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I use wick stickers that come 25 on a sheet from wixnwax.com, I have used the kind that comes on the roll from other places but as soon as I pour my wax in my jars all my wicks float to the top. I will never try them again!!!



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Guest Candelishis
I also use a hot glue gun and I use a drinking straw. Put the wick inside the straw and press it in the bottom of the jar. Saves on your finger that's for sure.

I do that too. I kept losing my degutted bic pens, so I bought a bag of drinking straws from the dollar store. they work just as well and if you get wax on them, rather than try to clean them, you just pitch them.

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High temp hot glue didn't hold well enough for my containers - it allowed leakage. If it doesn't seal the bottom of the wick tab and stay put, the wick tab will fail, allowing liquid wax to be drawn up through it, and safety goes right out the window.

Now using high temp silicone rubber sealer. HTH :)

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Hot glue gun & bic pen casing.......works every time without a single problem! Why spend $$$$ and eat into your profit? :D you have to use about a dime size area of hot glue to be sure it works great.

Before I bought my wick setter, I used those bic casings all the time...they do work quite well and I still use them in weird shaped containers, but I love my wick setters and wicking is so much faster with them...it's a one time investment that I'm glad I made. Oh, and if you use hot glue, use the high-temp type as the low-temp will not hold in tins (even have had it pull up when wax was poured hot in glass.)

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