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Another layered soap...


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came out of the mold today. It's scented SC Coconut and Lemongrass and smells yummy so far.


I hope it holds its scent. Now to figure out a name...I thought about calling it "Miami Vice"...hehehe...because the colors reminded me of the colored T shirts that the Sonny Crockett character wore under his white suits on the show. But that would probably infringe on copyright plus I'd always have to be explaining the name. :rolleyes2 Then people would think I was nuts!

Thanks for looking!

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Guest EMercier

You are such a show off!! :P I like the way those look. I would call it Miami. It kinda reminds me of flamingos and old men in white shoes with socks to their ankles!

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Those are soooooo pretty! What do you mean hold its scent? You can lose scent in soap? If so, how does that happen?

Some scents will fade over time. I usually stick to SW FOs that have notes by them that say the scent holds up well... I also check the scent review board when I'm trying something new.


BTW Brenda, those are gorgeous - I love your layered soaps!

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Thanks for your comments everyone! :yay:

I just gave the bars another sniff. The coconut scent is definately taking a back seat on this one, which is a real shame because OOB the scent blend was awesome. The scent is very nice, but seems to be lacking in the coconut right now. :cry2: It will be wonderful in other products though. Body butter, perhaps.

I think I will call it "Miami". Loved your comment about the old men, EMercier! Thanks for editing the name.

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Thanks for your comments, fellow soapers! :)

WOW those are awesome! I've not tried layering. So do you get it to a thick trace, right? PERFECTION

Here's what works for me when I layer:

When I layer I don't take it to thick trace or I can't get a smooth top on it. I try to pour when the soap is the thickness somewhere between crepe batter and pancake batter (thin). I know it's ready when I wiggle the spatula in the soap and it makes little ripples in the top. (Hard to explain. Next time I make layers I'll see if my husband can snap pictures of the process.) Then I pour it into my 32 bar mold, push soap into the corners with my spatula, and then grab the edges of the mold and shimmy it back and forth and side to side on the level table top. This manages to spread the layer evenly and usually leaves a nice smooth top without spatula marks. I let it cool, uncovered on the table in my cold kitchen (the one good thing about winter). Usually by the time I measure out the ingredients for the next layer, warm the oils, and they cool to low temps the layer has cooled enough to solidify and is ready to receive the next layer.

I just repeat the process. This time when I pour I pour the soap from the stainless saucepan (yay! no big soap pot - another cool thing about layering!) onto the first layer. I do put the spatula into the stream to deflect the flow of the soap, then spread it out as before. Then shimmy, shimmy!

The process is repeated a third time as before. I have a big cutting board that just fits over the edges of the mold, and I slide the whole thing into the oven at 170 degrees for at least 30 minutes. This usually gives it the boost it needs to gel thoroughly. I peek after a couple of hours and if moisture has built up on the underside of the cutting board (high density polyethylene) I wipe it off and put it back on. Then the next morning I have layers! I cut it when it has cooled to room temperature.

I hope I've explained what works for me well enough. Give it a try if you have a slab mold. I think having a large open area in the mold makes it easier than when using a narrow mold. Just easier to spread the soap evenly. And having a level surface is a must.

Hope to see many layered soaps here soon! Wouldn't a bar with neutral shades be fantastic? :drool: When I saw michelleB's soaps I could just "see" them layered.

Happy soaping!

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