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Whatcha pourin' this weekend?

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I have a huge soy candle order, so I'm going to be pouring about 20-25 scents. BUSY weekend. LOL

Then I want to make a batch of Ripe Mango soap. I plan to do an orange swirl.

Next will come lotion bars in 3-4 scents and lip butters in 3-4 flavors.

Any takers on bets to whether I'll actually get all this DONE in one weekend? :laugh2: I crack myself up.

Whatcha making this weekend? I'd love to play with a pillar or two, but obviously I won't have time!

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Black Raspberry, what else? I'm ashamed, my week wasn't as organized as I thought it would be. I should have 100 bars already done, and I've only got 34 :( Even with a list the days got away from me lol... I'm sorta enjoying unemployment :)

2 batches a day for the next week. Plus I've got to make some more tub teas, and a bunch of deep cleansing oil/face serum packages. Shipping a wholesale order out Monday hopefully, yay!

What I *really* want to do is 2 test batches of apricot & apricot freesia - both from Sweetcakes.

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Pillars: Peach, Strawberry & Cream and Vanilla

M&P Soap: Matching scents for above pillars and Maduro, Indonesian Teakwood and then a experimental combo of both.

After all this, I can count on DH making a run to Baskin-Robbins:grin2:

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I'm testing some soy blends - trying to find the one I want to stick with. I also have some J50 candles to test. If I didn't buy so many FOs, I would really have less testing to do, lol. But, I can't seem to do that. ;)

Also, cleaning my house and getting ready for my last set of law school exams ever (don't know if I should be happy or scared :eek:)

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I have a pillar wholesale order I need to ship today (ugh, I hate shipping!)

Another wholesale order just came in, luckily for jars...so much easier! So I will be working on 10 cases of jars and hopefully testing some new summer scents.

And! If the rain will slow down, we're emptying the garage to convert the whole thing into my workroom!!!

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getting ready for my last set of law school exams ever (don't know if I should be happy or scared :eek:)

From someone who's been there---- BE HAPPY!!!! Then, after they're over be scared of taking the bar exam. My whole summer was terrible that year... DH used to look over at me in bed sometimes and say "Who are you? I know I've got a wife, but I haven't seen her in a long time... Are you her?" LOL!

Just know that there is an end!!!!!:grin2:

Edited to Add: By the way, I will be making some nice "spring-y" pillars for my in-laws for easter. Would have been CB-135 containers, but Candles & Supplies is out of stock until Monday...

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From someone who's been there---- BE HAPPY!!!! Then, after they're over be scared of taking the bar exam. My whole summer was terrible that year... DH used to look over at me in bed sometimes and say "Who are you? I know I've got a wife, but I haven't seen her in a long time... Are you her?" LOL!

Just know that there is an end!!!!!:grin2:

I can't wait for the end! I need a steady paycheck again and I need my life back, lol. Law school is like a vampire, just sucks the life right out of you. But, I really don't look forward to studying for the bar all summer. The beach is an hour away from me and I would much rather be there (or pouring more candles, lol).

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Well I am going to be playing with my newly acquired FO's,;) some Palm wax to make some tarts, votives :yay: and some jar candles:D ...then I 'may' clean house:smiley2: ...don't have to worry about cooking as it is hubby's turn to cook and he is a great cook:yay:

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I am still testing. I had stopped making candles for a while but have always stayed on the boards. I have been testing, testing, testing (can I say that word enough). I am currently testing the Greenleaf 70/30 blend and I am loving it. I have also tested some of their oils and am very impressed. My old oils have thrown well so far too. So back to testing so I can start selling again.

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Well, I was going to do votives and containers in Sweet Grass... Did that. And I have to dip some critters for a show this coming Friday. Needed some bunnies, so I went off to my suppliers to see what there was to see this morning... :drool: Spent too much money - that's the danger of being able to drive to two suppliers, both with Saturday hours! But now I have some pretty baskets for my bath bombs and 8 new fragrances to test, including one that my supplier renamed "Muskoka Boathouse" - in addition to restocking my bears and getting some cute bunnies and chicks. Decided at 10pm to make a few batches of aroma beads to get some sachets ready for my Mother's Day gift baskets. So they are soaking up the scent right now.

Lastly, my accountant is coming over after my kids' swimming lessons tomorrow morning to help me finish setting up Quick Books! Critters will get made sometime over the next couple of days!


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I got a bunch of orders at work on Friday that I have to fill. I've poured some apoths in Black Raspberry Vanilla and Pink Sugar. I've also made some votives and tarts in Black Raspberry Vanilla and Key Lime. I'm loving these!

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I am pouring Lots of Motrin and antibiotics!!:cry2: :cry2:

My youngest is sick again with strep throat.. Had it 2 weeks ago and never kicked it. Now it is back for a second round!!

Candles on hold for now,

Cuddle time and movies for this weekend!!!:)

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I am pouring Lots of Motrin and antibiotics!!:cry2: :cry2:

My youngest is sick again with strep throat.. Had it 2 weeks ago and never kicked it. Now it is back for a second round!!

Candles on hold for now,

Cuddle time and movies for this weekend!!!:)

Awww I hope he or she gets to feelin better soon!!!:awww:

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Awww I hope he or she gets to feelin better soon!!!:awww:

Thanks Breanna!! It is my 8 year old son...

On the way to the Doc's this week-end, he asked me about Santa and the Easter Bunny.... and wanted the truth..:cry2: :cry2: So I told him....It was tough.

My baby is all grown up now!!

We got to watch Narnia, which was really good!!

I know I have read that you have older kids...

But it is a great family movie to watch even with the older ones!!

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