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Best idea for doctors office

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I work in a doctors office and was wondering what is a good way to 'fragrance' my office when I cant burn candles? Other then the obvious dipping of bears but I need to put them in the examination room bathroom and front entrance. Any suggestions?


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Electric tartwarmers with tarts would be one idea. Another idea would be to hang an auto air freshener in each examining room. I not only use mine in the car, but I also hang one on the towel bar in my bathroom and it works great to scent a room like that.

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What about electric burners and tart candles?...I think is a good alternative and may work. :cheesy2:



I work in a doctors office and was wondering what is a good way to 'fragrance' my office when I cant burn candles? Other then the obvious dipping of bears but I need to put them in the examination room bathroom and front entrance. Any suggestions?


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Bev...lol...we think the same a the same time.....BTW...great idea...lol


Electric tartwarmers with tarts would be one idea. Another idea would be to hang an auto air freshener in each examining room. I not only use mine in the car, but I also hang one on the towel bar in my bathroom and it works great to scent a room like that.
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You best be careful with the scents......especially with patients that have allergies. That's one of the reasons my doctor loves my candles, but won't allow any scents anywhere in his offices and the staff aren't allowed to wear perfumes either. :cool2:

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I am okay with just a faint Vanilla. We are a rheumatologist office so scent isnt a big deal. We have spray vanilla airfreshner now but that doesnt linger enough. Our office has HUGE windows but non of them open :(

I have seen posts for airfreshners that people make. Does anyone have any instructions for me how to do that? Thanks everyone for your positive input !!

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You might want to look into the Berger/catalytic lamps. They are said to kill odors and germs through the catalytic process and were originally invented for use in hospitals and morgues about 100 years ago. I also read somewhere that they are getting popular in doctors' offices because of their ability to not only fragrance the air, but to also kill germs. I've been experimenting with these for several months now. They can be real boogers, but when you get them to work they are absolutely fantastic! PM me and I'll tell ya all I done learnt so far!


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They won't allow electric tart warmers in examination rooms. Fire inspectors will say it is a no no! I am a ex nurse/office manager. With you luck someone would also knock over the hot wax. In the bathroom or the waiting area. Mainly a child then you have a law suit on your hands. I know you have supply vents in the exam rooms and bathrooms some of you ladies could brainstorm what to hang in front of or under those. Candle man has a great idea too! Smelly jellies would be a good idea.

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You could also make the solid fragrances in jars that are made with Knox Gelatin with these allow to cool a bit and use plastic containers. I dont think glass would be a very good idea either due to breakage. I think I would go with a paper air freshener or you could make a organza air freshner bag.

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I work in a doctors office and was wondering what is a good way to 'fragrance' my office when I cant burn candles? Other then the obvious dipping of bears but I need to put them in the examination room bathroom and front entrance. Any suggestions?


No offense but if I'm sick then the very last thing I would want is to smell a fragrance of any kind. Lets say I went to the Dr. because I had the flu, if the room was filled with the smell of florals then I would be in the bathroom heaving in record time. In my opinion, care givers and food servers should never wear any sort of fragrance other than unscented deodorant. If it is for your own personal office then I would think that an air freshener would be sufficient.

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No offense but if I'm sick then the very last thing I would want is to smell a fragrance of any kind. Lets say I went to the Dr. because I had the flu, if the room was filled with the smell of florals then I would be in the bathroom heaving in record time. In my opinion, care givers and food servers should never wear any sort of fragrance other than unscented deodorant. If it is for your own personal office then I would think that an air freshener would be sufficient.

I agree 100%. I currently work in a doctors office and have for many years. I don't think the office should have scent except for the natural scent in the office. If there is one thing I have learned for making my own products is that everyone has different taste when it comes to fragrances. What you think smells really, really good will make someone else sick. Just my opinion.

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