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Stop You Guys--we Made It!!!!!!


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Ok you guys I just checked my paypal account and we have I think hit McKenna's goal, I can't believe it!!!! I'm sitting here shaking my head in total amazement!!!!!! :eek:

I haven't actually calculated and I need to subtract out all the shipping moneys, but I'm pretty sure she has enough.

Please do not send any more money!

I cannot thank all of you who contributed to McKenna's fund enough, you really have shown what great, caring, kind, and giving people you are. I am so thankful and feel so blessed to know you all and to be a part of this board with the best group of people in the WHOLE world!!!!! :D


I really cannot say this enough, no words can express the way I feel.

I'm so happy that McKenna will be able to go on her trip you guys. She really does deserve it, she is such a blessing in my life. She is a good girl, a great student, a wonderful friend, and an AWESOME daughter.

She has overcome great obstacles in her life (a small handicap) and has become a strong beautiful young woman that I am so very proud of.

She just reminded me when I raced into her room yelling that she'd be going on her trip (b/c of all of YOU!!!!!) and she started crying and said, "Mom, that's the BEST birthday present I could ever receive!!" (her birthday is this Monday coming up ;) ) She'll be 14. My baby girl is really growing up. :(

Oh you guys have made me so happy-and there goes my makeup again. LOL

I feel so cheesy saying thank you so much, but it just doesn't seem enough to me, I keep trying to find a way to say it better, to really SHOW/TELL you how much this means to our family!!!!!!!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

I will get a final total once I go through and subtract out for those that have ordered candles.

So, do not send anymore money, and I'll post the final total after a while.

I'm gonna post this over in the off topic area also, since I know that Jennie linked my original post over there early this morning.

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Yippee! I am so happy that you met your goal. I can only imagine how excited your daughter is to go on this trip. I hope that she has a wonderful time and takes lots of pics. so we can all see. :D Just shows you what a lot of people just doing a little can do. :)

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WooHoo!! We did it! I am sooo happy for you & McKenna. No thanks needed.... I am just so happy we could all come together and help out. That in itself has filled my heart and made me bawl like a baby! Give that sweetie a big hug for me and tell her I said "Happy Birthday"! I am so thrilled that she is getting to go on this trip ........ she deserves it. :D



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Awesome, you don't need to day thank you, the best gift was being part of her being able to go. And stop it already, you have me balling again. I am a sucker for kids and cry at a drop of a hat when it comes to them. Heck, I can just be watching my babies play and I am in tears.

So glad she is going, she is going to have a blast, and a great birthday



Edit to add: I am still in awe over the power a small group of people can have in making something happen in such a small amount of time. It strengthens my belief that good still prevails :)

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:bliss: Yipee!! I'm so glad that she is going on her trip. No thanks needed here. I'm just happy to help out and to be a part of such a great community. CT has a wonderful group of people.

Tell McKenna HAPPY BIRTHDAY and I look forward to seeing those pictures.

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Awesome, you don't need to day thank you, the best gift was being part of her being able to go. And stop it already, you have me balling again. I am a sucker for kids and cry at a drop of a hat when it comes to them. Heck, I can just be watching my babies play and I am in tears.

So glad she is going, she is going to have a blast, and a great birthday



Edit to add: I am still in awe over the power a small group of people can have in making something happen in such a small amount of time. It strengthens my belief that good still prevails :)

I'm with ya on that Elle- the bawling over my babies part & the thrilled to be a part of this group :)

Shoot Michi - the girl needs some spending money right LOL!!! She's going to have an awesome time! Give her a big smooch & hug from me!!

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:yay:That is really great ( my children just looked at me like I was nuts I jumped out of my chair whoohooing ) I am so happy she is going to be able to go on her trip. that is awesome :rockon: and I wish her a very Happy Birthday. ENJOY Sweetie.;)


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:bliss: Wonderful News!! Oops! I think I just woke up DH.

It really is amazing what can be accomplished when everyone works together.Yes, she will need spending money. Now you guys have me crying . Need to go find my tissues. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, McKenna!!:cakegirl:

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I'm sitting here with a huge smile on my face and sincere joy in my heart. What a wonderful feeling to know that we helped make a young girl happy.

You don't have to say thank you, just imagining McKennas smile is more than enough. But I am doing the happy dance because the goal was met:yay: :yay::thumbsup:

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Yippee!!!!:bliss: I am so happy that McKenna is able to go on her trip! That's awesome!!! She will have a great time and make some wonderful memories. And she does need spending money...

What a great group of people here!! :highfive: I am going dry my eyes and blow my nose now (bawling is not a pretty sight)...



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FANTASTIC!!!!!3070000i.gif You are so welcome, and I'm so happy that McKenna is able to go on her trip, and that we were all able to help make it a possibility. It gives me such joy knowing that there are so many good people out there, and that in some way we have touched someone's life in a positive way.....

HAPPY BIRTHDAY McKENNA, and have an awesome trip!!!!!

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I didn't see your post about McKenna's fundraiser until today, so there is more money in your paypal account. A girl going to NYC needs shopping money:D , you can never have enough...hope she has a great trip. Tell her Happy Birthday for me.

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I'm sitting here with a huge smile on my face and sincere joy in my heart. What a wonderful feeling to know that we helped make a young girl happy.

You don't have to say thank you, just imagining McKennas smile is more than enough. But I am doing the happy dance because the goal was met:yay: :yay::thumbsup:

I ditto that! Just shows that you don't have to give a lot to make a difference in someones life. :D

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Yay, Michi! I'm just thrilled!

And please know that while gratitude is a wonderful thing, it is just as much a blessing for me (and I think it's safe to say that the vast majority of people here who contributed) to be a part of this event as it is for you to have been the recipient, KWIM?

I think we've got a good grasp on how important this was and is to your family, and we are so blessed to have been able to be a part of it!

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