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Well I think I might have been scammed...


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out of a dozen tarts....Well a few weeks ago I posted how I got a business prop to do wholesale w/ a guy who supposedly runs a craft shop a few hours away.

Well I made up the tarts he wanted shipped them out last wednesday and he hasn't received them. The post office said they'd be there in 2 days so by Saturday would have been the longest wait. Of course I didn't receive a dime from him even though he said he'd pay for shipping and I didn't put tracking on it. Never had a package lost in the mail before and it just seems too weird to me. unless the usps would pull them because they were candles, i didn't tell them that when i shipped it.

Anyways he now wants me to send more, said again he'd pay for shipping, but I'm not sure I even want to waste my time.

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Were you sending samples?

Anyway, you have to be paid upfront, samples or not. Do you have a shipping receipt or something?

Anyway I'd let go with this guy.

You can ask him to pay shipping if you still want to try, and if you can prove you sent the tarts you can ask him to pay them this time.

But, trust your feeling.. you're feeling you've been scammed, so stay away from him!

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Yes i sent him the receipt for the shipping to prove i shipped it cause he emailed me daily from friday through yesterday saying he never received it.

It just seems odd that this would have gotten lost in the mail. I still haven't heard back from him since I emailed the receipt. Should have put tracking on it.

Yes they were samples, he wanted 12 different ones, which took me a full day to pour cause I didn't have any that he wanted already made.

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Not sure why you sent your tarts out without being paid upfront. I agree you should trust your instincts about this guy. At the very least have him pay for the shipping AND the insurance before sending anything out.

Also-- be careful giving out samples. I tend to give them to only proven customers that buy on a regular basis. Get your customer first then keep them coming back with a free sample. HTH

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Why would he only pay for shipping??? You should tell him the price of the order plus shipping. Ask him to pay via paypal or to send a check or whatever. When he does so, you ship the product. Sounds simple enough to me. Isn't that how business is conducted???

If he is not willing to do that, then you should move on.

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I agree 100% with Sabrina. I don't offer free samples but if a new wholesale customer wants some.. Then they can pay retail price for them until they place their first wholesale order. Then and only then will I refund the difference and I will throw in free samples of something w/paid orders.

I always get paid before the package leaves my location too. I also use delivery confirmation on my packages. The only time that I don't is when I sell something in the classifieds and the person wants it shipped first class to save money.

Is this guy asking for you to send different scents this time as samples? It is up to you to decide whether you want to give him the samples for free and or pay shipping. But most honest businesses do not ask for free samples. Most of the time they are willing to pay for them. Basically I think that this guy received the samples and is just basically trying to get more things from you for FREE..

Good luck

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Actually, if I sent out more, I'd go one more step up, and require a signature. It's a little bit more, but not much. If you truly think he's scamming you though, cover your butt this time around. If anything happens with it this time around, you'll know what's going on, and deal with it then. I hate scammers! :angry2:

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Yes i sent him the receipt for the shipping to prove i shipped it cause he emailed me daily from friday through yesterday saying he never received it.

It just seems odd that this would have gotten lost in the mail. I still haven't heard back from him since I emailed the receipt. Should have put tracking on it.

Yes they were samples, he wanted 12 different ones, which took me a full day to pour cause I didn't have any that he wanted already made.

girl, he asks for samples not how many he wants.

Don't be too kind with people, they are ready to do almost everything for free stuff.

Just say your samples are three or four, you don't get your stuff for free.

It's your business and you decide.

12 are too much.

You mailed the package, it's unlike it gets lost.

Nothing gets lost from your country to Italy (where I live), so why it should got lost this time?

I'd be more firm this time, but as I said before, I'd turn away from him.

He's telling lies from start to end in my opinion.

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Well I think I learned my lesson.

1. He hasn't responded to me since I emailed him early yesterday w/ the receipt.

2. I shouldn't have sent them to him for free, but I figured a few bucks to get a big account would be good.

3. Always get shipping money first.

I've never had a problem w/ people paying, I'm more mad that I wasted time than anything.

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Well I think I learned my lesson.

1. He hasn't responded to me since I emailed him early yesterday w/ the receipt.

2. I shouldn't have sent them to him for free, but I figured a few bucks to get a big account would be good.

3. Always get shipping money first.

I've never had a problem w/ people paying, I'm more mad that I wasted time than anything.

I always believe that most people are honest but you always run across the few that aren't. Just be thankful that you didn't send him a large order in the hopes of getting the account.

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I sell air freshener that I get from this guy who makes it in Atlanta. Until he was confident that I was a returning paying customer I had to pay C.O.D. I know that fedex, ups and dhl offer this service not so sure about usps. It's something to look into for the future with other customers and you are gauranteed your money. The driver takes the money order or cashiers check and the customer gets a receipt and then the delivery co sends you your money.

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Guest Candelishis
Well I think I learned my lesson.

1. He hasn't responded to me since I emailed him early yesterday w/ the receipt.

2. I shouldn't have sent them to him for free, but I figured a few bucks to get a big account would be good.

3. Always get shipping money first.

4. Always pay the extra 60 cents (or whatever it is) for a tracking number. Even if you're shipping to a friend! You never know when someone is trying to get free stuff from you, or if they really don't get the package.

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I remember your original post. You posted the pictures of his space in a craft mall.

The fighter in me would say...do I know anyone that lives close enough that could stop by his space in the craft mall? :angry2:

And then the other side of me would say...scammed and this WON'T happen again.

Sorry it didn't work out the way you were hoping.


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I have packages get sent to the wrong post office a couple of times which caused the shipment to be delayed. One time it was a huge box that took 3.5 weeks to get because of being misrouted.

If you print your shipping labels and pay for postage on the USPS website the delivery confirmation is free. Most times the USPS website isn't correct but if you contact your local post office and give them the confirmation number a supervisor can look up the tracking on it. They have a different computer than the one that's on the USPS website.

Do not send free samples. If they are legit and really want to try your product they will pay for it.

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Well I just got this email from him. Now remember i sent him an email monday night w/ the receipt pic and told him if he wanted more tarts he would have to pay for the shipping upfront.




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