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Who here uses chopsticks or wooden skewers to stir in FO?

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I am spending A LOT of time cleaning a silicone batter mixer between scents. I remember that someone here used chopsticks and someone else said they used wooden skewers. I searched for the thread I remember and all I can find is one from well before I was here.

Can you tell me what you use if you use something like this?

I'd sure appreciate it!

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I buy cheap spoons from Walmart or the Dollar Store and when I'm done stirring, I wipe them off with a paper towel while they're still warm and the wax comes off quickly. I've used forks too. I'm sure there's a better way to do it then what I do though.

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That is a FAR better idea than what I am doing! Yesterday, I filled my turkey fryer so full that I could not get the lid on and I poured so much that I almost emptied it. I counted and I poured 22 scents. I cleaned that silicone batter stirrer thing I have to bits!


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I use spoons (wooden ones) and wipe them just like Belinda said. As soon as you are done stirring, wipe that sucker with a paper towel or any type of cloth and you can use it for all your batches that follow. I have the same spoons for years!

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I bought a pack of heavy duty wooden skewers that I use to stir fo. They really look more like skinny dowels because they are not pointy on the end. I have had the same pack for close to 4 years and only throw them away on occasion

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Guest OldGlory

Yes, I posted a while back that I used wooden skewers to stir my hot wax and FO with. They last a long, long time and they are super cheap.

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Currently we are using glass stir rods. They wipe off really easily. Even though they are not a thick as I was looking for and sometimes seem a little fragile I still like them. I broke one but that was my own fault for not paying attention to what I was doing. I buy them off amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Glass-Stirring-Rod-Long-Diameter/dp/B009RR16A0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1394347483&sr=8-1&keywords=glass+stirring+rod'>http://www.amazon.com/Glass-Stirring-Rod-Long-Diameter/dp/B009RR16A0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1394347483&sr=8-1&keywords=glass+stirring+rod

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I use a metal whisk as well and just wipe it off between batches with a paper towel. Speaking of stirring though.... do you guys stir gently or really whip it up? I've never known what is best so if someone could help answer that question it would be appreciated.


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Guest OldGlory

I stir firmly but try not to get bubbles. That doesn't mean it's right and another way is wrong though. Hopefully you'll get some more responses.

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I use a combination of skewers and a metal whisk, it just depends upon what's near me at the time.

For the heavier FOs like vanilla, I always give the wax a good beating and any bubbles I stir up eventually floats to the surface and breaks.

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I use a stick blender on low and pulse for 2 minutes. The stainless steel blades are easy to clean but I use fos that are similar in fragrance and don't color. There's not enough fragrance to make a difference but when switching to another type like floral from pumpkin or vanilla fos, its best to clean it off. HTH


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No I don't get bubbles. I once tried a hand mixer but got terrible bubbles. It came to me that if a stick blender could incorporate soap batter, then why not candle wax? You have to be careful and not get splattered with wax but it really does a great job of breaking down and incorporating fo and wax. Color works even better with this method and or hard to blend in fos like Muscadine Vineyard (which still leaves a little orange on the bottom). I get good adhesion and if there are bubbles they are teeny tiny ones that don't show up on the candle. HTH


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