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Does the smell of Victoria's Secret

country creek

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I carry a lot of scents I can't stand to pour, but are great sellers so I keep them. I have someone else pour the ones I can't stand and make sure the exhaust fan is on.

I got into this business to make money, not just pour what I like, so I pour what sells.

I can't stand to pour Red Hot Cinnamon or Peppermint because they burn my eyes and nose hairs. I do like the scents just not at the concentration's we pour at.

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I've never poured this but have smelled this scent in their store. All of their scents smell overly sweet to me. And whichever scent it is, they all smell about the same, all too sweet. I don't know why they took this direction. In the past their scents were fresh and pleasant, like Tranquil Breezes which was my favorite.

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OMGosh, I cant stand Loves Spell but thought it was just me and the fact that my youngest used to drown herself in that darn scent!! I will make that scent but sure cant stand it! Im making Christmas gift baskets this year for my kids and of course, this is the only scent that my youngest will wear! She is 19 so not many alternatives if I want her to like it! LOL

I do try to have a window or a fan blowing in the opposite direction going whenever I pour LS!!

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Learned my lesson the hard way today with this subject, wax dipped a bear in Heavenly for my son to give to his girlfriend and my head is pounding! I have some lovespell to do over the weekend, thinking I may have my daughter working on that for me if it's as bad as today was, uughhh.

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I love the Love Spell as does my daughter. I do have a scent that makes me sick to my stomach though, Vanilla Bliss from Snowtop. I call it a "Knock Your Socks Off, Gotta Love Vanilla" scent. Stinks up my house for two days after I make it. Next time, I am making the Smoke and Odor Eliminator afterwards. If that gets rid of the vanilla smell, I know it will work on any odor!

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