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Everything posted by gingerinarkansas

  1. Thanks for your thoughts and opinions. I guess I just hit the panic button when I find out news like this. My last supplier was only 4-5 hours away and we would always visit friends and family when we would pick up supplies. I have never paid shipping on wax and very little on oils,wicks and containers. I just went to "visit" someone and mixed business with pleasure. I hated to think of "testing" temporary wax but was willing if necessary. I am going to check into candle science...they seemed to have a good price on wax. Thanks again for your opinions. Ginger
  2. I just found out that the place where I get wax is no longer going to carry J223 but they will continue to carry J50...at least for a while. Would you switch to J50...go through the testing...only to find out later that they will not carry the J50 or move on to something else early in the game so you do have to test twice? I've never used anything except Honeywell/Astor wax so I feel like an orphan and don't know what to do. I live in Arkansas, have always bought my supplies in Texas, but this is really tying my stomach in knots not knowing what to do. Please give opinions. I guess I don't adjust well to change.LOL! Also, I have 4-5 cases each of astorlite v and OK76(discontinued but is used for pillars and votives.) I don't make many votives anymore so would there be any kind of softer wax that could be added to these to make a container wax? Just trying to think of a way to use up what I have but change its purpose. Does this make sense? Help me please. Ginger
  3. I just wasn't sure if they would be ok. They just don't have that nice, fat,thick look to them. The nice,fat,thick ended up in the bag they were packaged in. Thanks for the help. I guess dd better drive faster next time.
  4. A couple of weeks ago I had my daughter pick up candle supplies for me on her trip to Texas. By the time I received them, the wicks were melted together in a waxy glob. I don't know if dd left them in the truck during the day or if the trip home got them. Anyway, I pulled them all apart but are they still good to use??? Luckily I didn't order too many. Please give me your opinion.
  5. Last week while I was having so much trouble with J223, I contacted IGI to see if they could give me advice. They emailed me back with some questions but I haven't heard from them since. Should I email them back and thank them for not getting back with me? Sure, I don't make alot of candles but I'm just as important as the big guys when it comes to questions and answers about their product. Would you contact them?
  6. I don't know what I did but my new post ended up in this thread. Sorry. I live about 25 miles east of Fort Smith. Where are you?
  7. Last week I had some candles that wouldn't adhere to jar...J223 poured in heated jars. I zapped with hot air gun...each time they were better but still had BIG wet spots and with each zapping I got air bubbles that would release and float to top. I got tired of this so decided to melt down and start over. Surprise!! Same thing just not as bad. Any ideas on what this could be. I had contacted IGI last week but they only emailed me once to ask a few questions and nothing from them since. Guess I'm too small for their concern. I should email them and thank them for them NOT responding again. Any suggestions???
  8. That's what I thought and that may be why they have reduced the price. Not a real big seller.
  9. I only do solid colors but I've been having trouble with BIG wet spots and bubbles. It seems the more I zap them with the heat gun,the more bubbles that come up but the wet spots come back bigger and better. I don't think I'll ever win the battle. Any suggestions?....maybe melt down and start fresh? I'm open for suggestions.
  10. If your wet spots aren't bad, I would say leave them. Mine cover 1/4-1/3 of the jar and they look really bad. When I zap it with the air gun I get lots of air bubbles still coming up. I've never had this before. The wax will be worn out before the candle is ever burned as much as I melt down the sides. Will this cause a problem in the way they burn if they ever get burned??
  11. I found these at www.wickswares.com ...go to misc. jars...item D (i think). They had them for almost 1/2 of their regular price. Kinda cute.
  12. There's a couple in Texas that I use: www.wickswares.com www.wixnwax.com
  13. Does any one use melon jars?I found a good deal on them but I have never used them and just wondered if they were good sellers. They look to have small opening at top...would that confine scent throw? Would they be hard to wick since they are small at top and have big, round "belly"? I need advice if anyone can help. THanks
  14. I just wanted to wish all mothers...soon to be mothers...and grandmothers a Happy Mother's Day. Hope y'all have a great day!
  15. No air bubbles but still have some wet spots that cover 1/4-1/3 of jar. I didn't want to see this again this morning but they are back. Where's my trusty little air gun?
  16. Guess I'll stay with J223. I've learned alot about it lately by good ole try and error. Mostly error!!
  17. I have used J223 for several years. I bought several cases 2-3 years ago and just finishing my last case. I don't make candles full time as you can tell. This last case is kicking me in the A$$ with all the spots and bubbles. I will probably just continue with J223 cause I don't want to start with new wax. Does IGI give samples of there waxes??? I would be willing to try a sample. Happy Mother's Day to all!!
  18. I finally got all the air bubbles and wet spots out with the hot air gun. Sure was alot of them but now I will sleep better. Hope they don't come back in the morning. I never saw such ugly candles. Maybe I poured to fast which I thought I did it like I always did. But I did everything else right as far as heating and cooling the jars. It really was a mess and I was ashamed to show them to anyone. I don't know whether to keep the J223 or switch to J50. I hate to try new wax not knowing what to expect but I will let you know if I do. I still have 3 slabs left and my daughter is heading back to Texas Friday so she can pick wax up for me. I have to decide quick.
  19. I also use J223 and have been having trouble with BIG wet spots and air bubbles. While on the IGI website yesterday, I noticed they suggest pouring J223 in heated containers and pouring at 145-155. I'm going to remelt some of mine because they looked so bad; mostly 11.5 oz. Salsa and 16 oz. mason. The 10 oz. keepsakes were ok.I had poured these in heated jars at the correct temp and let them slow cool in the box they came in but the longer they sat, the worse they looked. I'm on my last case of wax....don't know whether to stay with 223 or switch to J50.
  20. Mine would be Butt Naked, Birthday Cake and any thing fruit related.
  21. I cooled the last batch slowly...maybe the jars were too warm... maybe I poured to fast...maybe it wasn't a good day for makin' candles. Ha Thanks y'all!
  22. I've had alot of problems with with last box of J223.....pulls away from the container and air bubbles. Contacted IGI but haven't got their reply since I gave them all the details. I decided to remelt several and try to repour since most had pulled from the sides and it just wasn't a pretty sight. Do you need to add a little extra oil after you melt down or would they still have strong smell from previous amount (1 oz. per #)? Thanks
  23. Thanks everyone...Top, I do remember that survey, very helpful. Is IGI going to keep making the J50 and J223?
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