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zig zag candles


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Thanks to all.

I don't know if I like them so rustics. I sent the pics to my friend and will see what she thinks.

The mold is a round 4" mold with two holes and a divider to be put in the middle.

But you have to pour one colour at time.

Then when they are cooled they are separated.

Leveling is a bit of pain. Those in the pics are not leveled, you must be precise when pouring, using the same amount of wax and trying to pour at the same level.

I burn them separately they have a 18 flat braid, and it works fine.

But you can burn them together as if it's one two wicks pillar.

I like them separated. One thing you can do is doing the two halves in different heights, and it seem a little sculpture.

Thans again

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Candle Man, you usually burn them together.

Sabrina, I really like them. I have been looking at that mold also, but was wondering how you level them and get them even. I see you don't have that answer. :wink2:

Not sure if this has been answered yet as I haven't read further down. What I do with my mold like this, is I put the 2 that are going to make one candle (like one side red, one side yellow) I put those halves together and then put a level on top of them and put them on my leveler. That way they end up the same height as well as both being level. This also helps them stick together a bit better.

HTH and that it makes sense. :)

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They do look great! I have been working with a similar mold, a Yin Yang mold... I think your's look great! I love the colors.

I have used the Yin Yang too......I think they are fun...not your ordinary candle....but of course Sabrina....you are never ordinary (smile)....Love Big Sis

PS....I like your candles. I will get back to you about sent samples...have to go to physical therapy now.....then maybe I get 30 seconds to email people.....(smile again) Donita

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