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What scent do you think of...


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LOL....ok...maybe I should reword my question. If you have ever known someone who always seemed to be "comforting" when you were in their presence...the kind of person who was always kind...and their smile lit up a room, that everyone found "comfort" in her presence, and they passed away from Cancer...and you wanted to create a candle in thier memory...what scent would you think of?

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I am not a huge floral fan... but I feel "comfort" with honeysuckle. Don't know why... just do. It just seems beautiful, and lively, yet delicate and feminine.

I hope that doesn't sound corny!

I really love Honeysuckle Jasmine from Candle Science... and honeysuckle from the candle source.


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Thanks everyone for all the ideas! I was just really stuck!

I am not a huge floral fan... but I feel "comfort" with honeysuckle. Don't know why... just do. It just seems beautiful, and lively, yet delicate and feminine.

I hope that doesn't sound corny!

I really love Honeysuckle Jasmine from Candle Science... and honeysuckle from the candle source.


Not corny at all!!! I looked up the flower meanings of honeysuckle and jasmine:

Honeysuckle: Sweetness Of Disposition

Jasmine, White: Amiability and Cheerfulness

That really sums her up, I think! Does the Honeysuckle Jasmine from CandleScience throw well in soy? (ecosoya 135)

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comforting to me would be a "grandmas kitchen " type of fragrance or to the other extreme a "baby powder" type. A new one that i just burnt at the weekend which was a beautiful soft floral fragrance was "Moonlight Path" from the Candle Source.....absolutely gorgeous.HTH:)

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I also think lavendar would be a good one.

BUT for me, my all time relaxing comfort scent is Peak's Mandarin Plum! Something about that one just TOTALLY destresses me. Last year I was outside spraying weeds and I went into the house and the whole house smelled like it.... because my girls had used a soft container candle as HAIR GEL!!! The amazing part is that I didn't freak... like I said, relaxing scent lol... That's also the scent I used for labor with my last baby. :)


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Thanks everyone for all the ideas! I was just really stuck!

Not corny at all!!! I looked up the flower meanings of honeysuckle and jasmine:

Honeysuckle: Sweetness Of Disposition

Jasmine, White: Amiability and Cheerfulness

That really sums her up, I think! Does the Honeysuckle Jasmine from CandleScience throw well in soy? (ecosoya 135)

Wow... the flower meanings are beautiful!

I haven't tried the honeysuckle jasmine in 100% soy. I did try it is 50/50 blend, and it was wonderful!

I now only use paraffin, and it is amazing. I think it's worth a shot in soy though.

Honestly, it is a beautiful scent. I figured if it didn't throw in my candles, I would use it in soap or lotion for sure! It's one of my favorites. I think you would be happy with it. :)

Let us know what you pick!

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