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Tart Makers - what kind of soy wax do you use?

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I use a soy pillar blend for tarts.I also use my leftover container wax(but to soft) so I have decided to mix the two and do a 50/50 blend. Both waxes are the flakes so want to do that rather than parafin(blocks) and my soy container wax. I get lots of compliments on my tarts.Their texture and looks so I am hoping they keep the look of my pillar wax and not be smooth and plain like my soy contaiiner wax.


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Question for those of you who use the Soy Container wax for tarts...if you use tart molds do you have a difficult time getting it out of the mold. I have a lot of soy container wax that I want to use up but I didn't think I could use it for tarts because it would be too soft? TIA :smiley2:

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Question for those of you who use the Soy Container wax for tarts...if you use tart molds do you have a difficult time getting it out of the mold. I have a lot of soy container wax that I want to use up but I didn't think I could use it for tarts because it would be too soft? TIA :smiley2:

I've made them with soy container wax and if they stick to the mold, if you pop them in the freezer for a couple of minutes, they will come right out of the mold.

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I use KY Pillar/Votive blend soy wax.

All natural, works like a charm in the clamshell.

Container soy wax is too soft, and it makes for a shabby appearance, in my experience. I can't stick the labels inside if I use this wax, without looking like a greasy, smeared mess. UGH! Not happening.

I am rethinking these clamshells.

I had them, I got rid of them- I brought them back. Not a huge fan.

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I just made about 25 tarts over the weekend. I used EZ Soy and added a small amount of BW I bought at Michael's Crafts. I have also added stearic acid as well.

I have amazing cold and hot throw, people at work are using the tarts as air freshners for their lockers and cars, LOL!:grin2:

However, I am a hobbyest, and I do see the greasiness mentioned, IMO, people who I am giving them to do not notice.

A bit OT but kinda related:

I went into Hallmark today at work during lunchbreak to scope out candles and prices; and I was with a coworker.

I smelled alot of no scent candles that were labeled as scented and ALOT of uncentered wicks!!!

I pointed the wicks out to my coworker, and he said he would have never noticed it if I had not shown him...

But I know the greasy thing irks some people too.

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I bought some of the GB tart wax that you recommended. This will be my first time making tarts. Do I need to mix the wax with anything (besides fragrance & color) or leave it straight? Also, do I need to use some sort of tart release spray with this?

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I also pour mine directly into clamshells. I haven't done tarts yet and I really have had no complaints about it being too soft. As a matter of fact, I popped some out the other day and they were quite firm, which surprised me. The only one I have had trouble with was the pumpkin cheesecake. It didn't pop out of the clamshells as nicely as my others have.

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I use Ecosoya P.B for my tarts, container blends just too soft & I can't be bothered fiddling around scrubbing out the moulds if the c.b gets stuck.

Most of the F.O's I've used have worked well & lasted for so long I get bored with the scent. Any that fade too quick don't get used again.


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I would try with or without and see what is better for you. I usually do use the release spray because I use chocolate molds. I just added the FO and poured at the specified temp. I tweeked my regular 415 with everything and still haven't liked it as much as this as far as throw. I noticed it seems to hold the scent longer too. I use the tarts in my house a lot. See how you like it.

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