just loves it! Not real fond of it now, for some reason, but it does sell! So, I'm keeping it. I also have BW Blue Sugar, it's OK, just a little diff version of Pink Sugar IMO. Haven't sold any of that.:(

Just my 2 cents.


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Maybe it's the musk in it that you hate. I know I hate that musk undertone to it and warm vanilla sugar has it too. Both stink to me.

OH yeah. It's the musk that stinks. I've got to be VERY careful which FO's I order cause I can't do musk at all (now white musk seems to be not so bad). I can't do Warm Van Sugar either... my dd got some for Christmas from a friend and I can't stand near her. ICK!

That would be why I'm pretty sure I'm just stuck with headaches or I have to discontinue it... I always make a whole batch so I have extra and don't have to pour that one as often...


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