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Wholesale Offer...True or Scam?

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I received the same email. I told her that if she could fax a copy of her tax id and email me a picture of her storefront with her company sign, I would be glad to send her samples. No response yet.

She is definitely getting our email from this board. Apparently she thinks we're all stupid.


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I got the same e-mail a few days ago. Immediately asked for a physical store location, tax ID, and business phone #.........

Offered a wholesale sampler......

Of course no reply.... which I didn't expect, because I had googled her store and gotten nothing on it....

I don't have any of my company info associated with my candletech name for just this reason..... so it's not that she is hitting candletech, she's hitting many outlets.


BTW- I do give free samples for potential accounts, it's great business. But I throughly check them out first......

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I found her on zaba with her phone number and address if anyone wants to call or drop off any fugly candles. Who does she think she is???? Here's her note to me.... I don't have time for this kinda crap....Yeah right!!!!

Hello my name is Stephanie and I own a specialty retail shop in Arkansas. I am looking for something new to add to my current stock. I am very interested in your candles and would love to see a product sample of your craftsmanship if you offer a chance to sample them as I am very picky about what I put in my shop. I also think it is important to see how well the candles burns and smells. Thank you for your time and I look forward to speaking with you.

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Wow! I have gotten some emails from my website that are blatant spam so I just delete them. Then I got a phone call from someone from a hotel in downtown Denver saying they wanted 25 gift sets. I was suspicious and felt guilty feeling that way. I checked them out on the web and agreed to deliver the product in person and pick up my money. All worked out wonderfully but I am glad that I saw this. There are obvious reasons to be suspicious of certain requests. I am glad I haven't had to find out the hard way, so far anyway! ;)

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Got mine today too!

Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 1:07 PM

To: JenniferTolson@pixiescandles.com

Subject: Wholesale

Hello my name is Stephanie and I own a specialty retail shop in Arkansas. I am looking for something new to add to my current stock. I am very interested in your candles and would love to see a product sample of your craftsmanship if you offer a chance to sample them as I am very picky about what I put in my shop. I also think it is important to see how well the candles burns and smells. Thank you for your time and I look forward to speaking with you.

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Wooo Hoooo! Got mine too! I was beginning to feel a little left out! I'll get right on it Steph! I don't even have website info posted anywhere! So she's getting the email addresses from here I would assume.

Date:Mon, 18 Jun 2007 12:29:47 -0700 (PDT)From:"Stephanie Grant" <fragrant_expressions@yahoo.com>Subject:wholesaleTo:vparr367@yahoo.com#message8422744762166520224392001081431971080605675 { overflow:auto; visibility:hidden }

Hello my name is Stephanie and I own a specialty retail shop in Arkansas. I am looking for something new to add to my current stock. I am very interested in your candles and would love to see a product sample of your craftsmanship if you offer a chance to sample them as I am very picky about what I put in my shop. I also think it is important to see how well the candles burns and smells. Thank you for your time and I look forward to speaking with you.

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I got the same exact email and this is what I emailed back to "her"" :

"Hi Stephanie,

Thank you for your interest. Do to fraudent acts in the past we don't send out samples of candles anymore. Its hard to get an idea of how good a candle is by getting samples. Samples are smaller sizes and may be better or worse than the actual size candle that's sold. I welcome you to purchase any candles we have in your clearance section http://www.4theluvofjam.com/store/WsDefault.asp?Cat=TheBargainBin&Sub=77&isThumbs=No&Thumbs= . We are clearancing them out as we are going to a natural white colored candle once they are sold out (we will not be adding dyes to the candles- except for holidays candles). Other than that these candles will have the same exact wax and scents as before.

Thank you for your interest,


www.4theluvofjam.com "

----- Original Message -----


Sunday, June 17, 2007 7:08 PM


Hello my name is Stephanie and I own a specialty retail shop in Arkansas. I am looking for something new to add to my current stock. I am very interested in your candles and would love to see a product sample of your craftsmanship if you offer a chance to sample them as I am very picky about what I put in my shop. I also think it is important to see how well the candles burn and smells. Thank you for your time and I look forward to speaking with you.

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Wooo Hoooo! Got mine too! I was beginning to feel a little left out! I'll get right on it Steph! I don't even have website info posted anywhere! So she's getting the email addresses from here I would assume.

Date:Mon, 18 Jun 2007 12:29:47 -0700 (PDT)From: <fragrant_expressions@yahoo.com>Subject:wholesaleTo:vparr367@yahoo.com#message8422744762166520224392001081431971080605675 { overflow:auto; visibility:hidden }

Hello my name is Stephanie and I own a specialty retail shop in Arkansas. I am looking for something new to add to my current stock. I am very interested in your candles and would love to see a product sample of your craftsmanship if you offer a chance to sample them as I am very picky about what I put in my shop. I also think it is important to see how well the candles burns and smells. Thank you for your time and I look forward to speaking with you.

I don't even have my EMAIL on Candletech, so like I said.... she may be getting some of her info from here, but she is obviously using other sources.

Curious: Are any of you that have recieved this on Candlefind??

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I got this email yesterday. In her email, she says she found me through "Google". However, when I checked my stats, she found me through Candle-Safety.org. I think she's shopping in areas around her. I assume she just emailed everyone on the list with the same email. I don't think she's lurking on this board, however I could be wrong.

Man, I LOVE message boards!

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I think posting her name should be fine since it's most likely not her real name. On another board today there were some developements (Lol)! Apparently one of the folks who responded that they don't give out freebies got the email bounced back that the email no longer exists or something.

But anyway I'm just mad because I didn't get one.

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It makes me wonder if she has had any samples sent from people who are new to this or were caught out before reading posts!!

How many samples could she have gotten if u had all sent one thinking she was the real mccoy...and how much money is she making from everyone elses hard work!!! Theres no way someone who just wants a free candle or two at home would contact that many people!! My guess is that she must do it 'Professionally' and maybe change email addresses and names once shes been sussed or hit everyone and possibly starts all over again!! It wouldnt surprise me if people did things like that.:mad:

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It makes me wonder if she has had any samples sent from people who are new to this or were caught out before reading posts!!

How many samples could she have gotten if u had all sent one thinking she was the real mccoy...and how much money is she making from everyone elses hard work!!! Theres no way someone who just wants a free candle or two at home would contact that many people!! My guess is that she must do it 'Professionally' and maybe change email addresses and names once shes been sussed or hit everyone and possibly starts all over again!! It wouldnt surprise me if people did things like that.:mad:

I am betting that their was a lot of people that did send her samples. And the sad part is she isn't the only one. I know of a lady from Canada that does basically the same thing except she goes for bath items. People do this every single day. That is why I don't offer free samples just to send out. I put them in when some actually places an order. It is my way to say Thank you for your order:)

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