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FYI....my absence on here

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PLEASE don't think I've abandoned this forum because I never will. Y'all are the greatest. I'm going thruba lot of chronic pain, depression, and personal problems and been too depressed to be online much. I promise I will be back soon. I love y'all and feel I have the newest bestest greatest set of friends ever and will not be leaving y'all. Just pray for my pain, depression, and my 20 year old nephew who is like my son and has a serious drug problem going on. If something happens to him I won't be able to go on. I'll get to your messages very soon and be in better spirits soon and back in thee candle mood. Sorry for typos. Mmy eyes are pouring with tears as i type thiss. Please pray hard for me, but mostly for my 20 year old heart, Colby. Love y'all so much. As a loner, I feel y'all are all I have tobturn to right now. Sorry to burden you witb it. Love, Pam

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Sorry to hear about the troubles, Pamaroma -- just remember that everything in life is temporary.  Your focus is what will guide you through your day, and what you have to give will take you away from your own issues that you will deal with or solve.  Your nephew is lucky to have you and hopefully he is appreciative, but it's your strength that will help him the most, as he needs to take hold of his life and turn it around.  I hope you get back to your candle endeavor soon, creativity often holds the answer to so many things because you are forced to flow with the moment.  Life is short, don't let it waste!  You're stronger than you think!!  :)

Edited by birdcharm
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Do whatever you have to do to get your mind off of your depressing thoughts.  I know it is hard, but you HAVE to do it.  Clean, make candles, watch an uplifting movie, read a book, walk.  Best advice I got from a Dr. following death of my 34-year-old husband (34 years ago).  I will be praying for you. 


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I'm so sorry to hear of the pain that both you and your nephew are going through. Loads of hugs and prayers coming your way Pam for you and your dear Nephew Colby and hope that things get much better very soon for you both. You are NOT alone! We miss you here and want you to come back as soon as you feel like it and can. Take care friend. :)

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Pamaroma :)

I am a newbie here on this forum & can certainly relate to you . I too feel like I have many new friends & everyone here has been great .Please do not stay away to long .Communicating with others will help strengthen you emotionally. I have found what has worked for me is to keep calm ,carry on & do the best you can each day. Do not get down on yourself & know you can accomplish anything you want. Take your time & stay positive. Most importantly ask the Lord for strength ,he is there for you always. Birdcharm is right your stronger than you can imagine. God bless & take care ,Kat

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Im checking in on you Pam - how are you - are you OK ??? Im hope your feeling better. Although today is cold here, the sun is shining + the skies are blue

that always seems to help :) Im not sure if you get around much but Ive found long walks seems to do wonders for the spirit + mind - Stay well :) 

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Pam, I am so sorry about what you're going through. Hang in there and like others have said, stay in touch and keep communicating. Sometimes it's just a friendly word of encouragement or knowing that people care that can help you get through. I will be praying for you and your nephew. We are all here for you!

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Pam, please reach out to us when needed- this is an amazing group of people that truly care about what others are going through 

I pray for strength and clarity for you and I truly hope your nephew gets the help he needs, it's truly terrifying when someone you love is being controlled by drugs, you just need to remember it's not on you, you didn't make that choice for him - I know that does not help much while your going through this but we are here for you

If you ever want to Pm me I am a good listener, my sister in law suffers severe depression, bipolar and anxiety so I have some understanding in what you may be going through and will be here if you ever need to just talk


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AAAhhhhh.....see there Pam?  Look at how many of us care......It's like a family here...I've never met anyone here but there are so many good ones of us here.  We do need to plan some type of like a reunion and meet somewhere, sometime.....I would love to meet everyone!  I know we have all mentioned it here, so maybe someone should start the ball rolling.....I'm going to check into some things.;)



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God bless each of you and thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will eventually get there. Much love!  My nephew is doing better but my depression and back and hip pain isn't. All I seem to do lately is lay in bed all day and either cry or sleep. Y'all are such wonderful people. Sorry I turned this into a therapy forum instead of candles, but maybe I'll be back up and going soon. I'm on two antidepressants..paxil and cymbalta, so maybe they will take effect soon. I love each of you!!!

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Pam do you take pain medication for your back & hip pain? Sometimes your doctor can work with what is best for your kind of condition. I have chronic pain & understand your depression .Please try to stay positive & not let your depression keep you down. Take charge & never stop trying. I have learned to take my time with my projects & do not over work ,setting goals is the first step to a better state of mind. I have suffered from depression & know what your facing. I lost both my parents & my brother within a 2 year time period ,thought I was not going to make it .I gave my sorrows to God & ask him for strength to carry on .It has been 2 to 3 years later & I am so much better. I do still have sad moments & always will miss them. I will be praying for you & hope you can focus on a goal for yourself. It can be just small baby steps & before you know it ,you are accomplishing your wax adventure with success. Pray for your nephew & give this to God ,he has his plan for us all . Some medications can actually cause depression ,so always discuss your progress with your doctor. I have learned that less is sometimes best ,of course we are all different .I send you prayers & hope you will be able to work toward your goal. Your nephew has choices to make & just encourage him each day to make a goal for himself as well. Stay positive & your body can & will heal better. God bless you ,your friend ,Kat

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Sometimes I think all my meds do increase my depression. For my spine condition I'm on morphine, norco, gabapentin, flexeril, mobic, lyrica, and topamax. And pantoprazole for stomach problems and lisinopril for blood pressure and paxil and cymbalta for depression and klonopin for anxiety. Thats a lot of meds for a 49 year old and I've wondered myself if they are creating more problems. They have to be. But I have to have the pain medication. In fact I think if it was stronger that enough would help me, and cut some of the other pain meds out. I also get injections. I've had 3 doctors to tell me to never have my back cut on again if I can avoid it. Its a big mess. I feel if I can just get my depression under contol, it will help cope with the pain and I can move forward. It's worked before, but for some reason I can't kick myself out of this very deep depression. My nephew has started doing better and is visiting a lot, but I still can't shake it this time. I feel so hopeless and so afraid my candle making dreams are going to die because of my depression and that was such a big dream of mine since becoming disabled. Thank you for caring and for listening. Love you.

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Aww Pam ,so sorry for what your going thru. ... I definitely think the meds are contributing to the depression. I do not want to pry into your business about your meds ,but I do know your doctor has you on way to much. Lyrica & gabapentin are basically the same thing . Gosh please talk to your doctor about this & actually being on Cymbalta + Paxil with these other 2 ,does not sound good to me at all. How long have you been seeing the doc that's giving you all this stuff together ? I think that is way to much together & yes all these will cause severe depression .Please talk to him about getting off some of those especially the Lyrica with the gabapentin, Cymbalta & paxil. The Mobic is for arthritis & my husband almost died from taking this stuff ,caused his blood pressure to rocket into a life threatening situation. It is basically the same as Vioxx ,the one they took off the market years ago .I lost a husband due to a heart attack after taking Vioxx 14 years ago. He had just turned 50 ,so please be careful with all the meds. Maybe find another doc if you have to. This just sounds like a awful lot of meds IMO to be on at one time. I definitely would advise you to change docs if need be ......I am so sorry if I sound like a busy body pushy person ,it is only because I am concerned & have been thru some loss due to meds. Lost 1 husband & nearly another .These meds all taken together sound awfully dangerous. I know you do need pain relief , but the ones that are not treating your pain seem to be causing you major depression IMO . Lyrica will help pain along with the Norco .I am concerned about the Mobic for sure & Lyrica with gabapentin, paxil & Cymbalta all together just sounds very dangerous. I do apoligize if I am being to involved here . It is only because I am very very concerned about your well being . Bless you Pam & please do talk to your doctor soon .I would definitely get a second opinion asap . Never stop any med cold turkey without docs instructions .  I think you are being over medicated . I wish you the best & hope to see you get better soon :)

Your dreams can come true .Take care of yourself first & the rest will follow ,your friend ,Kat

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I don't know a whole lot about it, but I agree with katmeltswax -- that's a lot of medicine!!


Personally, I believe in some things that some people say don't work for depression, such as herb teas, aromatherapy, exercise, reading, hobbies, etc. -- but, they do work!  I think taking too many meds eventually affects your liver and vitality in general.  I hope Pam will research this and take kats advice to heart, there's got to be a better way and you only get one life. 

Edited by birdcharm
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