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I'm sooo bummed......


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Did all this work for McKenna's (my daughter) fundraiser, and still she doesn't have enough to go on her trip!! :(

I keep looking at all these candles spread out here waiting for labels and packaging and thinking, "well that was a friggin' waste of time!!". :angry2:

She needs a ton more money by the 14th when I'm supposed to mail the check and that's not gonna happen, no way no how. And poor McKenna she's either clueless or in denial. :(

Oh and I'm overly emotional cuz it's that time of the month, so everything hits me tens times harder. I just feel like crawling in a hole today.

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Sorry you are having a downer,

Hang in there sister.:yes:

Pop a cd in and jam that is what I do *getdown*

I sold over $200. worth of candles at my local bank

Might try one of the places you do business with.

Wish you the best


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When my daughter was a Jr in HS we went to International Competition for her dance troop. A caribbean cruise (yeah baby! I was a chaperone lol meant we had 2 bills to cover) and so many of the girls didnt have the money even after we worked a fireworks stand (good money alot of work!), did countless car washes, had a candle fundraiser and a garage sale and we simply took those girls around to businesses in the local area and explained what it was for and what the gals needed. Some companies said no flat out but some gave them $25-100 and one company totally sponsered 2 girls! Its worth a shot... every little bit helps.

Good luck!!

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Ok, coulda sworn I replied to this just about an hour ago, and it's not here. WEIRD!! I'm defnitely losin' it today!! :eek:

Thanks for the offers to buy a candle ladies, that is sooo sweet! I hope you didn't think I came here asking for that, cuz I know that you (most of you anyway) make your OWN candles, and that was not my intention, just basically to rant and vent a bit. ;)

My husband tried to get the local Harley Dealership where he spends tons of money each and every month to sponsor McKenna for the balance, and the owner said he would look into and now he won't return DH's calls. grrr At least have the courtesy to call back and deny it or something, instead of avoiding us!!

I am going to ask at our local grocery store (we live in a small town) if we can sell there this weekend, but the girl scouts have been out at every single store front in town for the last two weeks so not sure how much people will buy. ????

Time just really got away from me, I swear I thought since no one else was doing candles that this would be the fundraiser to end all fundraising KWIM??? :( People just would not buy from her, I got most of the sales from a msg. board that I've been a part of since I was pregnant with my last child (6.5 years now). These are ladies that most I haven't even met IRL, and they came out in full force for McKenna, it made me cry!! Especially since we've lived in this neighborhood for 13 years and only ONE person bought from her around here. :(

I guess it's not over till it's over right? I was really hoping she'd get to go as this is an opportunity of a lifetime.

Thanks for all the advice, tips and offers guys, it means a lot to me. :)

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Thats crazy for them not to let you put any candles there. Some of my best customers are Harley dudes. Dont let the look fool you. Do a leather and lace and call it Biker and Biker chick. Bring it there for him to try. How much are you short? This is a slow time for all of us but if 20 of us send a kiddo donation, no need for a candle, you should have enough. I am totally for helping out kids, i gave up on adults, thats worthless.

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Oh Michi!! I'm so sorry, I know this has been a struggle for you and how important it is for your daughter to go on this trip. Are there any other friends and/or family that can take candles to work and try to sell to their coworkers?

I know things seem to sell easier when they can take the item with them (impulse shopping!)

Do you have a hairdresser? Maybe she could set a few up at her station?

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