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Latest candle fad--

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I haven't seen it but if you google it, I guess some are making these.

They are color changing candles. According to my uncle, very popular in the UK. They have an LED light in the base and an optic fiber than runs up the wick, when the wick is lit, the color changing LED in the base comes on. Pretty neat.

You can see them here:


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Those are like to the birthday candles that start playing happy birthday when you light them and stop when you blow them out.

hmmm , maybe the same tech can produce a candle that knows how long its been burning and be able to put itself out after the proper amount of burn time... say 4 hours or so..? We had a discussion about that months ago and it just clicked when I thought of these candles that turn something on and off when you light them.


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hmmm , maybe the same tech can produce a candle that knows how long its been burning and be able to put itself out after the proper amount of burn time... say 4 hours or so..? We had a discussion about that months ago and it just clicked when I thought of these candles that turn something on and off when you light them.


What a great idea Bruce!! Hurry up and patent that idea before we see it show up somewhere else! lol Would be nice though ... wouldn't it?

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Those are like to the birthday candles that start playing happy birthday when you light them and stop when you blow them out.

hmmm , maybe the same tech can produce a candle that knows how long its been burning and be able to put itself out after the proper amount of burn time... say 4 hours or so..? We had a discussion about that months ago and it just clicked when I thought of these candles that turn something on and off when you light them.


I remember that! The girl that had a patent pending on a candle technology that puts out the candle after burning for so many hours. Had to do with a an internal wicking system that had several sections. After a section finished burning the candle was supposed to go out.

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There is a version of this candle in todays (Sun) newspaper. Walgreen's Circular $9.99. Looks very pretty. :wink2:

I knew I had been seeing those things but couldn't remember where until I read your post about Walgreen's. I've been basically living at that place lately and I was always in a rush so no time to check it out. Now you've got my curiousity up and may drive around the corner to go see one.

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