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Lemon Meringue... Pie? **Cut Picture Added**

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Well, not quite but my DS thought so when he went into the refrigerator this morning and saw this in the mold and thought it was cake. I put it in the fridge to avoid gel. I wanted to keep the colors a creamy consistancy instead of being translucent.

Scented ICS Lemon Meringue... in a 2lb mold to test... and I swear if this one starts to discolor, I'll never buy another ICS oil for soaping, ever.


Hopefully in the morning it'll be hard enough to cut. Right now it's too soft.


I'm thinking it's gonna turn, see the slight "picture framing" on the bottom corner?

It's looking a shade darker to me too. I'll know for sure in about a month.


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Thanks guys! Bun, the topping isn't exactly the way I wanted it but after an hour in the KA I gave up. I beat the holy shi* out of it, and never could get it as airy as I wanted... I'm going to have to re-read the tutorial from Nizzy (?) on whipped soap to get it right the next time. If this FO doesn't discolor, I'll do a monster batch and maybe by then I'll have the details worked out.

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They thought it was CAKE? Obviously they need a bit more training. My family KNOWS that when they see me making something, it's always SOAP or B&B products. Not actual edible FOOD, for Pete's sake. :laugh2:

That soap looks fantastic! Gonna be cute all cut into bars. I love lemon.

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I'm with your son man, where's my fork or better yet, my big ol' spoon??!! :D

I swear if I didn't know nothin' about soapin, and I saw that in someone's frig, I would've taken a bite out of it fo sho!!! LOL

I don't know why you don't like that whipped top, it looks like the real deal to ME!! :D

Hopin' that it doesn't discolor on ya, but dang girl that is some awesome lemon pie soap!! :thumbsup:

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