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** What's in your pot for the week/end? **

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Happy Mom's day to all the moms and moms to be :)

I was just invited to a last minute market tomorrow (at a market I'm trying to get into). I've been madly throwing things together, I wasn't expecting to do a fair until mid-June. They want extra booths there for mothers day gifts. Will probably do horrible, cuz there's a huge balloon festival and art festival in the main town, but better than sitting on my butt...

Sunday I'll start making up whatever I sold.

What's up with you? Have a great weekend!

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This weekend I'll be carving a couple of Unity candles, and some ocean scene candles, then I also need to make some lotion for my mom, and I also have to get together some fundraising packets to take to my daughter's 4H club so they can start selling for the next 3 weeks or so. When I get those back, I'll be busy filling orders for the fundraiser. :)

But just getting all this done this weekend will be enough, since I only have Saturday to do it. :) (Sunday being Mom's day and all, I'll be going to her house for the majority of that day!)

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For Mother's Day, I'm going to order some of the sale FO from Just Scent, and some buy-1-get-1-free molds from Candlewic - :bliss: - gonna have fun!

...and then there's the palm pillars that keep sticking to my molds! Need to resolve that.

Happy Mother's Day!

This is a great group of people!

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Rockin' doing a one-day show Saturday and I'll be using up the last of my wax trying to get some scents back in stock. I hope there's enough to play with a couple of new batches. Other than that, still drying out incense (which probably would have gone over well at the show this weekend lol!)

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Test burning some layered jars I made, hoping they burn well and I can feel ok about giving one to a friend as (part of) a bridal shower gift. I called it marriage in a jar, it's jasmine (happiness), rose (love) and freesia (trust) with a cute hang tag. Again, NOT giving this away if the testers don't burn properly, but I have had great luck with the CD-5 wicks so far.

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I ordered a buch os supplies earlier this week. wick samples, three different kinds of wax, jars, FO'S, the EZ Wick setter! and some wick holders!:drool:

Im so excited its like Christmas:yay:

I hope everything comes in by sunday ill be testing testing testing

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Just received an order of jars yesterday and my new FO is on the truck to be delivered today. So tonight and tomorrow will be spent making candles and testers. Sunday is going to be a do nothing day since not only is it mother's day it is my 32 birthday....I plan to be pampered as much as I can...lol

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I am going to ATTEMPT to make soap in the crock pot....:wink2: For mothers Day I am going to orders some scents and a few other goodies.

I may set up my table tomorrow and see how it goes. It is along a major hwy with lots of traffic and great visibility.


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I'll be making up a couple of batches of Dreamsicle soap, since this is the only soap two of my nephews as well as my stepfather will use now. Other than that, will be working some more on a salve recipe I've been tinkering with. Sunday, is going to be a ME day. :yay: Happy Mother's Day!!!

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Ack! You WOULD ask...LOL. Too much on my plate this weekend. In addition to the usual farmer's market tomorrow, I've poured a gob of paraffin jars yesterday, so I have those to label today. I am pouring a gob of soy jars today, plus I desperately need to make whipped shea and soap. Tons of soap. Coconut Lime, Mango, Sunny Citrus, Spice Islands, Blackberry Sage, and Papaya Ginger to be exact. I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting. LOL

Anybody got a few large soap molds to spare? ;)

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Got some new FO's from GL that I want to pour for testing this weekend. I got Indonesian Teak and Honeysuckle Blooms. I hope the Indonesian Teak smells as good in wax as it does OOB ... I'm liking that one!!!

Hoping, too, to enjoy a relaxing Mother's Day. Will go to church in the AM and then hoping to just kick back and relax the rest of the day. The best present I could hope for!!!

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I'm going to be making soap...found my recipe, thought it was lost forever! {read: I finally cleaned out my soaping/candlemaking room!} Going to try and get more organized, and am going to make up some room spray and play with more wax. I can't stop trying out new waxes, plus do have some fo's to test in wax too. Now if I could only get dbf involved in some activity, so I can play to my hearts content! :grin2:

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My novel is again in my pot this weekend because I have Bronchitis. I can't smell a thing so I'm not making anything I can't smell. And when I'm sick, I don't tend to eat either so maybe I'll loss that ten pounds of winter weight.:P I'll stay upstairs in the loft and write for a few days. Maybe by the time I'm well, the price of gass will have splipped back another 30 cents! Yeh right!:lipsrseal

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