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Everything posted by gingerinarkansas

  1. Has anyone ever tried any of the "adult fun aromas"? They sure have some interesting names but I don't think they would sell well in the area where I live. The Baptist church is the biggest building in our little town; right smack dab in the middle of town. I would probably have to take an alternate route just to go to Walmart.
  2. As they say, "good things come to those who wait". Not sure who they is but with the generous offer of wax and oil, I'm sure it will be worth the wait.
  3. I've purchased candles before from a local candlemaker who uses warning labels on the bottom of her jar candles but only uses a business card tied with raffia to identify her company. It also give address and telephone number and the scent is on a small sticker stuck to the card that has scent typed on it. I don't mind it not having a label on the front because that way I don't have to peel it off when the jar is empty but all company info is there if you had to contact the maker.
  4. I got mine on ebay from a place in Oklahoma for next to nothing. It was new and a real bargin.
  5. I am getting the same thing and I would love to see how to make canes. How can we see this slideshow?
  6. I have several SNC favorites. They are sooo good. Raspberry Tomato Leaf Birthday Cake Blue Skies Rosemary Mint Blackberry Sage Pink Sugar had a great smell OOB- haven't had time to test it yet.
  7. I would love to be included in this. Sounds wonderful!! Please tell me where to sign up.
  8. AnitaG- What part of Texas are you from? I use to live in Longview but then we moved to Arkansas to be closer to aging parents. I do miss Texas though.There is sooo much more to do there and I like the hot weather. Sometimes we make trips back there to pick up supplies. We are about 5 hours from Longview now.
  9. Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and experiences. It's great to have someone to discuss these things with.
  10. Sorry about the font Cetacea. I was just playing around and though it was different and then didn't change it back.
  11. Maybe it is the oils. I didn't have as many problems before I started buying from some different companies. Don't get me wrong, they have wonderful oils but maybe it's not what I need. I never know if its the wax, wicks or oils. Today is one of those days you want to put a price tag on everything and sell it all. I have heartburn bad enough to kill a person and it's just from the wicking problem. Are the wickless candles a good seller. Maybe I need to do wickless and tarts. Candlemaking is almost as bad as having a real job. I quit my last job because of the stress. Guess I was just meant to be stressed.
  12. I am having lots of problems getting the wicks to burn right in my votives. In a previous post, someone had told me to use a mixture of 25% container wax and 75% votive wax to help the hot scent throw. Would this mixture make it easier to find a wick that works better. I didn't know if the softer wax would make the burning easier for the wick. I use astorlite V for votives and J223 in containers. I have been testing the votives using cd,zinc and htp wicks but none are that great. I have people wanting to try my new scents but they aren't burning well in testing so I sure can't sell anyone any of them. I didn't use to have this kind of problems. Sometimes it makes you not want to make candles but I'm not a quitter(Yet). Please advise. The oils I'm testing came from SNC and they have really great oils.TIA
  13. If a candle has a high flash point does that also mean it is a heavy oil? If not, is there any way to determine if an oil is a heavy oil before you order it. Most of the lighter oils I can wick ok but some of the heavy ones just kick me in the a$$. Any advice from the pros out there?
  14. the 44-24-18z seems to be working somewhat. My votive molds have a lip on them and sometimes it takes time to get past that. I just keep trying.
  15. I'm not sure where you're from but I think I saw those jars at Wickwares in Lone Star,Texas. They have a website so check them out. I didn't even look at the price. I have purchased from them before and they are great people.
  16. I just found a web sight that has lip balm jars at a reasonable price. I think it is in California. They had several different sizes starting at .25 with no minimum requirements. www.starburstbottle.com
  17. I mixed everything up and rolled the "dough" out and just let my grandson use the cookie cutters and stamps on them. I did make him wash his hands after the whole deal but his hands where mainly on the cutters and stamps.
  18. I am testing a new oil I got from SNC and none of my wicks are doing very well. I use Astorlite V wax, the oil is Rosemary Mint and I am using 1 oz.pp. I have tried CD 5&6--LX 10&12--44-24-18z. I don't have a big selection of different wicks but I am open for suggestions. Can anyone help me?
  19. I went to Walmart this morning and looked all over the store for the little metal tins. Also looked for small plastic containers with lids. I was in housewares,beauty,fishing section and hardware. One lady said they use to carry them but had discontinued them. Then I went to Sam's and there I found the 2oz. condiment containers but they only came in 2000 piece box and you had to buy the lids separate. Has anyone ever tried looking at a restruant(how do you spell this?) supply place to see what they have. I'll try to contact one today. I don't want to walk around with a laundry basket full of samples. There has to be a simple solution.
  20. I made some yesterday and mine are dry to touch but probably still damp in the inside. If you air dried them outside that might quicken the process but I have allowed a couple of days. Mix up a 1/2 batch, dry them outside and see if that speeds things along. Just a trial and error thing since no one has really tried it. We made ours last week during spring break so we don't even know how long the scent will last.Good Luck!
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