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images stolen again!!


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Unfortunately this is nothing new. It's sad but some people just don't want to do the hard work...they just want to cash in.

You can watermark or you can add your store banner at the bottom of your pictures.

And yes I would leave a comment on their facebook page.

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I've seen this done so many times it's hard to count anymore... Simply watermark your photos (via the post above here) or use a photo editing software to do it.

As for this person, don't bother posting (well it is good therapy tho), just report the picture to Facebook and let them take care of it... The sad fact is, for every one person you find doing this, there are probably 6 more you haven't found yet...

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How are they stealing your pictures?

Are they directly stealing them from your website or a Facebook post?

If the images are on Facebook, then it's sadly public domain (as per Facebook's f'd up user agreement you sign prior to joining) If they are being stolen from your own website then there's a little trick you can do to prevent this...

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This was an older pic from my website. Alot of my images are found on google when you search for that particular item. I do have my new images watermarked, but I still wanted that one removed. It's just not right, and that's why I posted it here. I'm sure there are alot more lazy people out there that just search the web for pics they want to use. They could also purchase images from istock for a very reasonable price.

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This was an older pic from my website.

OK. I PM'd you a javascript code you can add to your website to prevent them from taking your images from the site.

Also, you can add this: <meta name="robots" content="noimageindex">

...to your site and it will prevent Google from indexing your images.

Add it above your head tag. Check your PM for the other javascript code.

If you don't know how to add this yourself - have your webmaster add it. Hope that helps!

Edited by rctfavr3
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I see another person posted asking to have their picture removed also- what a load of crap- so they are selling products that don't even represent what they make!

I don't know Facebook rules- can I get in trouble if I post something about a candle company using other people's products for pictures is not a place I would buy from?

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I found this person on ebay using my professionally taken photo that I paid good money for. Now, they have used another photo on their fb page. I've already sent them a message, but I'm sure some of their other images used are NOT theirs.

You can submit a complaint to eBay to have stolen pictures removed. Unfortunately in a lot of cases the auctions end before eBay can act. It is against the TOS though.

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I did submit to ebay, but the pic remained until the auction closed. I do see that quite a few photos have been removed from the fb page. Maybe they will think twice before doing that again.

rctfavr3---thanks for the code. I will have my webmaster add it.

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