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Smelling Like Your Candles!!

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Does anyone here end up smelling like the candles they just poured or is it ust me LOL.

I was walking the kids to school yesterday morning after pouring a votive from a tiny sample of Daystar's Coconut Pear (OMG YUMYUM!) and I kept getting a waft of the fragrance. Then a friend said to me 'you smell fruity, like a candle' :cheesy2: Oh well, better than smelling of baby dribble I suppose :P I don't understand it though 'cause I poured it still wearing my jammies then got dressed before going out of the house - obviously.

OMG! Is that the sign of an addict?? Getting up and pouring candles in ya jammies before taking kids to school LOL!


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Yes and yes! I often get a waft of the fragrance the next day if I have poured in an evening (which is almost always). My hands at the moment smell of vanilla, despite having washed them several times and I haven't even poured the batch yet.

I always end up with fragrance oil on my hands when mixing, because I don't think I will ever master the art of getting it out of the bottle without it dribbling all down the sides. :mad:

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That happens to me too. I thought in the beginning it was because my coat hangs not too far from where I pour, but the other day not wearing a coat the girl at the grocery store told me I smelled like candles. I took that as a compliment.

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I think I smell like candles all of the time. I will go to a friend's house after pouring, and her husband says I always smell like food (last time I had poured creme brulee--he liked hugging me).

And, I'm the same way---it's always on my hands, but I suspect it's because of cleaning out the pour pot with paper towels.

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Hi Anjie, you are definately an "addict" - and an enthusiastic one at that. ;)

When I poured the chocolate orange rustics the other day, a friend's daughter said I smelled like Jaffa Cakes (which are her favourite biscuits) - took that as a complement! I also put a bit too much of Daystar's Cherry Meringue Bites in some candles yesterday, after taking them out of the moulds I rubbed them down with my hands and all day had this divinde smell with me wherever I went. :drool: It is unfortunate in a way that my sense of smell is directly linked to my stomach - because I get so hungry and crave chocolate when pouring candles - does anyone else?

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When I walk in the bank the girls start trying to guess what I've been pouring. Once I had a lady stop me at a store and ask what perfume I had on. I told her none that it must be from me making candles...she wanted the address cause she figured if my clothes smelt that great the candles must be awesome. She's been one of my regulars ever since!!!!!! Thank God I wasn't making a batch of the dirt body spray/soap for my hunters. You can't get the smell of that stuff off for nothing!!!!!

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That happens to me as well, but the really funny one is when I pour ST's vanilla bliss (which has a maple syrup note) my sister always asks my son if he had pancakes for breakfast! My 13 year old niece who was here one day while pouring had a friend in school tell her that her hair smelled like syrup too!!!

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Hi Anjie, you are definately an "addict" - and an enthusiastic one at that. ;)

When I poured the chocolate orange rustics the other day, a friend's daughter said I smelled like Jaffa Cakes (which are her favourite biscuits) - took that as a complement! I also put a bit too much of Daystar's Cherry Meringue Bites in some candles yesterday, after taking them out of the moulds I rubbed them down with my hands and all day had this divinde smell with me wherever I went. :drool: It is unfortunate in a way that my sense of smell is directly linked to my stomach - because I get so hungry and crave chocolate when pouring candles - does anyone else?

oh don't start THAT debate! jaffa cakes are CAKES...not biscuits :grin2:

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Yup, I am always getting told how I smell :laugh2:

When I pour my buck lure candles I smell for days.

It actually gets into my skin and really hangs on the hair.

I always take bunches of showers per day to get that smell off of me.

That scent is so wicked that I have to make those candles outside.

And just the other day I got some lovespell on my jammies.

I washed them in hot water and they still smell of lovespell.

So I guess it's safe to say, we are stinky candlemakers...:laugh2: :laugh2:

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I smell too, lol. And that's not a bad thing, unless it is a fo I hate! But your hair will absorb the scent also. I even had a couple of cases of jelly jars that I wasn't going to use--the cases had never been opened. My son wanted to make salsa, so I gave him the jars. He said he had to throw all the salsa out because the glass had absorbed the scent!! So the fo we use is powerful stuff!! I'm glad I'm not the only one that stinks, hehe.


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I've had to start keeping my bread in the fridge because my husband says it tastes "like perfume". I don't like doing this, but after throwing away several new loaves, I decided it was the lesser of the two evils. It's not like I have the bread sitting on top of the candles, either; across the room. My nose is so burned out that I never noticed it; probably wouldn't notice it if I poured the oil directly on the bread, lol.

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I get the same comments at my kids' school. The other parents especially love it when I show up in my wax t-shirt...covered in dye and wax splatters because I was running late and forgot to change my shirt. :laugh2:

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I get the same comments at my kids' school. The other parents especially love it when I show up in my wax t-shirt...covered in dye and wax splatters because I was running late and forgot to change my shirt. :laugh2:

I wore mine today :grin2: :highfive:


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I too smell like my candles. The scent seems like it must cling to my hair because like others have said, even if i change my clothes i still smell like it. And I have noticed that when I get into the shower and get my hair wet with hot water I can really smell it then.

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I get the same comments at my kids' school. The other parents especially love it when I show up in my wax t-shirt...covered in dye and wax splatters because I was running late and forgot to change my shirt. :laugh2:

LOL I do that too! I am always forgetting to change my shirt so I always get the question "What were you pouring today?"

Hey atleast we chandlers stink nice! And our houses Always smell yummy!

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I guess we're all just a bunch of "smelly" people. My neighbors tell me they can smell my house from outside even when I'm not pouring, go figure?? So I can just imagine how we must smell to outsiders? Better FO's than BO:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

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I had a issue once after pouring, had to run my son to the dr's office, and while sitting their the lady had said ...WOW!! wonder what the cleaning lady put in her mop water today...it smells like a vanilla candle. I laughed and told her I make candles, and she came to me and smelt me and said yep...its you, and when we got back into the dr's room,,all the nurses said boy it really smells good with you in here, we need to sit you in every room. I agree better to smell like a candle then smelling bad,and no one wanting to be around ya.:)

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I remembered when I was taking a yoga class about 6 years ago I used to have to change clothes before I went to class cause there was a lady in class that was so sensitive to scent she'd get a migraine headache if I was just in the room (very large workout room) and about 20' away from her.

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Well my HB picked up an order at our Pizza Place and the lady across the counter said "I smell Candles". In a Pizza palce, how could you smell anything but sauce. Plus he doesn't even come in the shop and was gone all day. When I'm long gone and someone else buys this house, they better like scents cause I think it's in the walls...

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