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** What's in your pot this week/end? **

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Anyone starting to feel the rush of fall? Good luck for anyone with fairs this weekend, hope the weather cooperates with you.

What scents are you pouring - anyone found a new exciting scent for fall?

This is the last weekend for market :( so I just might take Sunday off from making product. My shelves are full anyway. Time to clean the basement so I can figure out where to put my booth stuff (for the summer it's just stayed in the back of the Cherokee).

If I get tired of cleaning :) I'll work on lemongrass soap, and start on pillars - lavender and cranberry.

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I have a show tomorrow and i have been working like crazy. I still have labels to make and wrapping and putting together some baskets. I hate doing it all last minute but i work better that way i guess. I have some new fall scents on the way to me but i problly wont have them ready for the show. I am taking a pumpkin vanilla and some bakery scents as well as my usual clean scents. Im intro ducing my coffee scrub and bath powders so hopefully they do well.

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OM! Drastic change in the weather. I don't know if anyone will be in the buying mood come Sunday, but that's when the show is. Temps close to 90. I've been playing with Solas' Vanilla Plum (delish and must get more) and cedar (separate of course.) Going to try out some spiced pear today, I hope. Have redo most of the vanilla plum for the lack of an interesting look.

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It's hot and sunny here, so I'm going to ride around the bay in the boat this afternoon after I get the cooler iced down. Got a big picnic to attend after a funeral tomorrow so no making any of my candle and soap messes this weekend!

Good luck to those of you who are doing shows!

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I will be doing what I love most.....making my STUFF. Weather here is really nice and is perfect for me to practice my bath bombs. :yay:

I can't believe I have a whole weekend to do what I want to do. Nothing really planned and I like it that way. I will be at home working away like a little worker bee.

The past few weekends have been pretty busy for me so I really need this break. I had a really big show about three weekends ago and that same weekend my MIL passed away so me and my DH have been working trying to get things cleared out of her house. We are almost done so he will be going by his self and I will be at home.

I have a show to get ready for next weekend.


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Got a two day show next weekend. Finishing up making sachets and candles for that. Also test burning six new scents for later shows--Bay Rum (which is the only one NOT burning good right now), Vanilla Bean Noel, Amish Quilt, Olive Blossom, Southwest Sage, Indonesian Teak, and Antahlah (sp?) Vanilla.

I only ever sell out of the same two scents (apple jack and orange cranberry spice) at this show every year so this year I am taking less scents, just more of the ones that I sell out of. Not a very adventurous bunch down here on the border!!

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Tonight I'm working on some lavendar vanilla votive (w/chunks). It's my first votive chunks (thanks to Deb for instructions). I'm also trying out some new scents - Candlescience Cranberry Marmelade, Green Tea & Lemongrass and Mistletoe. I'm I'm also test burning some jars with JS 50/50. Hopefully, I'll have some good results to post by the end of the weekend.

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I just finished making wooden containers for my votives and make some shelving for my craftshow next Saturday. I haven't done woodworking for over a year and today I realized how much I miss it. I also will be stirring my pot to make votives and put the finishing touch on all my birdhouses I will be selling next weekend. i think it will be a great start for my craftshows...:yay: I love autumn!!!!

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I have a home party on the 8th, so I'll be stocking up on fall/holiday scents for that in pillars, votives and b&b items. (have PLENTY of containers done in those scents already) Also gonna be stocking up on some seascapes for this party, and a show I have coming in Nov. as well. I really need to get crackin and order some oils to make some soap, but that may be a lost cause until after the holiday rush. lol (In other words skip soaping for this holiday season! lol)

That's about it for me. :)

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Have stores to restock before the big show next week and a large wholes order to fill for a customer and deliver.

Every time I think I'm drawing near to the end of the pouring, I discover yet another huge seller I forgot to pour!:shocked2:

I hasve to work this moring and then home to pour again! I haven't even gotten to the NEW scents yet and I have to pour those too! And I have to label and pack all of the clamshells too!:rolleyes2

Cinnamon Balsam



Butter Cream


Will be going and setting up Thursday after work.:lipsrseal

But at least I can be at the show and not work on Friday!:yay:


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Yayyyyy!!!! The weekend is finally here. Today I will doing the laundry that was stack chest high (lol, we are a family of five, and I work another job full-time) This evening hubby and I are going out to Red Lobster to celebrate our anniversary, as it is on Monday and he has to work. Tomorrow he and I both have the day off, so it will be spent relaxing and enjoying each other. Monday I have a vacation day and he has to work...soooooooooo I will be pouring:

Votives and Tarts in:

Red Hot Cinnamon

Home Sweet Home

French Vanilla

Spiced Plum

Pumpkin Spice

and anything else I have time for :wink2:

Have a great weekend all, and good luck to all of you who have shows. Hope you make lots of money!!!!!!!! :highfive:

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